Chapter 11: Botanical Science

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Wednesday and Enid walked in together to the Greenhouse and to say it was weird to be back here was an understatement. Never did Wednesday not enjoy a thrill of something like this before but currently, this is where Ms. Weems was murdered, this is where Ms. Thorn-Laurel betrayed all of them and now Wednesday had to endure this classroom once more.

"Oh! There are two empty seats, let's go." Enid pointed to the two empty seats off to the left of the class, it looked too bright over there and was going to mess with Wednesday's skin complexion when Ajax intercepted them.

"Hey honey, want to come sit with me?" He pointed to the table he had reserved for himself and Enid.

"Oh, I can't I'm going to sit with Wednesday." Enid apologized. 

"Can't you and Wednesday sit together in Math? I would really love to sit with my girl in this class?" Ajax put on a charming smile, and it caused Enid to melt but she shook her head, this entire thing made her want to vomit.


"Oh, for the sake of all things that is the rest of my sanity just sit with him already, we'll sit together in Math." Wednesday walked away from the couple and scanned the classroom and saw Xavier in the same seat as last semester with his bag on the chair next to him like he was reserving it for someone. Wednesday walked up beside him and he looked up from his drawing and smiled.

"Hey Wednesday."

"I'm sitting in that seat if you don't mind." Wednesday gestured to his bag.

"No, I don't mind." Xavier removed it before Wednesday now occupied the seat. Wednesday placed her bag on the floor as she looked at the drawing Xavier was doing; it was a crow. Well, that was new.

"Surprised it's not a raven." Wednesday couldn't help the acknowledgement before mouth caught up with her mind.

Xavier grinned. "Well, I didn't want to draw a spider again since the last time it was smashed on this very desk, and I'll save my ravens for my art shed." He started before continuing. "Besides, one of the boys from my dorm had paid me to draw this for their mother's birthday coming up so thought I'd preplan how I want it to look before placing it on a bigger canvas. 

"So now you're selling your services?" Wednesday asked.

"Not really but I offer them if they're required." Xavier answered, before Wednesday had a chance to say anything their new teacher walked in.

"Hello class! As you all know I am the new Botanical Science teacher, so since this is the start of a new term things are going to be a little easy today but don't expect this to be tomorrow as well. This is my welcome back gift to the lot of you. Now! To start off here is this wonderful plant, now can... Kent tell me what this is?" He looked at the Siren boy who looked at the plant with a look of thought.

"Um..." He looked over the flamingo like plant and still tried to pinpoint what it was. "Is it a gardenia?" Some of the students snorted laughter as Wednesday just had a look of annoyance since they allowed one of the 'brightest' in the bunch to step foot into this class. 

"No, it's not Kent. I suggest reading your textbook, looks are not going to get you anywhere here." Mr. Fitts suggested to Kent, Mr. Fitts was a fellow Siren so if Kent wanted to actually try and Siren his way into getting good grades in this class, it would not happen. "Ajax, what is this plant?"

"An Anthurium." Ajax answered.

"Very good, this is also called... what Divina?"

"Flamingo flowers."

"Good, now onto the easy part of this class and my welcome back gift. I want every single one of you to write what you know about this plant. Also add in the care of the plant itself. I want at least one full page of this plant. If I so much as see half a page or even a few sentences I will rip it up and make you redo it. Once I have the paper in my hand and deem it acceptable, you may leave but if it's not acceptable well... looks like you will have to make it. Begin." Wednesday was a little annoyed that the class would be cut kind of short because of a welcome back gift, it was honestly unprofessional, but she honestly didn't really want to handle Mr. Fitts longer than she had too so this would suffice. For now. 

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