Chapter 17: A Step Back

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Wednesday had gone to bed that night with a mission for the next morning, she was going to try  and figure out who her stalker was, of course she knew that first things first she would need to ask Xavier if by some dumb chance he had given her number to someone else since her first text message from this stalker came the moment she left Nevermore and happened to send photos of her with both Tyler and Xavier so she knew that it was not Xavier so he was off her list. Whether or not he would have been on her list had they not gone on a date is another story and one she didn't know since... well that's not what had happened. Wednesday got dressed in her Nevermore uniform and almost got hit with her and Enid's door on the way out when the werewolf girl came barreling in. 

"Good! You're awake! I need details on your date!" Enid squealed.

"Not now." Wednesday moved passed her to go to the quad for breakfast and heard her friend following after her.

"But! Its girl code." Enid pouted.

"Girl code?" Wednesday turned to look at her with her face as cold as ever. 

"Yes, girl code I will send you a message to tell you the details but it's basically something you must live by... So! How was it."

"It was fine and that's all you're going to get from me." Wednesday turned around just in time to miss the pout deepen on her roommate's face. Enid began to babble but Wednesday was occupied by the text that had just come in from her phone that day. Pulling it out and looking to see it was from stalker, this is one thing she didn't miss while over the break.

Ignore Xavier or else the next time he's asleep I will smother him! - Stalker.

Wednesday would have called a bluff, but the next message was an image of a sleeping Xavier, and it looked like the stalker had been in his room from the angle of the photo. Wednesday looked around her and saw Enid's concerned features but ignored them from now. Of course,.0 they were going to go after Xavier and make her distance herself once more from him. Wednesday was too busy trying to find the culprit that she didn't notice Enid being nosey.


"What?!" Wednesday didn't have time for Enid to ask dumb questions.

"Who is stalker?" Wednesday looked her in the eyes to see that Enid had taken Wednesday's phone and had read the message from the stalker.

"I don't know." Wednesday answered, honestly.

"Wednesday, you need to report this or tell Xavier." Enid knew this was serious.

"No, I have to ignore him, and the stalker will leave him alone, I know it." Wednesday wasn't going to bring Xavier into this, not one bit.

"When did this start? And Wednesday you cannot believe that this stalker person is just going to stop at Xavier, he has a right to know that the girl he is mad for is being stalked and is being threatened to stay away from him or death will occur." Enid did have a point, but Wednesday was too stubborn for her own good. 

"I got the first message the day I left Nevermore to go home after we left school early last semester."

"Wednesday, that was months ago." Enid pointed out.

"Yes, and that was my first and last text message from them until last night. Whoever it is saw Xavier and I on our date and was not happy about it." Wednesday explained.

"This is not good; do you think it's someone from Nevermore?"

"It has to be." 

"So, what are you going to do?" Asked Enid, a little frightened.

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