Chapter 1

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"I'll settle for a text though."

Was what has been going through Wednesdays head since leaving Xavier at Nevermore, school had been done for a little over a month now and Wednesday had not called nor text Xavier. It was his fault in the end, he had been bold to get her the slave technology, didn't he know that this was not her thing? But yet, she couldn't stop herself from looking at his name in her phone regardless if she used it or not. Her stalker had been kind of quiet lately so she took that as a victory but it still brought her back to the phone and Xavier. The way she had treated him the last time they were in the same place was what some would call unforgivable, she had gotten him arrested and framed him for the murders only to find out that it had in fact been Tyler. It also made Wednesday question her judgement and knowledge, she would have to work out some kinks in her next investigation before jumping to conclusion like she had last time. Xavier had been innocent and she framed him, yet for some reason he had given her a phone when in all reality he owed Wednesday nothing. That boy made no sense and it infuriated Wednesday immensely!-

"Wednesday!" She snapped from her thoughts to see her little brother Pugsley standing there.

"Pugsley? What are you doing in my room?" Wednesday didn't like when her privacy was interrupted.

"Well I knocked multiple times but you didn't answer, then I came in here and saw you staring at that cell phone." Wednesday could punch herself for being so weak minded and so distracted.

"What do you want?"

"Its time for dinner." Pugsley answered before walking out of the room, Wednesday sighed as she put the phone on her desk and walked swiftly towards the dinning room. It didn't take long since Wednesday knew her own home like the back of her hand and knew the right way towards the twists and turns of her own home. As she arrived she seen her parents all over one another but trying to keep it together in front of their children as best as they could.

"Mother, father." Wednesday greeted as she took her normal seat at the dinner table as her parents acknowledged her.

"My little storm cloud, how are you today? You've been keeping yourself locked up since returning from Nevermore."

"I'm fine, been busy with my novel." that was a lie but her parents should be used to that by now.

"And have you talked to any of your new friends?" Morticia asked, hopeful.

"Friends is a strong word, I more tolerate them than anything else."

"Is it too hard to admit that you like the school and those inside it?"

"I tolerate both." At that moment Lurch place dinner on the table and Wednesday mentally rolled her eyes at the roast that was there. If her mother cooked it than that meant she was going to have to drench it in gravy, her roasts always came out dry. The only ones that happily ate it were her little brother and father, at times she could see her own mother realizing and splashing a little gravy onto it.

"Oh! I forgot to mention, this weekend we're throwing our annual Addams family summer party!" Wednesday sighed, she hated this party a lot more than she hated her parents constant need to be all over one another. Its where you're partnered up with someone (the couples in the family were always together) and the one to find the most of an object won. Wednesday NEVER won because she was either paired up with Pugsley or Uncle Fester, neither took the game seriously!

"Why must we always throw this god forsaken party mother?"

"Its tradition! You're partnered with Pugsley this year dear." Damn it! Wednesday needed to think of something quick! It was tradition that it was always a pairing of a male and a female so she couldn't invite over Enid to help and that's when it came to her. She wanted to finally beat her parents since they always won every year and she wanted them to taste her wrath for sending her to Nevermore.

"Mother, I was hoping that I could invite someone."

"Oh? And who would that be my little storm cloud?" Her father asked, intrigued. 

"This boy I've been talking too." Well it wasn't a total lie, she talks to him. Wednesday noticed her little brother jump when her mother dropped her fork and it hit the glass plate with a thud and a smile was growing upon her features.

"Who is this lucky boy?" Her mother asked.

"He must be special Tish if she's allowing us to meet him." Gomez looked at his beautiful wife with a smile of his own.

"His name is Xavier Thorpe." Wednesday answered.

"Thorpe? His father is Vincent Thorpe? The psychic?" Her mother asked.

"Yes." Wednesday took a stab at her potatoes as she stuffed it into her mouth.

"Than invite him! Pugsley can be partnered up with Myra." Morticia said with a grin as Pugsley groaned.

"But she smells like urine!"

"Pugsley! Enough, you will be partnered with your little cousin if your sister's boyfriend shows up." Morticia exclaimed sternly. Boyfriend? Ugh! She hated that word as she ate her dinner in as much uneasiness as possible and ignoring her parents as they looked at her with pride.


After dinner Wednesday excused herself to go to her room where the phone was that Xavier bought for her, sighing as she looked for his number (which was her only number) and opened up a new message. How was she supposed to tell him to be here by Saturday? It was in fact three days away and maybe he had plans? But those plans meant nothing to her as she didn't want to lose again to her parents. Biting the hard bullet as she began to type.

Wednesday - Xavier, hello.

After hitting send she thought she would be waiting for a bit for a response but shockingly it came quickly.

Xavier - Hey! Look who finally sent me a text. Glad to know you're not dead :).

Wednesday rolled her eyes before sighing and typing back.

Wednesday - Death would have been a lot more fun but sadly I am still alive and I must ask you something.

Xavier - Shoot!

Wednesday - We do this annual Addams family thing every summer, its where everyone is split into teams of two and have to find the most of an object and the one with the most is declared the winner. Since I was a little girl my parents have always won and I want to get back at them for their constant disgustingness and forcing me to go to Nevermore. I'm usually always partnered with my uncle or my younger brother and I never come in the top three, so I was wondering if you.... if you would come and be my partner? 

Wednesday literally felt something foreign in the pit of her stomach, was it nerves? No! She never got nervous, this was probably from the roast she ate.. yes it was the roast.

Xavier - Is thee Wednesday Addams asking me to meet her family?

Wednesday wished death on him right about now!

Wednesday - I'm asking you to be at my home by Saturday, the game starts at noon.

Xavier - Don't worry, I'll be there as long as you answer a question for me :).

Wednesday - What's the question?

Xavier - Are you coming back to Nevermore next semester?

Wednesday - Yes, I will be coming back.

Xavier - See you Saturday! :).

Wednesday sighed with relief, well! This year could be her year.

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