Chapter 23: Another off the board

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Three days had gone by since the talk with Laurel Gates, Wednesday, Ajax and Xavier had told their friends what had happened and now they know Tyler is not only back but has a new master who is keen on bringing down Wednesday. Even though this was supposed to be a school, it also seemed like it was used to attracting danger from outside sources which is why Wednesday was completely obsessed with this place now. Who would have thought that in two semesters she would be threatened, stalked and possibly killed? This was not a normal school for Wednesday Addams, this was something else entirely, this was horrific but in a good way... for her. Wednesday was typing away at her type writer, she had returned from town not that long ago from seeing Enid, she was still in a coma but this time her family was there majority of the time so it gave Ajax time to go sleep, shower, eat and do school work before going back to see his girl, of course Enid's brothers had almost killed Ajax once they learned who he was to their sister, something that Wednesday would have liked to see really. Someone knocking took her from her thoughts. Eugene walked in and this was definitely a surprise for her.

"Hey." He greeted.

"Hello, what brings you here Eugene?" Wednesday asked.

"I wanted to make sure you were okay." 

"I'm... adequate, how are you?" This was the best he was getting from her. 

"It's weird you know; I always feel like I'm being watched and when I turn... nothing." Eugene along with some of the others in her inner circle felt the same, she would say it's safe to assume that Tyler and his knew master knew they knew... But Wednesday thought that was better, that way they knew this time Wednesday had back up and she was prepared for whatever was being thrown her way.

"Just be careful Eugene, I don't want anything happening to you because of me." Wednesday responded genuinely. Eugene knew that there was a special place in Wednesday's heart for him, she was his first real friend in this school, and he didn't want to ruin that.

"I will, want to go get some food? I heard they made salmon for dinner?" 

"Sure." Wednesday got up with Eugene following behind her and the moment her hand touched her door knob her head went back, and her body went into shock as she felt herself falling and found herself in the hallway. 

Wednesday looked around and saw no one there, it didn't look like Ophelia Hall it looked like somewhere else, she didn't move until she heard a noise and as she got closer and opened the brown door that had the noise behind it and walked inside. Wednesday saw sitting there playing a video game was Ajax, he looked really into the game when he heard a noise and paused the game.

"Hello!" Ajax called as he put the paddle down, he looked at a door on the far-right side and took a step back for the door to break down and there standing on all fours barring its teeth was the Hyde. Ajax went to bolt from the room, but the Hyde grabbed his jacket and flung him into the wall breaking a picture frame hanging, Ajax barely had time to breath before he was slammed into another wall.

"Ajax!" Wednesday tried calling out to him hoping he heard her, but he didn't, Tyler transformed into his human self and stood above Ajax who was clutching his side in pain and coughing up blood. 

"Don't worry Gorgon, you're just the message for Wednesday." 

"F-fuck y-y-you." Ajax gasped out as Tyler grabbed him with ease and bashed his head into his desk, knocking him unconscious. Blood was on the ground and Tyler dipped his fingers in it before he began to write on the wall.

Wednesday gasped for air as she looked upon Eugene who had caught her as she fell, she scrambled to get up as she ran out the door. 

"Wednesday! Wednesday wait up!" Eugene running after her as she ran away from her door. While running Wednesday almost knocked over Divina who had been talking to Kent and Bianca.

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