Chapter 9: The New Principle

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The next two days have gone by pretty quickly, between hanging around Eugene, catching up with Enid and sitting with the boys Ajax and Xavier, Wednesday was ready to meet this new found principle. The suspense was aching at her and at one point even sat outside the principle's office to see if they had been inside only to find out that they had yet to arrive which made that effort a giant waste. Wednesday sat in the courtyard next to Enid as they waited for more students to arrive so the announcement could be made formally.

"So Ajax asked me out on a date and I have nothing to wear! Can you help me bestie?" Why did Enid even waste her breath on asking Wednesday.

"You do realize I care very little and aren't the two of you already a couple? Why must you go out on dates?" This was something new to her.

"Wednesday, just because you're dating someone doesn't mean you still don't do stuff together, Ajax and I love going out and having moments to ourselves every once and a while-" Wednesday zoned her out since what Enid had said brought her to a conversation both Xavier and her had after their talk.


Wednesday had been alone at breakfast having woken up earlier than Enid, she had seen that both her and Ajax had finished their activities for the night and were sleeping in the bed of her werewolf roommate and she didn't want to have to wake them both up for breakfast so she simply left. There was no need for them to be embarrassed to have Wednesday of all people see them in such a private moment even if she had seen her parents disgusting display of affection for one another. So here Wednesday was eating her oatmeal when she felt someone sit down next to her and saw it was Xavier with a smile grin on his face.

"Good morning."

"What's good about it?" Wednesday asked.

"Well plenty of things.. We made it another day, they have blueberry scones, and lets not forget last night." Xavier mentioned.

"Yes." Wednesday knew.


"What Xavier?"

"Would you like to go on a date with me?" He asked hopeful.

"I'm not ready for.. that.. The last date I was on was with Tyler." Wednesday watched as a brief sign of anger crossed the eyes of Xavier before it was replaced with understanding.

"I get it and I am sorry about.. that." Xavier knew what had happened and even though he was grateful for Wednesday figuring out Tyler was nothing better than a liar but he wasn't keen on knowing how betrayed Wednesday had felt even if she was too prideful to admit it.

"Its over and done with, but right now even though you know that I have.. emotions towards you, I just want to take this one step." Wednesday tried to make it seem like she knew what she was talking about but all of this was foreign to her.

"I understand Wednesday just know that when you're ready to go out.. I will be more than willing to come up with a great idea." Xavier grinned and Wednesday nodded before going back to her breakfast.


Wednesday was taken from her thoughts by Enid waving her hand in front of her face and it caused Wednesday to look at her friend.

"Are you even listening to me?"



"What? You know I am not the person you want to assist you with your outfit."

"But you're my bestie." Enid frowned.

"Yes but your clothes are.. colorful." Trying to find the right word for Enid.

"I know!" Enid responded excitedly, Wednesday couldn't have been more happier for Ajax.

"Hey babe." Which caused Enid to blush and Wednesday to look disgusted.

"Hey." Enid giggled and it caused Wednesday to feel nauseous to which Xavier laughed and Wednesday saw him for the first time. 

"They're gross right." Xavier lightly teased.

"Just extremely." Rolling her eyes before the sound of a microphone was been hit against and Wednesday loved the sound while other's cringed.

"Welcome back Nevermore students! I know you're all excited to find out who your new principle is but first may I introduce myself, my name is Rhian Flynn and I am the head of the student faculty board here at Nevermore. We know that last semester has been tough for a lot of you and that is why this semester we have a new therapist Mr. George Jacobs, he will be here tomorrow and his door will be open for those who need to talk to him and some of you will be recommended to do so, later today you will find out if you have a mandatory appointment once your class schedules have been delivered to you, now onto the matter and most important at hand. So as you know the late Principle Weems has sadly left us, a woman of great character and charisma. She loved this school and all of her students in it and the woman had died doing what was right so that brings us to who is her replacement. The shoes are some pretty big ones to fill and we trust this woman to be able to fill it. So for those who do not know her please welcome the new Headmistress Marissa Weems-Chase." Wednesday and a lot of the other students were stunned to see the woman who looked practically identical to the late Principle Weems. Except for the hair, her hair was brown and not blonde. The woman waved to the students and you can see the different of personalities while Principle Weems was strong, passionate, somewhat caring, this woman seemed to be down to earth, patient, and kind since the eyes always revealed who someone was.

"Thank you for the introduction Mr. Flynn and thank you for having me for a Headmistress even if my sister's role is going to be hard to fulfill. I can see the looks on your faces and yes we're twins Larissa and I but as you can tell some differences are made clear from the hair and my power. So I am not a shapeshifter like my sister, I am actually a master in telekinesis. As Mr. Flynn has told you we will have a resident Outcast therapist who will be here tomorrow and his door will be open as will mine. I am not a trained therapist but I will listen to whomever needs to talk. I hope we have a great and wonderful semester and I cannot wait to get to know each and everyone of you!" Wednesday has made a mental note.. Can they kill the new Headmistress and bring back Principle Weems? The voice was enough to make her want to jump off head first on the roof of Ophelia hall.

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