Chapter 7: Settling In

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A/N: Okay, so before you start reading this chapter I just wanted to clear some stuff. I am aware of the stuff going on with Percy and my mind set is I believe everyone is innocent before proved being guilty. Yes I have seen the screenshots and what not but I still hold onto my belief on the saying above.. I do not appreciate that those girls posted those photos, they could have seriously kept those to themselves because they looked private and didn't need to be put on the internet like that (once again my opinion).. I am still a die hard shipper of Wednesday and Xavier that has not changed and I will be continuing this story regardless of the allegations happening right now, Xavier may be played by Percy but as far as I am concerned they're not the same people regardless of looking alike.. I understand if anyone who has been reading since the beginning who are hurt and feel betrayed by the allegations made against Percy cannot continue reading this fic anymore.. for those who are like me and keeping an open mind and separating the two from each other and are worried that I will not be continuing.. please don't be worried, I will be continuing my story. 

Also I am posting this chapter mainly to put the author's note in because I wanted this to be addressed and I think we all needed something to brighten our day if it was going badly.. So please enjoy and once again I understand if some cannot continue on with this story since I know everyone thinks and believes differently.. Just to make it clear in case my wording is confusing up on top, I am not saying the girls are lying but I am also not saying Percy is guilty.. I am an open minded person so I cannot believe a one sided story, I like listening to both sides regardless of any situation this is just how I was raised to not just jump to a conclusion.


Once Xavier helped Wednesday with her bags to her old room he had left once he knew that she wanted to be alone with her privacy, plus he didn't want to get bitched at for being in here. Once Xavier left, Wednesday took notice in how Enid's side of the room looked to be like last year, like a rainbow threw up in there. The color hurt her eyes but she was glad that the window was still split in half when it came to their equal sides since it gave Wednesday a peace of mind that still have of this room was hers. As she was unpacking she saw thing come out of her bag, the two had been in agreement that he was allowed to come back since he had been such a great help the last time he had been there even if he had almost died thanks to Laurel. As she was almost done unpacking Enid had come barreling in.

"Oh my god! I missed you as my roomie!" Enid squealed as she had come over and hugged Wednesday! Even though the two had hugged for the first time after battling Crackstone, it still weirded her out, human contact and all.

"Yeah, missed you too." Wednesday shrugged her off as she finished putting away her last bit of clothes.

"So I heard Xavier came to visit you?" Enid sat on the bed with Thing crawling into her lap, nuzzling her to which she returned.

"Yes, for a week. He did me a favor." Wednesday acted like it was no big deal.

"Anything happen?"

"No, he helped me win an annual family game." Wednesday answered.

"And you didn't invite me?! I love games!" Enid was flabbergasted.

"Its teams of two, male and female.. you were not an option." Wednesday explained.

"Oh.. I still would have came."

"Next time." Even if she was sure there was not going to be a next time but that was besides the point.

"I'll hold you to that.. So did anything else happen?"

"Not that I know of." Wednesday sat in her chair at her desk.

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