"That's not fair"

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"Mag I gotta be honest with you about something." I can't keep this secret anymore I need to tell her about Ellie.

"Alright go ahead.".

"So basic-." I get cut off my Margarida. 

"Your back with Ellie aren't you?" she gives me a look. 

Dang how did she even figure that out?

"I wouldn't say that we are back together but we've been hanging out with each other again.".

"So that's why you wanted to know why I commented on her post isn't it?".

"Yeah, and earlier I was texting Ellie by the way.".

"João are you sure about this?".

"Yeah, there's something about her that just makes me feel better. I can't imagine my life with out Ellie.".

Mag gives me a look and stands up to go grab a drink from the fridge, "Have you told her how you feel João?".

Wait I don't think I ever told her how I told Ellie I loved her, or did i? 

"Mag did I tell you how I told Ellie I loved her?".

"Yeah you did.", Oh I must've told her when we went out to the dinner. 

"Well I mean i'm nervous to tell her how I really feel because we both promised were gonna take this slow and not rush it.".

"Ok then, how about if you guys are still talking or whatever after the World Cup. Then you can really tell her?".

That's not a bad idea, it does give us basically another 2 months to figure out what we both want.

"Yeah that's a good idea thanks Mag.".

Ellies pov: 

"Ok Ellie so we've decided to do on the floor instead of feel this moment if that's ok with you?".

"Of course! That sounds great.".

I feel someone tap me on my shoulder, I turn around to see Emma. 

"Sorry Jimmy but can I take Ellie for a second?".

"Yeah sure but don't take too long!".

Emma grabs my hand and takes me out to the hallway, "Emma what's wrong?".

She shows me her phone, with a picture of João on someone's story. 

"Who's story is that?", she shows me it's the girl from the bar. 

What the fuck? He left early to go hang out with another girl are you kidding me? I can't worry about this right now I need to focus on my carrier. 

"Emma i'll deal with this later I need to go back to Jimmy." I head back into the room acting completely fine. 

"What was that about?" Jimmy asks me as he sips his water. 

"Oh nothing, let's get back to discussing the songs.".

Jimmy and I continue to discuss the details about the performance for another hour, then Emma and I started to head home. 

"Ellie do you want me to come over?". 

"No I need to talk to João, you can go home it's ok.".

"Ok but if anything happens call me and i'll be over right away ok?".

"Ok." Emma shuts the car door and heads inside of her house. 

Now I need to text João to come over, if he says no because he's with the girl i'm gonna loose my shit. 

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