Chapter 26: Bait

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The next day had arrived, and Wednesday awoken to see Eugene still sleeping on the makeshift bed on the floor. As much as Wednesday would have given the extra bed to Eugene, she didn't think that her friend would have liked someone who was crushing on her in her personal space and Eugene fully understood. Wednesday got up and grabbed some clothes to take a shower but not before instructing Thing to keep his eyes (or hand) on Eugene while he slept, not trusting him to be out of her sight just yet. Wednesday closed the door to the bathroom and immediately turned on the water to the right temperature than put her new clothes and towel down before undressing herself. Wednesday took out the braids in her hair before getting into the mostly hot with a hint of cold water, the moment the water touched her skin Wednesday let herself relax as she let the water rain on her. This term so far was not as horrible as last with the last being filled with death, but it still didn't sit right with her, at least she knew one of the culprits this time around but the mystery behind who her stalker was was the one that was bothering her. Who the hell was it? Sure, Wednesday had wronged normies with her endless death stare or pranks she has pulled on them but none of them had the decency to seek her out for revenge and if they did... well than they were more courageous than she gave credit for. 


By the time Wednesday came out of the bathroom, she was showered, dressed and had her hair braided her normal two braids and saw Eugene still sound asleep on the floor, eventually she was going to have to wake him up and had considered getting some writing done when she got a text from Divina asking to meet in the Nightshade library, how could Wednesday refuse right? So, walking over to Eugene and waking him up.

"Get up, we need to meet the others." Wednesday instructed. Eugene wiped the sleep from his eyes and grumbled a little before putting on his glasses and going into the bathroom, she shot Divina a quick text that she was waiting on Eugene and would be there soon. Soon happened to be about twenty minutes before Eugene found himself looking presentable enough and the two teens walked out of the room and into the direction of the library. It didn't take long to get there or to go inside, there is where she saw the last remaining three besides her and Eugene.

"Hey." Yoko greeted.

"Hello, what's with the meeting?" Wednesday asked.

"The tracker came in." Divina held up the box and Wednesday could tell that she had been crying from the blood shot eyes.

"We'll find them." Wednesday reassured and she knew that everyone knew she was serious. 

"Eugene, take off your glasses, let's get to work." Yoko instructed; Eugene handed the glasses over to Yoko who walked to the other side of the room with Divina to put in the tracker.

"This is going to work right?" Eugene looked at Wednesday, the goth girl hoped it did.

"It has to because I don't know what we're going to do if it doesn't." Wednesday answered, honestly. Never was Wednesday Addams a girl of many emotions but being here and being surrounded by those who allowed emotions in everyday it had sort of rubbed off on her but not by a lot, sure some more than others seen specific emotions from her but that was all they received. 

"Well once again you're not alone Addams, you mess with one of us you mess with all of us." Kent added.

"Since when do you care?" Wednesday asked.

"You and I at times may not see eye to eye but Xavier and Ajax are my friends and I care about them, and I know how Xavier feels about you... hell I think the entire school knows at this point but the point I'm making is that regardless had Xavier not been taken or taken... I still would have helped." Kent confessed, Wednesday gave him a nod and he returned it with one of his own as they waited for Divina and Yoko to finish with the glasses. It took maybe a half hour or even forty-five minutes for the two girls to have everything set up and hooked to Divina's phone that way it was easier to track Eugene. Yoko handed the glasses back to Eugene.

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