Chapter 4: The Aftermath

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The Addams family game affair had ended after dinner and Xavier had retreated to his room since he felt the sudden urge to draw. The family loved him and he kind of felt guilty for the lying that him and Wednesday were doing, he had wanted nothing more than to actually make this a real thing but Wednesday was stubborn, she couldn't see a good thing in front of her and that could be good for her. Xavier knew that the two of them could be something more if she would just give him the chance to prove it but he was not going to push her, he did not want to scare her off or make her think that this was not her decision, he was not someone who manipulated someone... he was not Bianca and the other sirens. Xavier would wait for Wednesday if that is what it took to win over her heart. Today Wednesday showed immense emotion.. well more emotion than she normally does and he wanted to capture the moment when she realized that she had finally won, a moment that he would always remember. Her face, the moment of joy, the taste of victory, it was a lot and he enjoyed it, very much. The sound of his pencil and the scratching was all that could be heard as he drew the outline of her face but stopped when he heard a brief knock. 

"Come in." He called as he had continued but stopped again when he seen Morticia with a grin on her face.

"Congratulations on winning." 

"Thank you, I know Wednesday is thrilled." Xavier put down what he was doing as he got off the chair in his room and offered it to Morticia. "Would you like to sit?"

"Thank you, you're definitely a gentleman." Morticia said as she occupied his seat as he sat on the desk in the room and looked at her.

"I try to be, if my mother was alive she'd skin me for not being so." Xavier half teased but was also serious.

"My condolences." Morticia meant it.

"Thank you."

"Xavier I am happy my daughter found you, I always knew that one day she might find someone who could tame her to an extent, you're exactly the type of man that I want for my daughter and I am so glad to have you here with us for the week, Wednesday might not admit it but she enjoys your presence." Morticia smirked.

"Thank you, yes I definitely had fun and I am happy to know I can see more of Wednesday before I have to go home and wait for the new semester... Mrs. Addams-" He was cut off.

"Call me Morticia or mom." She offered, he appreciated her offer.

"Morticia.. I really do like your daughter, I would never dream of hurting her or abandoning her.. if her and I don't work out I would love nothing more than to keep her in my life as a friend because I cannot imagine a world without Wednesday in it." Xavier honestly told Wednesday's mother and she nodded her head as she teared up a bit.

"I'm happy to hear you say that Xavier and I would love nothing more than to one day be able to call you a son.. shall that time ever present itself." Xavier definitely was grateful.

"As would I." Gomez said from the door and Xavier looked at him. "I can see you truly care for my little girl, that's all that any father could want."

"I'm not perfect Mr. Addams but I try to be as perfect as I can be for her because she deserves everything." Xavier responded honestly.

"That she does." Morticia cut back in.

"Thank you Xavier, for coming."

"Thank you for having me Mr. Addams." Xavier responded.

"Call me Gomez or dad, either is fine. Come Morticia it looks like the artist is as work." Gomez truly was a fan of Xavier's gift of drawing.

"Good night." Morticia grinned before rising and walking out with her husband, leaving Xavier to sigh as he grabbed his book and looked at the outline of Wednesday's head. She was too gorgeous for her own good.

                                                                        *The Next Morning*

Xavier had fallen asleep maybe around 2AM after he had drew Wednesday, not even thinking he had left it open on his desk, he laid there asleep for a while but felt his body beginning to wake up so he cracked an eye open to see that it was a little past 9 in the morning and he yawned for a moment before he went to stretch out his limps when he noticed... Wednesday?! Xavier shot up and looked at Wednesday who was at the bottom of his bed just staring at him.

"Holy shit Wednesday, did you want me to have a heart attack?" He held his chest for a moment before moving his hair out of his face.

"That would have been pleasant to see this morning." Wednesday responded.

"Of course it would have." Xavier sighed, what was it with her and being so adorable?

"Breakfast is ready."

"Alright, I'll be right down." Xavier went to get up as he walked to his in suite bathroom. He did his business and brushed through his hair before placing it in a bun and was surprised to see Wednesday still in the same spot. "Surprised you waited."

"I like the drawing." He wanted to slap himself in the face, of course she saw it.

"Thanks." he walked over to his bag and pulled out a shirt and took off the shirt he wore to bed and his chest was bare for a moment and felt Wednesday's eyes on him. "Like what you see?" He asked without looking at her as he put his new shirt on, without responding Wednesday left and he grinned. Oh this was going to be fun.

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