Chapter 13: Friday Night

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Friday had come quicker than Wednesday could have ever imagined, every day she did her normal and scheduled classes and always went to therapy. Since this was the first week things have not been that challenging but there was hope for the courses to get harder and wiser but ever since Wednesday Addams has been old enough to go to school, she knew that was wishful thinking. After therapy was her free period but that was a polite way of saying that she was finished for the day and headed straight to her room. Her and Viper had a quest to fulfill but once she entered her room and heard Enid's horrible taste in music playing, she knew Viper would need to be put on hold until Enid went out with Ajax that night.

"Hey roomie!" Enid greeted the moment she saw Wednesday.

"Enid." Wednesday went over to her bed and placed her backpack down and watched as Thing came crawling out.

"So! Do you mind sleeping in one of the other dorm's tonight?" Enid asked, Wednesday glared at Enid.

"Why is it that every time the two of you feel a sexual need you do it in our room?" Wednesday asked, kind of agitated.

"Ajax's roommate doesn't have a social life and that means that we need to come here to get some alone time."

"But once again this is our room Enid, meaning you wouldn't be getting alone time unless I leave as well." Wednesday responded. 

"Please! I will owe you big time I swear!" Enid begged, now this was more Wednesday's speed.

"You owe me for the last time too."

"Fine! I'll you two favors! Please!" Enid begged once more.

"Fine, I can deal with you being indebted to me, but I will not leave until you're on your way back, I shouldn't have to be kicked out of my room when you're not even here." Wednesday said.

"I'll text you! Thank you, roomie!" Oh! Wednesday was so going to keep those favors in her back pocket for a rainy day.


The night had run a little too smooth for Wednesday's liking and found herself getting three chapters of her new book done before she got a message from Enid telling her that she was on her way back with Ajax. Damn, Wednesday had been writing for so long she didn't have time to find somewhere to crash for the night. Wednesday had her bag and Thing packed as she left the room and was going to go to Yoko's room for a brief moment before deciding against it. Wednesday walked down the stairs and passed her new dorm mom and out the side door, she had no idea where she was headed but Wednesday knew that she did not want to be there when Ajax and Enid returned. Wednesday walked in a familiar direction and it wasn't until she came too that she realized that she was in fact in front of Xavier's shed. Wednesday picked the lock before walking inside to see it vacant and dark. Wednesday turned on the light and saw the bed in the back. It was just a mattress placed on the floor with two pillows and a quilt, she guessed that Xavier sometimes slept in here whenever things ran late and knew this would do for the night. There was no use in asking Xavier since that was embarrassing so she took off her clothes she wore that day and slipped into a pair of black silk pajama pants and a black tank top, something no one else saw her in. Thing took to resting on Wednesday's now folded clothes as Wednesday settled into the bed with a book. It was a classic called 'The Mist' by one of her favorite authors Stephen King. Wednesday read until she felt the sleep beginning to fog her brain and placed her book marker back in to hold her spot, taking a glance at Thing she saw the appendage already asleep so Wednesday got up to shut off the light before she settled back into the bed and drifted off.


Xavier woke up around five that morning to go on his morning run, usually he just ran and went back to take a shower but while he was out on his run, he had felt inspired to draw so after he ran for a half hour, he went to his art shed. Ready to pull out his key for the lock he was a little stunned to see it unlocked and the chain hanging, Xavier could have sworn that he locked up last night before he left, so he walked in cautiously and nothing could have prepared him for what he saw. It was still a little dark in the shed but there was some light and he saw Wednesday Addams fast asleep on the bed he had there for when he got exhausted from painting and couldn't make it back to his dorm. Xavier shut the door and walked slowly into the room, and he saw Thing asleep (if that was even possible) on Wednesday's clothes and Wednesday shockingly on her side cuddled up to his pillow. Could it be any cuter? Xavier didn't know if he should wake her or not but decided he should in case she thought him a creeper for drawing while she slept. Xavier sat on the ground next to the bed and gently shook Wednesday. Wednesday's tired eyes shot open and looked at Xavier.


"Hello." Sleep was clearly in her voice which was adorable.

"What are you doing in here?" Xavier sort of whispered to not wake up Thing.

"Enid and Ajax are in my room, Enid asked if I could clear out before she got home, and I didn't want to go to one of the other girls in Ophelia Hall, so I came here instead." Wednesday answered. "Hope you're not too angry I broke in again." Xavier chuckled lightly and shook his head.

"No, I'm not upset, but the next time Enid wants to have a sleep over with Ajax, you can text me? I have my own room again this Semester and an empty bed that will have your name on it shall you ever need it." Xavier offered.

"Your own room again? Don't tell me another roommate of yours died?" Wednesday was half serious.

"No, nothing like that, just an odd number of boys and since my father is my father, I was first choice." That and his father donated a lot of money. 

"Snob." Wednesday couldn't help it.

"Very funny, I'm going to head out get back to sleeping." Xavier got up from the ground.

"This is your shed, I'll leave." Wednesday wiped some sleep from her eye but Xavier shook his head.

"It's all fine Wednesday, trust me." Xavier smirked before he walked out of the art shed and Wednesday laid there thinking that Xavier deserved a lot better than her but also felt a tang of jealously of thinking of him with another girl- she's just tired! This will go away; Wednesday Addams just needs some more sleep and that's what she got. 

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