Chapter 20: Fuck You Stalker

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Wednesday is not sure when she had fallen asleep but when she woke up to the feel of warmth which was surprisingly nice and Wednesday secretly enjoyed being in Xavier's arms. Sure, the stalker is the reason the two are in here right now like this, but Wednesday at least knew Xavier was safe and sound. Wednesday opened her eyes and saw Xavier sound asleep and he looked really adorable while he slept, she had to admit. Wednesday never thought she would feel like this let alone be like this in this situation but here she was. Looking at the time she saw she had twenty minutes before her alarm clock went off to get ready for the day. As Wednesday went to get up, Xavier tightened his grip and groaned.

"No." He said, groggy.


"Yes, no." 

"Why not?" Wednesday asked, slightly amused at her boyfriend being childish.

"I like being like this." Xavier mentioned.

"It wasn't horrible, but we need to get up and you need to get back to your dorm and get dressed before meeting me for breakfast." Wednesday mentioned to him.


"Xavier Thorpe, get your ass up and if you do that, we can do this... cuddling thing again tonight." Wednesday offered, Xavier perked up and was now fully awake.

"Okay, I'm up, see you at breakfast." Xavier jumped out of bed but not before kissing her on the lips and running out of her dorm room and back to his, of course he used the window since if he used the stairs, he'd be caught leaving his girlfriend's dorm. Wednesday simply shook her head at his antics.

"That was too easy." She mumbled to herself before going for the shower.


Classes had gone by slower than normal, usually Wednesday had Enid's bubbly personality to keep her occupied but for some reason it all felt so wrong... so very wrong. Ajax had been excused from classes that day to be with her until her family arrived and it was hell. Wednesday didn't know how much she missed Enid until she was not here with her, Wednesday just needed to find who this person was and what they wanted, obviously they were obsessed with Wednesday somehow but who was it?! Wednesday's leg bounced as she sat in her therapy session, a session that was thankfully going to be once a week after this week since everyday was a little too much for her.

"I'm sorry about your friend Wednesday." Dr. Jacobs spoke first.

"What do you know of her? You don't know Enid."

"I may not talk to her, but I do realize there is a certain cloud over the school, and I know how peppy she is." Dr. Jacobs may not know her, but he knew of her.

"I just don't understand why the police aren't do much about this." Wednesday knew she'd have to go into town and have a talk with Sheriff Galpin.

"What makes you think the police aren't doing anything?"

"Because there are no suspects in custody!" Wednesday raised her voice just a little before composing herself.

"Doesn't mean they don't have leads."

"And how do you know? Are you suddenly no longer a therapist but a police officer of Jericho?" Sarcastically put.


"Then how would you know?"


"Faith is for those who have no real meaning in life and look for some sort of savior to help them when in reality... we're alone." 

"Why do you think Faith isn't real."

"Look at where my friend is now? She is fighting for her life... and it's my fault." Wednesday whispered the last part.

"What was that last part?"


"What makes you think that Faith isn't playing its part right now?"

"So out of all the people in this world, Faith has Enid?" Wednesday was calling bullshit.

"All I am saying is that everything happens for a reason Wednesday, sometimes they're good and sometimes they're bad but there is always something to be learnt at the end of the day." Yeah, it was that this stalker was going to meet their demise.

"Can I go now?" Wednesday had twenty minutes left and this Faith talk was not her forte.

"Just this once, next week you will be staying the full hour." Dr. Jacobs sternly told her.

"Can't wait." With that Wednesday left therapy only to run into Xavier who was rounding the corner.

"Done already?"


"Huh, that's interesting. Want to go into Jericho to see Enid when I'm done?"

"Fine but we're seeing the Sheriff first." Wednesday was getting to the bottom of this for once and for all.


Wednesday had gone to her room to change before going back to wait for Xavier to be done with therapy, she heard her phone and opened the message to see one from her stalker. Shocker.

Do you feel my pain yet? - Stalker

Wednesday had never felt the need to respond, until now.

Wednesday - Who is this?

Someone who wants you to feel the pain I have felt - Stalker.

Wednesday - If you want to feel pain than let me see who is behind these messages, I will gladly introduce you to pain!

As tempting as this sounds, I sadly have to decline. You see Wednesday Addams this is just a taste of pain, but the real pain will happen soon enough and once I have you where I want you... Well... that's when you'll know who this is - Stalker.

Wednesday - I hope you can run fast because you're going to need to once I find out who this is.

Patience Addams but I will be nice and give you a hint... The identity of who I am, lies in your past - Stalker.

Wednesday didn't know how long she stared at that last text, but it wasn't until she saw a shadow looming over her and took her phone that she looked up and saw Xavier reading her text messages, once he was done, he handed it back.

"What does 'lies in your past' mean?"

"No idea, but I will be finding out." Wednesday let out a breath she didn't realize she was holding until now.

"We'll figure this out Wednesday."

"We better because I am itching to turn this person into an appendage, and not the Thing kind but the throwing target kind." Wednesday turned on her heel and walked towards the entrance with Xavier behind her.


A/N: More messages from the stalker, things are going to be getting interesting in the next couple chapters, stay tuned!

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