Chapter 18: Taken off the Board

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It was harder than ever Wednesday was sure of it, not being able to actually talk to Xavier even if it was as simple as an insult was torture enough as it was but now... now this was worse. His life was at risk, and it was all because of her. Wednesday practically stayed silent in her therapy session that day and it was easy sure... but her mind went to Xavier's face. How upset he was when he had turned around and Wednesday was gone, the feel of rejection in his eyes when she pushed passed him, it was too much even for Wednesday Addams. The goth girl had come to realize that she did like Xavier, they went on a date and kissed twice and both times it felt... right. Like her lips were supposed to kiss his and feel the things she felt. But of course, this stalker threw a wrench and a tree in her way. Wednesday was currently walking back to her room and once she was inside saw the guilt face of Enid and Ajax sitting on the bed looking at her. Wednesday had seen Xavier waiting for her to be done therapy since his session was right after hers and as much as she had wanted to say hi back when he greeted her, Wednesday stayed strong and kept walking but right now seeing Enid like this... she knew it was not good.

"What?" Wednesday asked.

"Don't kill me." Enid spoke and Ajax just looked nervous for his girl and Wednesday let her eyes flicker from one to the other.

"What?" Wednesday repeated.

"I told Xavier and Ajax of the stalker and the threat." Enid confessed, Wednesday's eyes grew wide and her face even angrier. 

"Do you have any idea what you've done!" Wednesday got closer but Ajax stood up and got in the way.

"Don't blame her, I made her tell me." Ajax confessed.

"Move Gorgon."

"No." Ajax continued to stand in front of Enid to act as a shield to slow Wednesday down if he had too.

"Wednesday I'm sorry! I'm so sorry but Xavier needed to know it's his life that was threatened." Enid pleaded.

"Girl code means nothing to you it seems." Oh, Wednesday got that long ass message from Enid about this 'girl code' shit. 

"Wednesday it's Xavier's life not yours, he needed to know." Once again Enid said.

"Well, he knows now! What happens if the stalker goes after him but this time he is killed? You don't think!" Wednesday stormed out of her room and heard Enid sobbing from behind her and Ajax trying to console her.


Wednesday was by the lake looking out into the water, it was all too much when it came to how this semester was already becoming a hassle. Sure, she could handle the stalker, Wednesday Addams was not afraid, but she was afraid for Xavier and that's why she went for help and was joined by her... friends. Wednesday heard their footsteps and turned to see Bianca, Divina, Kent, Yoko and Eugene standing there.

"What's the matter Wednesday? Your text seemed urgent." Eugene asked.

"What I tell you has to remain between us, no one can find out." Wednesday didn't even answer Eugene, she wanted to get to the point. After they all nodded Wednesday spoke once more. "There is someone texting me, they're actually stalking me, and this morning sent me a text message of Xavier sleeping and told me they would hurt him if I practically didn't do what they said. Normally I wouldn't care and would laugh in the face of danger, but this is Xavier we're talking about."

"Who the hell is stalking you Addams?" Bianca asked, sure her and Xavier dated but they were still friends.

"I don't know but they're always watching me and doing things and I planned to not tell Xavier, but Enid opened up her big mouth and told him and Ajax about it." Wednesday responded.

"So, what do we do? What do you suggest?" Yoko asked.

"Just keep an eye on your surroundings, anything that may be out of place or suspicion of some sort. Normally I wouldn't ask for help but when it comes to Xavier... I need the extra set of eyes." Wednesday confessed.

"We'll help." Divina pointed to her, Kent and Bianca... The other two sirens nodding and agreeing with Divina.

"So will I." Yoko agreed.

"Hummers stick together." Eugene agreed as well.

"Good, now that that's settled, none of you can tell anyone else, I don't need the entire school on alert because than I won't catch this fucker." Wednesday was about to leave when Ajax came running to them frantic.

"Wednesday!" Ajax ran until he reached her and Wednesday looked alarmed.

"Is it Xavier?" The group on alert.

"No, it's E-Enid." Ajax choked on a sob.

"What happened?" Wednesday had to admit she was confused.

"We were walking to town, I wanted to calm her down after the two of you got into that little spat and the car-r c-c-came out nowhere." Ajax explained during sobs, before Wednesday could even say anything her phone screamed, and she looked at it and her eyes went wide.

"What is it?" Eugene asked, Wednesday looked at her friends and shook her head.

Enid's big mouth got her in trouble, so I had to take her off the board - Stalker.

Wednesday read to her friends and Ajax fell to the ground in sobs. "This fucker is going to pay, and they better hope they run fast." Wednesday spat with venom. Oh, they were going to pay with their life.


A/N: *Smiles nervously* So! How did you like this? Seems like Enid got into a bit of trouble with the stalker... can anyone guess who it is yet?

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