Chapter 5: Xavier's Last Day

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Xavier was a little disappointed to be leaving, this week had been a week not like any other. The Addams family welcomed him in and they were actually really fun to be around but his driver was coming today to collect him to take him to his home where his father would most likely not be. His childhood had been one of the best, his mother and father were happy and they always wanted to do things with Xavier, but than his mother had gotten really sick and unfortunately passed away a few months after. His father had changed after that, he had put himself into work and making his name well known and practically avoiding his son like the plague. Sure at times he did talk to Xavier but it wasn't like in the past, it was more of making sure that he did not tarnish the Thorpe name and in ways Xavier kind of wanted to do so just to piss him off, to make him listen for once in his damn life but that was wishful thinking at times. At least Wednesday's parents tried and the two had sold their relationship and at times it felt like a real relationship until there were times Wednesday had to remind him otherwise and he felt like his heart got stomped on but he always recovered. Xavier was in his room packing when he heard a knock on the door.

"Come in." He called.

"Hey." It was Pugsley, the two of them had bonded and Xavier even helped him make a model of the Addams family home out of rat's tails which wasn't that bad.

"Hey Pugs." Xavier grinned.

"So you're really leaving? You can't stay?" Pugsley had grown attached to Xavier pretty quickly.

"Unfortunately not, my father was only allowing me to stay the week." He wished he was staying but also knew that that would cross Wednesday's boundaries.

"That stinks, I like having you around the house." Pugsley confirmed.

"Aw, thanks. I liked being here and getting to know you and your parents." Xavier responded.

"I'm happy Wednesday found you, she needs someone like you in her life, to keep her more grounded." Damn, even her brother noticed.. everyone noticed but Wednesday.

"Pugsley, what are you doing in here?" Wednesday entered before Xavier could respond.

"I was talking to Xavier."


"Because he's leaving today." Wednesday must have forgotten because she looked taken back for a brief moment before recovering. If Xavier had not been watching her he would not have noticed.

"Well we all knew he was going to be here a week." 

"Yes but it came too soon." Pugsley exclaimed.

"Leave. Now!" She instructed her brother who gave a wave before he left and shut the door behind him.

"You could have been a little nicer to him." Xavier cut in.

"Why? He likes when I'm cruel to him." Wednesday looked at his almost packed bag. "So it has been a week."

"Aw, do I hear that someone is going to miss me?" Xavier half teased.

"You were not bad company Thorpe." Was that a compliment?

"Is Wednesday Addams complimenting me?" Xavier smirked.


"Sure." Xavier chuckled.

"Don't let it go to your head, but I am going to give it a few weeks before I tell my parents we have unfortunately broke up." Wednesday told him. Damn, that stung a bit... or a lot.

"Sounds good." He kept his face straight. 

"Have fun packing." Wednesday hesitated before taking her leave and Xavier sighed a bit before he finished packing.


Xavier and the Addams family were outside as his driver was placing his things in the car, Pugsley hugged him and he hugged back before Morticia pulled him into a hug and than Gomez shook his hand. Xavier turned to Wednesday who leaned up and kissed his cheek and he grinned.

"I'll message you when I get home." Xavier said to Wednesday who nodded. Xavier grinned before looking at the rest of the family. "Thank you for having me."

"Our pleasure, can't wait until next year when we can take back our bragging rights." Gomez chuckled as did Xavier.

"We'll see about that, Wednesday and I make a great team." He winked at Wednesday before he got in the car. Once he was safely inside he frowned a bit, sadly they were fake breaking up soon and here he was enjoying his time with them. His driver pulled out of the Addams family estate and drove towards the Thorpe estate, well this was going to be fun right? 


A few weeks had gone by since Xavier's departure from the Addams family estate, Wednesday had to admit there was something at the pit of her stomach that felt.. not complete, like it was craving or hungry for something.. No matter what she snacked on or ate the feeling never went away, the only time it did was when she text Xavier. Odd right? For her this was odd, this feeling was not something she liked nor was used to but didn't know what it could be. Sure she could ask Enid but that would mean that she would need to explain to her the events that happened last week and knowing her friend.. oh that was not something she wanted to open right now, not with Enid, not ever. Wednesday had barely talked to Xavier since he left, he was used to it and she was grateful that he left her to her thoughts but still, she wished that she knew what to do.. Today was the day she was going to tell her parents that her and Xavier 'broke up', they should have seen this one coming right? Walking downstairs to see her mother in the greenhouse inside their home (that didn't bring back memories of Ms. Thornhill aka Laurel Gates.. *insert sarcasm*) and of course her father was playing hand wrestling with Thing.

"Mother, father." Wednesday greeted.

"Hello my little dark one." Her father greeted from his match with Thing.

"Hello dear, how is Xavier?" One question her mother asked her daily since his departure, it was kind of annoying and sickening to her ears.

"He's fine.. but mother-"

"Tell him we say hi." Her father said to her as she sighed heavily.

"Will do, now mother-"

"What is it Wednesday?"

"Well I would tell you if you both would stop interrupting me." Wednesday watched her mother nod to her and before she could even continue she heard the scream of the ringtone from her phone. Grabbing it from her pocket as she looked at the message that was from Xavier.

Xavier - Hey, I cut my finger and thought you'd want to see the blood *insert photo*

Wednesday almost grinned when she saw the small cut that looked from a piece of paper and there was a red tint of blood there, it was odd that he was sending that to her but she did like the sight of blood so she was going to let it slide. Wednesday snapped out of her thoughts by her mother's voice.



"You were going to say something my little death trap." Her father cut in.

"Oh.. nevermind." With that Wednesday walked away looking at the photo. 

A/N: So I wanted to update this story because I heard some good news.. WEDNESDAY HAS OFFICIALLY BEEN RENEWED FOR A SECOND SEASON! I am so thrilled and happy, glad to see another trip to Nevermore in future for Wednesday and her friends.. I cannot wait to know more about the new season and when they start filming! So please enjoy this chapter and lets hope we hear more news on the second season soon!

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