Chapter 14: Hands Off!

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Wednesday woke up once more when she heard the sound of pencil hitting paper and she looked to see the sun was brighter, Thing was gone, and Xavier was sitting down with a sketch pad in his hands as he was sketching.

"I hope that's not another drawing of me you got there." Wednesday made sure he knew she was awake now. Xavier looked up and grinned before shaking his head.

"No, it's Thing." He flipped the sketch pad over to show her the sketch of thing sleeping on her clothes the previous night.

"Not terrible... Where is he?" Wednesday looked around.

"He left when I came back in here, he said to tell you he was going back to the dorm to see if the coast was clear." Xavier answered before grabbing the coffee cup from the Weathervane and getting up to bring it to her. Holding it out for her. "Quad over ice, the ice may have melted, I came back about a half hour ago."

"Thank you." Wednesday meant it as she grabbed the cup and sipped it, it tastes good going down her throat as she watched Xavier going back to his seat. "What time is it?"

"A little before eleven." Wednesday shot out of the bed without realizing her state of dress as she went over to the chair.

"I should go, I didn't realize it was that late and don't want to take up more of your space." Wednesday slipped on her shoes before going back over to the bed and fixing the bed to the way it was before Xavier stopped her.

"It's really okay, I don't mind Wednesday." Xavier reassured her.

"I know, but I should get going anyway in case Enid brings the police." Wednesday put on her jacket to cover her state of top but it still showed and Wednesday realized she might have to change back into her uniform until she gets back into her room. Xavier put down his sketch pad and took off his hoodie and gave it to Wednesday.

"Here, that way you don't need to redress in your uniform." Xavier didn't mind giving it to her so that she felt comfortable. Wednesday hesitantly took it as she placed the oversized hoodie on over her clothes and had to admit it was comfortable and even though it was gray that didn't matter, Wednesday thought the hoodie was a little long but that didn't matter, it smelled... decent. Like Xavier. Xavier on the other hand had to stop a gasp from falling from his lips when seeing Wednesday in his hoodie. Wednesday looked gorgeous as fuck and knew what his next drawing would be.

"Goodbye Xavier."


Wednesday and Enid were in Jericho, Enid had interrogated Wednesday a little before the goth girl shut her down, all she told her was that she went to Xavier's shed and fell asleep, that was all the girl needed to know. 

"I'm starving! Let's get some burgers." Ever since Enid had transformed into a werewolf, she has been eating a lot of meat which was to be expected. 

"Fine, I can eat." Wednesday had not eaten anything that day, all she had was the quad that Xavier got for her that morning. The two Nevermore girls walked towards the Jericho burger shop called 'Burger's burgers and more burgers', how original right? Wednesday hated the name with a passion, it was pathetic. Once the girls entered the burger joint, it was not dead but not busy either and Wednesday cringed when she heard a giggle and her dark heart squeezed in her chest when she seen a blonde girl practically throwing herself at Xavier who was sitting with Ajax, oh Wednesday saw red more than she had wanted too.

"Who is that?" Enid asked, feeling uncomfortable with why that girl was over there with her boyfriend.

"No idea." Wednesday gritted out as the two girls moved over there, Wednesday hated this bimbo already and she didn't understand why. Right before the girls reached the table the hand of the said bimbo was about to be detached when it ran its fingers through Xavier's hair that was not tied back, Xavier gently grabbed her wrist and pulled it away with a nervous chuckle.

"Can I have your number?" The blonde girl asked, batting her eye lashes.

"No, you cannot." Wednesday said from behind her, the mire presence of Wednesday alone made the girl jump and turn around to face her. The blonde girl was maybe about 5,5ish, taller than Wednesday but she didn't care nor mind really, it would be easy to take her down.

"Uh, who are you?" The girl seemed offensive. "This does not concern you or your funeral fashion sense."

"Uh! She's his girlfriend and I am his girlfriend." Enid stepped in and made sure to point at Ajax when it came to their status. Wednesday's eyes widened a little bit more when Enid spoke up, Wednesday was going to have to have a talk with her about this later.

"Wait, you're into goth girls? Seriously?" The girl seemed stunned.

Fuck it, Enid already started this war. "Obviously, what can I say? We're better company than bimbos." Wednesday death glared her, and the blonde girl had to admit she was freaked out. "Now leave before I make your hand a walking appendage to join my other one." Wednesday practically growled and the girl shrieked before running out of there. Once the girl was out of sights Wednesday grabbed Enid and pulled her to the counter where the two looked at the menu.


"I know." Was all she said as the two girls got up to the counter and ordered their food, before Wednesday could pull out her card to pay, she saw a hand with a card pay for it instead. Wednesday saw Xavier and she heard Enid say something before walking over to Ajax, leaving Wednesday and Xavier. The guy behind the counter handed Wednesday the receipt before sending her a smile.

"I'm Gary."

"She's taken." Xavier retorted protectively and the guy frowned a bit.

"What about your blonde friend?" He asked, Wednesday was baffled at how this day was going right now.

"She's taken too!" Ajax yelled from his seat, and it caused Xavier to chuckle and Wednesday walked away a little creeped out.


A/N: Not going to lie this chapter was one of my favorites to write, I wanted to play with the sense of humor that is also inside of Wednesday as well, hope you've all enjoyed.

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