Chapter 22: Laurel Gates

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Wednesday, Ajax and Xavier followed Sheriff Galpin down some stairs to the unit that held Laurel Gates, the hallway was dingy and didn't look like it had been cleaned in years, the town of Jericho had not been one for a lot of action since the death of Garrett Gates all those years ago but then came the previous semester where the evil pilgrim came back, Tyler turned out to be the one killing residents of Jericho and outcasts alike.. Jericho had definitely become an insane place since Laurel came back into play. Once they got to her cell, Wednesday felt her stomach twist in a good way and an anxious way, for all the pain and suffering she caused and killing Principal Weems, it was insane and Wednesday wanted her to rot in here and to be forgotten but knowing Galpin, he had some sort of heart and wouldn't want to do all of that. Galpin typed in the password before the door clicked open and he walked in first followed by the three teens. Laurel who had been staring at the wall turned to look at them. It was weird to see Laurel look so... defeated and run down. The once blonde hair was now once again there since the reddish orange hair dye had disappeared due to not being touched up, dark circles framed her eyes, and the jail food made her a little bit thinner but not enough to make her look sick.

"Wednesday Addams, what can I do for you?" Laurel practically sang the words.

"Where's your pet?" Wednesday got to the point.

"How would I know where Tyler is? I'm in here cut off from the world." Laurel felt a little defensive right about now.

"Bullshit! Somehow Enid ended up getting hit by a car, the same MO you used to strike the mayor." Ajax spoke up.

"I don't know anything about Enid being hurt but if Tyler did that... well than bravo for him."

"How is he still hurting people? Who is helping you contact him? A Hyde can't perform duties that their master doesn't want them too." Wednesday clarified.

Laurel chuckled deeply. "Well, that is true Wednesday, but let me ask you this." Laurel started. "Who said I was his master?"

"What? We all knew you controlled him." Xavier spoke now.

"That is true, I was his master Mr. Thorpe but I didn't work alone." Laurel grinned. "You see Wednesday, I am not the only one who had something against your family, sure I figured out Tyler's mother was the Hyde and maybe the Hyde gene had been passed on to him, but you were my final piece." Laurel continued.

"What are you talking about?" Wednesday was slightly confused.

"You see, after I had activated the Hyde gene, I had slowly been planning for quite some time for how I wanted to bring back Crackstone, I needed Addams blood, so I had gone to the dark web and started looking and that is when I got a message, someone who wanted revenge just as much as I did but it wasn't against outcasts... it was against only you... Still, I was intrigued so they told me to let them handle you coming to Nevermore, they did their part, and I finished my work. To make sure that all bases were covered in case I got caught I transferred master rights to the third piece of my puzzle... a piece you didn't know existed until now... You see, we had hoped you would come to me eventually asking for answers but going after those closest to you... well that's genius." Laurel laughed at Wednesday who grabbed her by the throat.

"Who is it? Who is it?!" Wednesday shouted.

"You're going to lose the ones you care for Wednesday, one by one and only then will you finally be destroyed." Laurel gasped out between the lack of oxygen.

"Addams, let go." Galpin knew this was the end of Laurel talking.

"She has more to say." Wednesday wasn't going to stop.

"Wednesday, I think she is finished, this is what they wanted, for you two to come back face to face." Xavier watched as Laurel nodded as best as she could with a sickening grin on her face before Wednesday bashed her head into the wall knocking her unconscious.

"Was that necessary?" Galpin asked, looking at the last living Gates.

"Yes, yes it was." Wednesday stormed out of the cell and back up towards the light before walking out of the district followed by her boyfriend and friend. "This is plan B of their plan." 

"Seems like it." Xavier nodded.

"This cannot be happening; Tyler has a different master now... but who is it?" It was more to be said out loud than a question.

"Who knows but we will find out who this is, they're not getting away with Enid." Ajax wasn't going to let his girlfriend be in a coma in vain. 

"They won't, they won't get away with any of this." Xavier would rather die than let that happen.

"Guys." Ajax looked paler than usual.

"What?" Wednesday asked, slightly annoyed. Ajax pointed and off in a distance at the edge of the woods there it was... Tyler Galpin, smirking and a dark hooded figure beside him. This was who was behind the messages, but they were not noticeable since they were hiding their face, the moment Ajax and Xavier moved to go make a move, Tyler grabbed the figure and they ran off at Tyler's speed, Wednesday looked at the boys before back at the spot, this was war.


A/N: Tada! Someone else is controlling Tyler and was practically a shadow during the Crackstone resurrection ordeal, but who my lovely readers is under the hood? Keep reading to find out who this is.

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