Chapter 28: Meanwhile...

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After Eugene had been taken Wednesday went with Divina, Kent, Yoko and Sheriff Galpin to the Nightshade's library, they had looped Galpin in on the plan that they had cooked up and were hoping that Eugene had his glasses on but they didn't find them at the scene so that was a good sign, right? Wednesday knew that the stalker was Joel, the damn name gave it away, whether it was intentional or not that was a different story. Once inside Yoko went to the laptop to see if the tracker worked.

"So, you said you know whose doing this..." Divina looked at Wednesday.

"His name is Joel, we met when we were kids at summer camp, they had a play where he played my betrothed Red Bear." Wednesday confessed.

"But that doesn't explain why he is doing this." Divina responded.

"Apparently he had a crush on me, and I didn't react well to that." Wednesday kept it short.

"So, he's doing this because you didn't return his feelings?"


"Damn, why do guys take rejection to heart?" Divina would never understand.

"Who knows but I know its him, how he actually has the guts to do this is another story, he is practically allergic to everything." Wednesday stated. "How's it going over there?"

"Well do you want the good news or bad news?"

"Just out with it."

"So, it doesn't tell me where Eugene is, I'm assuming he may be underground or there is no connection, but it does tell me where he was last at before the connection died." Yoko answered.


"The old meeting house." Wednesday knew where they were at.

"They're underneath it, I saw it in a vision when Goody came to me, she escaped Crackstone by going under a trapped door and escaping through tunnels before it brought her out another way." Wednesday explained. 

"So, what's the plan?" Kent asked.

"Oh no, this is a police matter." Sheriff Galpin intercepted. 

"No, it's not, this is my problem to deal with and if you and your police want to be helpful, be the decoys."

"Excuse me Addams?"

"There are two entrances, you, some deputies and Yoko go in one way and Divina, Kent and I go wait for them to come out the other way." Wednesday ordered.


"This is the plan either you're on board or you can watch from the sidelines, but my friends and my boyfriend are getting rescued today." Wednesday glared at the Sheriff.

"Fine, we move out in an hour though, I need to grab some deputies to help." Sheriff Galpin responded strictly.

"Fine, but Yoko is going with you and text when you're almost there." Wednesday added.

"Fine." Sheriff Galpin gestured for Yoko to follow him. 



"Make sure to get them out." Wednesday instructed. 

"Don't worry, no one dies today." Yoko confirmed as she left with the Sheriff, Wednesday looked at Kent and Divina.

"You both use your Siren song to get Tyler to yield, Joel is mine." Wednesday instructed.

"Done." Divina nodded to Kent who nodded back.

"Get ready, we leave in a half hour." Wednesday left the library, she needed to be ready for the fight that was coming, this was long overdue for her and Joel. The walk to her room was short but also long since her mind went to wonder, sure she had been cruel to Joel... had denied his affections but it was hard not too, Joel was Joel he was not mentally equipped to handle someone like Wednesday, sure at times she believed Xavier wasn't either but then he proved her wrong... they just made sense? It was hard to explain. Once safely inside of her room she seen her family had returned from the burger place and were waiting for her.

"Wednesday? Are you alright?" Morticia asked.

"Yes, the planned worked, they took Eugene and now we're moving in." Wednesday went into her closet so that she could get into a more adequate outfit to take down not only Joel but Tyler as well.

"My little storm cloud, would you like us to come?" Gomez was itching for a fight.

"No, stay here and make sure nothing happens to the school, if things go according to plan than we'll be back and some of my friends my need to speak to the therapist." Wednesday closed the closet door so that she could change inside, putting on a simple pair of lose black sweatpants, a black long-sleeved shirt and her black and white hoodie, pairing it off with her black and white sneakers. Coming out fully dressed she went over to where she kept her weapons and put a few knives in her clothes.

"Be careful Wednesday." Morticia practically pleaded.

"So, do you know who the stalker is? Or is this you going in blind?" Pugsley asked, kind of curious. 

"Joel Glicker." Was all Wednesday said.

"Joel? As in the boy you sent to the hospital?" Morticia kind of gasped.

"Yes, him... He's doing this to get back at me." Wednesday grabbed her cell phone Xavier got for her and she looked at her parents. "I'm getting him back, stay here." Wednesday went towards the door and stopped when her mother called out to her.

"Wednesday... tell him." Wednesday didn't need to be told about what because she knew what her mother was talking about but Wednesday didn't feel like that... right? Emotions were complicated and that didn't make things easier for her as she opened the door and left out of it. 


Wednesday had met Divina and Kent by the entrance of the school before they started to walk towards the old meeting house, the three of them walked like they were on a mission, both Sirens had their own weapons as Wednesday's were well hidden until the time had come.

"Do you think they're still alive?" Kent asked.

"They will be, I doubt Joel will allow them to die before I get there."

"Do you think he knows you know?" Divina asked this time.

"He probably does but I doubt he thinks Eugene was bait." Wednesday was pretty confident that Joel didn't suspect Eugene to be carrying a tracker. 

"What if he suspects?"

"If he did, he would know I'm coming, and I doubt he knows that." Wednesday walked like a girl on a mission, which she was but that was beside the point. The point was to get her friends out of whatever situation they were in before it was too late. 


A/N: Get ready! The last two chapters are going to be pretty action packed! Yes, there is only going to be 30 chapters in this story, so I hope you stay tuned for what I have in store for you all! Also sorry for the delay in the story, I have been really busy with work and stuff.

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