"You could've said no"

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Ellies pov: 

I have no idea if this is a good idea to go to Joãos house but I need to make sure he's ok. 

He looked so hurt when he saw me with Gavi, and the fact he still admitted he never wanted to break up with me. 

Fuck I wanted to hug him right there but what if he didn't hug me back or something else. 

But also I feel horrible for leaving Gavi there alone, but did he think that was a date like João said?

Gavi's cute and all but I don't think that will ever happen between me and him. It just doesn't seem right to me at least.

*10 minutes later*

Alright here goes nothing, I knock on the door hoping he answers. Because if he doesn't I came all this way for nothing. 

He finally answers the door, he looks up in total shock at me. "What are you doing here?" he asks me. 

"I wanted to make sure you were ok." I explain to him. "I'm fine." he looks away after he says that, which means he's definitely not ok. 

"Let me explain what happened. Please?" I basically beg him. 

"Is there even anything to explain Ellie?".

"Yes João please." I keep telling him. 

He sighs, he moves out of the door way to let me in. I walk in and head to the kitchen. 

I watch as he walks to his fridge and grabs two water bottles, he slides one across the counter for me. 

"So go on. Explain." He says as sipping his water bottle. Fuck he's hot even when he's pissed. 

"Ok so basically I just went to panera after my rehearsal, I walked in and walk to order something but Gavi came up to me and offered to buy me something.".

"You could've said no." João gives me a look.

"Well I like free food." I give him a smirk, he looks away trying to act mad at me still. 

Ugh he's so hard to break I swear. 

"Anyways after that he bought me food and then we sat down and just talked about his carrier and yeah that's literally all that happened?". 

João sets down his water bottle, he starts walking over towards me. He lifts up my chin with his finger. 

"You still should've said no.". 

I decide I want to mess around with him to see what happens. 

"Well I said yes so what are you gonna do about it?" I smirk at him. 

"Your playing a dangerous game Adams." he says while looking straight at me. 

"Oh am I?" I say trying to ask like I have no clue what he means. 

He stares at me for a couple more seconds, and before I know it he presses his lips against mine. 

I didn't realize how much I missed his touch until now. 

he puts his hands on my waist, we continue to kiss not wanting to stop for even a second. 

I move my hands through out his hair making it a mess. He still looks hot. 

I start to tug on his shirt to take it off, but for some reason he won't take it off. 

I pull away, "Take off your shirt." I tell him. "No." he says to me. 

"Why not?" I give him a weird look. "Ellie were not about to have sex right now.". 

Boy what-, wasn't he the one who kissed me first or am I tripping? 

"Aren't you the one who even started this?" I say.

"Yeah but doesn't mean it has to be sex." he says walking over to the other side of the counter. 

Then it hit me. "You fucking asshole you were teasing me weren't you!".

He starts laughing, "That's what you get for going on a so called *date* with Gavi.".

"You suck I'm leaving." I start to head towards the door until he grabs my hand. 

"No stay." he says looking at me. 

"But we literally just broke up João?". How is this man gonna break up with me then like a week later want me to stay over?

"Well that was a mistake, this time let's just keep this between us so no one knows not even our closest friends.". 

"But we kept it a secret last time and still got caught like um?" I mention to him, seeming like he forgot. 

"I know but this time it will just be you and me knowing not even our families, well at least till were ready to tell everyone.". 

This man cannot be serious right now. God men are so confusing for what.

It almost looks like he's giving me puppy dog eyes. Ew he better stop that right now. 

"Ugh fine." I say to him. 

João grabs my hand and leads me upstairs to his room. 

Gavi's pov: 

I shouldn't of punched João but he just mad me so pissed about how he was yelling at Ellie. 

I really like her, she's so pretty and has a great personality and all João is gonna do is fuck that up. 

He's such an ass. I'm gonna ask Ellie tomorrow if she wants to go out with me. 

She's everything I want in a girl, especially how she said I'm gonna do great no matter what. 

If love at first sight is a real thing, that moment made me basically fall in love with her. 

Not saying I am but yeah. 

I'm gonna do everything I can to make Ellie Adams my girl.  





Hola amigosss, so how we feeling about this chapter?? This story is about to get really good you guys are gonna love these next few chapters. But also wanted to let you guys know I have finals starting this week so if I don't post a chapter every day this week that is why but i'll try my best 🫡 🫡

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