"What's so bad about him?"

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It was the next morning, Ellie ended up spending the night at Joao's house. But all they did was kiss nothing more.

Ellies eyes start to flutter open, she looks over to the side where he was. But it was empty, "Where did he go?".

She sits up and looks down at the nightstand seeing a note with her name on it, she opens it.

"Morning El, I forgot I had training this morning. I didn't wanna wake you because I had to leave around 5am, I'll be back around 9:30. I hope you stay and wait because I can't wait to see you :).".

"I should stay, I really have nothing to do today anyways." She gets up and heads to the bathroom.

"Oh shit, I didn't bring a toothbrush or anything!" Ellie hates morning breath, so she looks in his cabinet to see if she can find an extra toothbrush.

She founds a blue toothbrush in the cabinet, "Thank God, My breath is so bad in the morning.".

*1 hour later*

Ellie checks the time. It's 9:20, she hopes Joao is almost back.

She hears the door opening, "Ellie are you here!?". She wants to answer but she has the idea to scare him.

She stands up and walks to the wall where he is about to walk through, he walks through and she scares him so bad he sounded like a girl screaming.

"That was not funny!" He says too Ellie, "Nah because that was so funny".

"So how was training?", "It was exhausting, and Bruno kept making fun of me because I couldn't keep up.".

"Dang you must be slow." Joao gives her a look, "Oh like you're any faster than me?".

"For your information, in high school I was on the track team actually!", "Still doesn't mean that you can be faster than me El.".

Ellie laughs and heads to the couch and motions Joao to come also. He follows her and they sit together on the couch.

Ellie goes on instagram and a picture of Pablo Gavi pops up. "Wait you follow him?" Joao says with a weird face.

"Yeah, why?", "You shouldn't follow him he isn't a good person Ellie.".

"What's so bad about him?". "Ellie it's a long story but just please unfollow him.".

"I won't unfollow him until you tell me why.". Joao doesn't want to explain but he knows that she should probably know.

"Well it was a year ago and I was at this field just practicing by myself, and out of nowhere he comes up to me and tells me that he accidentally slept with this girl that I was dating at the time.".

"Like Ellie how can you accidentally sleep with someone right?". "Well did you ever ask him the full story?".

"No because I got so pissed I just left."., "Well Joao maybe you should ask him about it too clear the air between you guys?".

"It's been over a year, he probably forgot about it by now.", "You should at least give it a try Joao.".

He pulls out his phone and looks for Gavi's number, he texts him seeing if he wanted to meet with him at panera tomorrow.

"I texted him, now we wait and see.". Ellie's glad that he texted him, she gives him a kiss on the cheek.

"Joao can I ask you something?", "Sure.". "Who was your ex anyway?". Joao gives her a confused look.

"Her name was Camila Mendes, why?". "Wait you mean the girl who played Veronica on riverdale?!.".

"Uh yeah?". "Sorry, it's just I met her a couple months ago and she seemed like the sweetest person ever.".

"Yeah that's what I thought too but looked what happened.". Joao gets up and starts to walk upstairs.

"Wait whats wrong?". Ellie asked wondering if he got upset about her asking about his ex.

"Nothing i'm just going to take a shower.". He continues to walk upstairs.

*What Ellie is thinking*

Shit. What if I made him upset, but also holy shit I can't believe he dated Camila. She's so pretty I could never compete with her if she wanted him back.

Let me see if he still follows her on instagram. Omg. He still does, what if he still has something for her?

He shouldn't, I mean if he still did what did last night even mean then?

*Back to 3rd person pov*

Joao lied too Ellie, he was upset about her asking about it. He hates talking about her because of how things ended between them.

But he can't get mad at her for wanting to know, so he goes to take a shower to calm down.

He finishes getting dressed and heads downstairs to see Ellie sitting with her feet in the pool.

He walks outside and sits down beside her. "Are you ok El?, "Yeah but i'm sorry if I made you upset asking about your ex.".

"No don't be sorry, it's not your fault that you wanted to know!". "Are you sure because you seemed upset about it earlier?".

"Listen I was upset but I knew that I shouldn't of been because you just wanted to know about who she was thats it.".

Ellie lets out a sign of relief, Joao puts his arm around her to pull her closer. They look at each other and Joao kisses her softly.

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