Chapter 12: Therapy Session

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Wednesday had made it through the day, technically her last thing for the day was therapy before she technically has free period which just is a settle way to tell her she was finished for the day. When she arrived, she saw a red label hanging from the door that said, 'Do Not Disturb', she took it as someone was in session and Wednesday took a seat. She had arrived five minutes earlier to her appointment and that five minutes went by fast as she saw the door open and out came Eugene.

"Hey Wednesday!" He greeted his fellow hummer.

"Eugene, I didn't know you had therapy." She didn't.

"Yeah, my moms' thought it would be best for me to talk to someone after all that happened last semester." Eugene answered.


"Wednesday Addams." Mr. Jacobs called to her, and Eugene gave her a smile and a thumbs up before he walked away, leaving Wednesday to enter the therapy room and shutting the door behind her. The man who sat behind the table was an older gentleman, maybe about in his late 50s, barely 60, he had on glasses, a three-piece dark blue suit, his dark hair was slicked back, and his dark eyes seemed to hold some lightness to them but also a seriousness to them as well. "Welcome to your first therapy session."

"I don't know what's so welcoming about therapy." Wednesday retorted.

"Kinbott said that you were a special one." He said more to himself but Wednesday still heard, the slight twinge of guilt crept in. Kinbott had been another person she had falsely accused of being the master to the Hyde. "So, I see here this is mandatory due to a court order but also due to some trauma from last-"

"Whomever said I had trauma from last semester is clearly mistaken." Wednesday cut in.

"Oh really? Why is that?"

"Well, I simply defeated the enemy with some help so I am not sure why I would have trauma." Wednesday simply stated.

"What enemy are we talking about here? Tyler Galpin? Laurel Gates? Or Crackstone?" He asked. 

"I killed Crackstone and sent Laurel Gates to prison, I feel victorious." She clarified. 

"How did it feel Wednesday? When you killed Joseph Crackstone?" Dr. Jacobs asked, trying to get something out of her and Wednesday knew this.

"Good, it felt good." Wednesday answered, monotone like she usually sounded.

"Good? Why is that?" Dr. Jacobs asked.

"If this is your way to try and get me to feel guilty for killing a pilgrim that should have not been brought back in the first place, I shall not feel that way." Wednesday felt far from guilty.

"I am not trying to get you to feel guilty, just trying to figure out what happened that fateful day. I've heard different sides and I have to admit that I am curious." Dr. Jacobs reassured.

"Well if you must know, it felt good to kill him, he had been brought back to kill Outcasts because he believed we were spawns of the devil which I have to say I sort of take that as a compliment, but he was terrorizing those in this school, and I was not going to let him scare us away. I simply went to attack when Xavier Thorpe used his bow and arrow to try and kill him, but Crackstone somehow magically threw it back towards Xavier and I stepped in the way and took the hit instead. I proceeded to fight him when Crackstone had the upper hand only to be stabbed by Bianca Barclay and in his moment of distraction I took it and stabbed him in the chest and sent him back to hell. His descendant Laurel Gates came with a gun and tried to kill me and that is when Eugene Ottinger stepped in with his bees and left her focused on them when I knocked her unconscious." Wednesday explained.

"Why did you take the arrow?"

"Xavier is very fragile, he wouldn't have been able to handle the pain." Wednesday may have stretched the truth just a little.

"So, it wasn't because you care for him?

"Who told you I care for Xavier Thorpe? Whomever told you that is nothing but lying to you." Wednesday was quick to defend.

"Why are you getting so defensive Ms. Addams?" The Dr. Asked.

"Why are you trying to pry?" Wednesday retorted back.

"I am simply asking questions and reacting to the way you're acting right now."

"I am acting as normal as I can, I don't appreciate accusations."

"Do you care for Xavier?" Wednesday looked at the man in front of her, not liking what he was asking her right now, how dare he! 

"I'm leaving." Wednesday got up and got to the door but it wouldn't budge, when she turned around, she saw that Dr. Jacobs had his hand raised and Wednesday was not thrilled. "You're telekinetic." It was more a statement.

"I am, now sit." And Wednesday had no choice but to sit down and glare at the man.

"I am not answering that question nor am I answering anything else." Wednesday said.

"That's fine, but you will remain in that seat until your time is up." He advised.


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