Chapter 21: Town of Jericho

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Wednesday and Xavier made their way into the police station, no one dared to stop Wednesday since a lot of the police department were a little frightened by the 5-foot goth girl who seemed to not only be pissed off but looked like she was on a mission. A mission to talk to the sheriff. Not even bothering to wait for an answer or even knock, Wednesday burst in and Sheriff Galpin turned to look at her.

"Ms. Addams, what brings you here?"

"Not sure... the weather, my feet, or the fact that my best friend is in the damn hospital and you're on your ass." Wednesday answered sarcastically.

"I can deal without the sarcasm Addams." Sheriff Galpin sighed as he put down his paperwork.

"And we can deal without the attitude, after all the shit your son put us both through you can at least fucking help us." Xavier cut in.


"No, you watch Sheriff, Enid was hit and ran over by a car and you're doing nothing right now, are there any leads? Are you investigating?" Wednesday cut him off.

"I have been looking into it but right now there is nothing there, there are no cameras and the make and model of the car that your friend Ajax had described we have not been able to find and according to him there was no license plate so that is nothing to go on either." Galpin explained.

"How the hell does someone run over my friend and is now nowhere to be found?"

"We've been trying Addams but when there is limited evidence, we're at a dead end."

"This is ridiculous." Wednesday was not thrilled about this; Xavier placed his hand on her shoulder to try and calm her.

"So, what else can you do? I know there is tire tracks, Ajax said the car skid a bit." Xavier was now speaking.

"We found some trace of rubber there but the labs are backed up so we can't tell what kind of tires yet... so we can't find the place they were purchased." Galpin answered.

"Tell the lab to hurry." Xavier responded.

"Listen kid, this is not our only case."

"Oh yeah right, you need to find you psycho son too, glad to know that is more important right now."

"Watch it Thorpe." Galpin warned.

"Or what?" Xavier challenged.

"Enough Xavier, let's just go... I'd rather we find this asshole ourselves." Wednesday went towards the door.

"Stay out of my investigation Addams." Wednesday turned to look at him.

"Oh yeah? Who is going to stop me? You? Please you can't even be trusted right now by your peers since I know you knew it was your damn son doing the killings because you had seen your wife do the same thing and look the same way... You were so quick to blame one of us for the crime and don't get me wrong so did I, but you let your son kill those people because you were in denial... Everything that happened might as well have been your fault, you may not be Laurel Gates but you're just like her because all of those lives could have been prevented if you didn't deny anything." Wednesday walked out followed by Xavier.


Wednesday sat in the hospital next to Enid along with Xavier and Ajax, the three of them listened to the stupid machines beeping but they were what was keeping Enid hanging on. Ajax looked terrible but he refused to leave his girlfriend's side.

"So, the stalker sent another message?" Ajax was trying to grasp all that had happened.

"Yes, apparently the answer is in my past, but I don't know what that means." Wednesday responded frustrated.

"What about Tyler?" Ajax brought up.

"What about him?"

"What if this is him? Think about it, whoever it was was able to get on campus without being detected... what if we were looking in all the wrong places and it's not actually someone who goes to the school itself, we're surrounded by land so it's easy for him to be watching, plus he's a Hyde." Ajax continued.

"That's a good theory but he would have to be acting on his master's plan and if I am not mistaken at the time when he broke out Laurel was unconscious." Xavier pointed out.


"And she would have had to physically be there to tell him to escape but she wasn't there, and Hydes have to obey their master, isn't that what you read?" Xavier asked.

"Yes, but she also destroyed the journal so I can't go back and confirm." Wednesday responded, for the first time she felt sort of defeated.

"Can't we just ask her? Maybe she somehow got a cop to help her communicate with Tyler." Ajax spoke up once again.

"I doubt it, Sheriff Galpin has been watching her." Wednesday added.

"That's his son Wednesday, why wouldn't he help her?" Ajax asked. The Gorgon had a point, a great point about this and it was slowly making her head reel.

"Let's go, Thing... watch Enid." Wednesday left and Xavier made Ajax get up as well and walk with her back to the police station. The station to the hospital was not a long journey and Wednesday was once again on a mission, if the sheriff was helping, that would explain a lot. Once back inside Wednesday, Ajax and Xavier interrupted Galpin's lunch who groaned. "I have questions."

"Again Addams? And you brought another friend." Galpin noticed Ajax presence.

"I'm Enid's boyfriend and for what we need to ask, I want to be here to listen." Ajax watched the sheriff frown.

"I'm sorry about the accident."

"Are you?" Ajax crossed his arms over his chest and glared.

"Yes, I am. That Enid girl saved me from being mauled by my own son, he would have killed me had it not been for her." Galpin responded.

"Have you been in touch with Tyler?" Wednesday asked.

"No, I've been looking for him myself." Galpin responded honestly which Wednesday knew.

"Who has been talking to Laurel? Because we think Tyler is back and he is the one behind this."

"Why do you think its Tyler?" Galpin asked.

"Think about it, you just said Enid saved your life... who else would want to hurt her?" Xavier asked, Galpin thought about this before it was slowly piecing together as well.

"Laurel has had no contact, only I know the code to her cell, and I have someone I trust accompany a guard to give food through the hole before leaving once more, if she is in contact with Tyler... I don't know how." Galpin answered.

"I need to speak with her." Wednesday was determined to get to the bottom of this.

"Wait, what?" Xavier looked at her.

"I need to know what she is planning and if she is contacting Tyler, no one else is going to get hurt because of a vendetta." Answered Wednesday.

"It's dangerous, she tried to kill you the last time." Xavier was not having it.

"We're running out of time right now, Sheriff, I need to speak with her."

"I don't know-" Ajax cut him off.

"If you don't want to do it for Wednesday... do it for Enid." Galpin looked at the three of them and nodded.

"You have five minutes to talk to her and that's it."

"That's all I need." Wednesday gave a small grin that disappeared not that long after.


A/N: The next chapter will be the return of Laurel Gates; hope you've enjoyed this chapter.

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