Chapter 27: Stalker is Revealed

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Grabbing them had been easier than both Tyler and his new master had thought, Nevermore was a school filled with outcasts and they somehow were able to get by them all, but they also knew better than to test their luck in one day. Ajax had finally regained consciousness and was sitting by Xavier who was still knocked out, Ajax would occasionally look at Tyler and the other guy before looking at his best friend.

"Who the hell are you?" Ajax asked Tyler's new master.

"I would rather wait until he wakes up." The hoodie was no longer on like when he had first come in, Ajax saw his face clear as day. The dark brown eyes behind the circled glasses, giving off some Harry Potter vibes, his hair was a normal short boy hair do and was brown, he had a hint of a mustache, but it didn't look like it was getting more than that. 


"So, I don't have to explain myself again." He responded with a slight hint of malice. It took maybe about twenty more minutes before Xavier began to stir.

"Xavier?" Ajax nudged at him, the tortured artist groaned before he slowly opened his eyes and blinked a few times before seeing the state of his best friend.

"Dude, you alright?" Xavier asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine." Ajax had been bleeding from the top of his head, but the bleeding must have stopped or something because he wasn't bleeding right now.

"Great! You're awake!" The new master chuckled. Xavier looked and sat up.

"Who the fuck are you?"

"Isn't it obvious? The one sending Wednesday messages." He chuckled.

"So, you're the stalker."

"I would prefer admirer, but we can go with stalker too." A grin crossed the boy's features.

"Why are you doing this? What does Wednesday have to do with anything?" Xavier asked.

"You see like you I met Wednesday when we were children, we were about eleven or so, but we went to summer camp together... I know Wednesday Addams going to summer camp, right? That's laughable but! She had been forced to go there and I thought she was amazing, beautiful, smart, I fell for her, and I thought she liked me back, hell she even invited me to her uncle's wedding to a crazy bitch who was trying to kill him for money... anyway! I was loyal to her hell I even played her betrothed in this Thanksgiving play... she was my Pocahontas... I even helped her, and her little brother destroy the camp." The boy started. "Christmas time came, and she invited me over for dinner and I thought that I could convince her to be with me you know. Practically told her I was in love with her and her creepiness but it's not what happened. She pranked me so bad that I literally had a heart attack at the age of eleven. I told my parents it was a misunderstanding at the hospital and when I showed up to her house after I got out, she laughed in my face and slammed the door on me like I was a joke, like I didn't matter!"

"So, you took us to get back at her?" Ajax scoffed a little.

"I wasn't planning on kidnapping at first, I merely wanted to be here when I seen Laurel Gates take her down, but I also told Laurel never to underestimate her in case something happened and thankfully she didn't. But when I came here, and I witnessed how Wednesday was actually allowing herself to be different and make friends... Something didn't sit right with me, I have tried to be her friend, I have always wanted to be more than the kid who was allergic to everything! So, I sent one message after she took down Laurel and Tyler... I was going to let it go at first, let her be the hero in everyone's story but then... Then she started dating you!" He spat at Xavier. "She actually began to date you and I snapped, I want her to feel the pain that I feel every day when I see her with you and her little friends."

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