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Previously on ~
Red Eyes Love Thick Thighs

Melody's PoV ~

And I didn't want to think about the state of the kingdoms, but I'm a queen and royal duties stop for no one. But as of right now I just wanted to spend time with the people I care about without the brat and her boy toy causing trouble.

Now on ~
Red Eyes Love Thick Thighs

Isabella's PoV ~

Nothing as been going my way since that bitch came back to Forks, Alice was killed so I lost my best friend. Now my rightful place as queen is going to be lost to some black bitch, not to forget the second child who is more powerful than me I need her back she's mine after all.

But the ungrateful brat wants to hide behind Melody like that was her mom, I'm that brats mom yet she disrespects me. Not to mention the coven has been falling apart Rosalie and Emmett spend more time with the pack, Carlisle and Esme had changed since Alice was killed they've been more strict on Edward.

I wanted to be a vampire but I didn't want this, I was meant for greatness and Edward wasn't going to give me that. I needed the Volturi to see that I'm the queen not that thing called Melody, I'm sexier than her and way better yet they settled for her. I needed a plan and fast.

Looking out of the window I see my joy Reneesme playing and that's when it hits me, I could use her to get the brat back and once she's back then I can use her to take over the Volturi. However, I knew this wouldn't be easy we that mistake never leave the packs sight and now that the ape is here the mistake I gave life to stays by her side.

That black bitch won't know what hit her everything she has belongs to me and I will get it. She wasn't even in Forks I was, she knew nothing about the supernatural world I did yet she waltz into my life and takes everything from me. Then she has powers and doesn't think as her niece I should be given the powers.

Those powers are mine I'm entitled to them since she wants to claim my dad as her brother, that then means I'm her niece and everything she has is mine. But no instead she adopts Leah and Seth who are taking my rightful powers. Also now that I remember it, that bitch didn't tell me she was a queen so I'm royalty as well I just need to take the throne from her.

Melody's PoV ~

Something in the air didn't feel right, I knew I needed to go back to the kingdoms but I also had to start being a queen to the vampires. Maybe I need to make Volterra a place where all the elementals can come and if it's just an issue with one kingdom then I go to them.

I walked out of Emily's house hearing everyone call my name worried but I didn't stop "Aurora, Maristela, Junfeng, Leimomi and Koa come" I said into the wind and within seconds they were outside and around me bowing. I looked to the trees and they were acting different, the air was hostile.

The earth and air guards were the first to follow me out, before I could say anything the earth guards spoke "my queen we have thought about the names you gave us" said the gun wielding earth elemental as he bowed he head. When he look back up at me I nodded for him to continue, the brown skinned guard smiled and stepped forward.

"I love the name Gaia and I'm glad you felt I could be given the responsibility of holding a name I accept it my queen" she said with a smile, the next female guard stepped forward and bowed "as I said I love the meaning behind the name you gave me and would love to accept Mei Chen as my name" I smiled at them.

Then I turn to look at the boys and just like last time the to speak was the male with the bow and arrow he bowed but I saw the smile on his face "I thank you for my names I will use Zhuyin as my name since the children already call me that it feels natural" Gai and Mei laughed making me smile I then turn to the last male and I smile at him.

Red Eyes Love Thick Thighs ~ UneditedWhere stories live. Discover now