Chapter 25: Seeing Enid

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Wednesday had made it to the hospital with Eugene, as much as she wished she could have left him with her parents and her little brother, there was just no way she could do that right now. Right now, Wednesday herself needed to make sure Eugene remained out of harm's way until the plan has been put into action and that wouldn't be too hard, that was going to be easy. Wednesday knocked on the door to see a crying Enid as her mother was trying to comfort her.

"Wednesday! Wednesday please tell me my mom is lying?" Enid begged in hysterics.

"About what?"

"Ajax and Xavier being taken." Enid answered.

"Bianca has been taken too." Wednesday confirmed which caused Enid to sob once more.

"This can't be happening... did the police find them?"

"No, Sheriff Galpin said that the trail ran cold." Wednesday answered.

"Ajax." Enid sobbed over her boyfriend, Wednesday could see her older brothers flinch for a moment at the mention of their little sister dating someone already, but they said nothing, and Wednesday was glad to know they had the decency to keep their wolf mouths shut. "I need to talk to Wednesday, leave." Enid managed to order her family. It was her father who ushered them all out but Wednesday and Eugene.

"I promise I will find them." Wednesday promised.

"You have a plan don't you."

"Yes, but I won't tell you here in case Tyler is lurking around somewhere listening in." It was different if they talked about it on school grounds because the chances of Tyler being there were slim, but this was Jericho, it was more open and freeing so he could be around here lurking behind any nook or cranny, Wednesday was not going to give him the upper hand.

"Whatever it is, make whoever did this feel pain Wednesday and get Ajax back safe and sound." 

"Don't worry, they will be in tears and begging for mercy by the time I am finished with them, they messed with the wrong one Enid."

"Isn't that the truth." Enid teased.

"So how are you feeling?" Eugene is the one who asked.

"Besides emotional whatever medicine they're giving me for the pain is helping, I feel a little uncomfortable in certain places but other than that I think I will be okay." Enid answered.

"That's good, you had us all worried and on edge." Eugene was glad to know his crush was doing alright.

"Yeah, this was definitely not a good way to start the term." It really wasn't.

"I thought it could have been better." Wednesday commented.

"Should have seen that coming." Mumbled Enid, it was Wednesday Addams she was in the room with. "Wednesday?"


"Did... Di-Did Tyler really hurt Ajax?" Asked Enid.

"I had a vision when I was in my room that Ajax was playing video games when he heard the noise in his bathroom before Tyler came out in Hyde form, he threw Ajax a couple of times and he had tried to fight back but Tyler overpowered him and used Ajax's blood to write a message on the wall, his dorm room is a crime scene right now." Wednesday explained her vision. Enid wiped some tears from her face and nodded.

"Ajax is strong, he's okay." Wednesday didn't know if Enid was trying to convince herself or if she was trying to convince Wednesday of the Gorgon's strength but Wednesday allowed it without any comments, knowing her friend didn't need that right now clearly in a state of emotional distress.

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