Chapter 10: Start of a New Semester

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The day had went by faster than she had expected, seeing the twin sister of Principle Weems was odd for a lot of them, going from Principle Weems to the sister was going to take some time getting used too. Wednesday included. Sure in the beginning Wednesday had wanted nothing more than to escape this purgatory of a school but now here she was.. enjoying herself? Was that even a word in her vocabulary? Definitely not. No, that would never be something she would ever say, not even inside of her head. Later that night after the announcement Enid came in holding two envelopes with their names on it with a grin on her face. 

"Look what came?! Our schedules." Wednesday who had been typing away about Viper looked at Enid with a pointed look.

"Why are you excited about that?"

"Because its a new semester which means new opportunities!" Enid smiled as she handed Wednesday hers before excitedly opening up her envelope and squealing which made Wednesday cringe and wish torture on her roommate and best friend. "I have werewolf 101, Botanical science, werewolf reproduction, fencing, English, Math, lunch, free period.. Not in that order but I am so pumped! What about you? Wednesday! You didn't even open it yet!" Wednesday looked at Enid before grabbing her envelope and ripping it open, almost ripping the schedule in general.

"Botanical science, Psychics 101, fencing, Math, writing, lunch, therapy.. shocker there, and than free period. In that order." Looking at Enid with a pointed look.

"Well we have four things together! I am so excited I need to go find Ajax, be back later!" Enid ran out of the room to go look for her boyfriend, rolling her eyes as she got back to her writing before once again.. an interruption came in the form of Xavier Thorpe. 

"I thought Jericho could hear her." Xavier chuckled as he walked in through the window.

"Do you knock?" Wednesday asked, not paying attention to him as she was typing on her famous type writer. Than she heard him knock on her window and it cause a slight smirk to come on her features for a brief moment before it disappeared just as quickly.

"See, I knocked. Did you get your schedule too?" Xavier asked, Wednesday simply handed it to him and he looked it over to see if they had any classes together. "Well we have five things together."

"Oh do we now?" Wednesday still typing away.

"Yeah, I have Botanical science, Psychics 101, fencing, Math, art, lunch, free period, than I have therapy." Xavier told her, he knew his father would be in contact and require his son to have a therapist.

"I am curious on who will be the Botanical science teacher, now that Ms. Thorn-Laurel Gates is no longer with us." The woman had been put in prison for life for her crimes against not only the normies but the outcasts as well, even though Wednesday wanted to kill her and had been tempted to do so, death would be too kind for Laurel Gates.. Instead she had been sentenced to isolation and forced to have no contact with no one and last she heard.. Sheriff Galpin has been making sure no police officers are talking to her. Plus the last she heard on his monster of a son, he had escaped confinement and fell off the face of the earth, has never been spotted nor found, a lot of people assume he skipped town to start anew but Wednesday knew better, she knew it was a matter of time.

"I heard Mr. Fitts took over." Xavier answered.

"Oh great, now I have to listen to him in not only Math but in Botanical science as well." Wednesday thought this couldn't get any better.

"He cannot be that bad, I doubt they'd give him the position if he wasn't qualified."

"That class is going to be an atrocity to go back into." Wednesday stopped her typing.

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