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Previously on ~
Red Eyes Love Thick Thighs.

Melody's PoV ~

"You may kill me but I have people that will avenge me" I nodded "and they will join you in hell" she looked scared as I let her drop to the floor and set her on fire once she was dead I looked to my advisors let this be the only time I have to kill like that.

Now on ~
Red Eyes Love Thick Thighs.

Renee's PoV ~

I can't believe I gave that child of mine another chance and she still lost, she must get her stupidity from Charlie. I roll my eyes as I think of a way to kill that bitch that ruined my daughter's life, I will need to get Dante he can put melobitch in her place like I got him to do before.

Then both Phil and him can have their way with her and hopefully she will get pregnant again, then once those brats are born we will take them. After all as vampires we live forever and we can just wait and claim the throne that way, but I didn't want that black bitch touching Phil. Currently I was just sitting waiting for that Alice girl to contact me and let me know whatever plan she has this time, that was until an idea came to me.

I remembered that child that was in the palace, I don't care for her name but she was powerful. What was her gift again, it will come to me "Phil I have an idea" he looked up and me and once I was sure he was listening I continued to tell him.

Phil's PoV ~

"What if we kidnapped that powerful child we saw in the palace" I thought about it "I mean it's a good plan but she's basically a princess so she will have guards" Renee rolled her eyes at that but smirked "we only have to get close enough, if we become a threat then Melody will hand herself over to us" now I was for this plan just thinking of having that woman under me for my pleasure only.

If I'm honest I hated Renee at I married her, she was fake and wanted to be skinny and didn't even know how to cook. But Melody cooked, had money, and had a pretty face for a black girl, and because of that I could look passed her cons. All she had to do was lay there as please me like a good woman should, but she was stubborn.

Then I met Dante thought the time I spent with him was short I learnt things about that woman, like how even after being fucked she was still tight and they were rough with her, and the part that became my favourite she knew her place when Dante just entered the room. The thought of her being so submissive made me ready to risk it all but I had to be smart.

But that bitch would be mine, and depending on how I felt I would share her with Dante so he could train her again. I start to close my eyes just imagining it all then it all went dark and I felt pain.

Demetri's PoV ~
(This is happening before the babies were born)

I sat watching these two idiots just sitting down like they aren't meant to be on the run, I grew angry after I heard the plan and I knew if I felt that way then Melody's guards felt the same as well. So much so that Ezra took off before I could stop him and cut off his head and pulled the body into a tree. All of that was done so silently and quickly that I was almost in shock.

In the short time I got to know him, he was a goofy guy and seemed to be unserious but to see him in a complete 180, I knew he was angry. I then watched as he prepared himself again but this time it was Gaia that attacked the woman, being in the forest truly meant that we were in her domain and I watched as she put her hand on the tree next to her.

Confused as I saw nothing but then I heard the screams of the woman we had been chasing, then I realized that she probably had sent vines underground towards Renee. Smirking as she was in pain then she was torn apart putting an end to her noise "impressive let's get them back to Queen Melody and the Kings" I said ready to go home.

Red Eyes Love Thick Thighs ~ UneditedWhere stories live. Discover now