Chapter 6: Back to Nevermore

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Time had gone by when it came to being home for the break and Wednesday did message Xavier some times, not all the time but times when she couldn't stop thinking about him or if she was bored to death, she never told him about how she had backed out from telling her parents they were together.. honestly she didn't think it was worth mentioning, its not like her parents were going to see Xavier again unless for family day but that was months away so she was well advised right now. Wednesday was sitting in the car on her way back to Nevermore, her mother and father were causing extreme nausea deep inside the pit of her stomach along with annoyance, her face remained as stone cold as ever. Her brother and Lurch in the front seat, this was not fun for her, this ride she means. Nevermore had sadly grown on her which her mother had hoped for in the beginning and no matter how much she swore to never be like her parents.. that was not the case right now.



"Are you excited to be going back?" Morticia asked.

"I'm as ready as I'll ever be, I kind of miss the light snores of Enid." Which was true, she may not have text her.. friend the entire time since leaving Nevermore but she did miss some of the things the werewolf did even if majority of the time she was annoying and overly excited.

"See, I knew you had friends and a boyfriend, I'm so happy for you." Wednesday looked out the window as her phone screamed. She looked to see Xavier's name pop up.

Xavier - Hey, are you coming today or tomorrow?

Wednesday - Why?

Xavier - I was just wondering, there is not many people here right now since everyone has two more days to arrive, Enid just arrived about a half hour ago and I am currently watching her and Ajax swapping spit.

Wednesday - I could have went my whole miserable life without knowing that tidbit of information about Enid.. To answer your question I am on my way to the school now, I'm about twenty minutes out.

Xavier - I'm glad to know I'll have a savior once you arrive :).

Wednesday - I am far from a savior.

Xavier - You did save Nevermore last year.

Wednesday - Touché.. also.. I never told my parents we broke up...

Xavier - You didn't?

Wednesday - Yes, now I'm going to stop texting now, my parents are getting suspicious.

Xavier - Okay! I'll see you when you get here :).

Wednesday put her phone away in time to look up at her parents giving her a known look but said nothing. Wednesday was glad to know that they knew what was best for her, she would have never let this go and they know it.


Those twenty minutes have went by faster than she would have hoped for but they had and she was now getting out of the car and watching as Lurch unpacked her bags and cello, looking at Pugsley who was once again upset to see her leave and she sighed lowly.

"Pugsley, I am shocked you lasted long without me the last time." Was all she said, she had been stunned to see her brother last longer than she had bet against Lurch.

"I'm going to miss you too." He said to her.

"My little death trap, you're going to do great once again!" Her father went to hug her and she was highly annoyed to hug her father. Once he pulled away he looked behind her and grinned. "Xavier! My boy!" Gomez walked over to Xavier who had just came out from the school to see Wednesday and her family.

"Hi Gomez." He greeted as he was pulled into a hug by Gomez Addams, next was Pugsley who came over and hugged him for a brief moment.

"Hey Xavier, glad to see you before we leave."

"Hey Pugs and what kind of boyfriend would I be if I didn't help my girl with her bags?" Looking at Wednesday who was giving him the death eyes or as he liked to call it, everyday eyes.

"Aw how sweet, isn't he sweet Wednesday?" Morticia looked at her daughter who was still glaring hard.

"Oh.. the sweetest." Sarcasm dripping from her voice.

"I hope you're well settled in Xavier." Morticia looked at the artist.

"Yes I am, got here yesterday and even unpacked some of the things from my shed but I still need to rearrange some stuff there and throw out some trash from the last time I was in there, other than that I am settled in." Xavier explained.

"Well glad to see you're ahead of the game that is something I wish I had." Gomez teased.

"Don't worry, you'll get there." Xavier responded back as the two chuckled with one another.

"Lovely, now that we've all seen Xavier, I should get to unpacking." Never in her life did she think she'd ever push her parents to leave to get away from Xavier or Nevermore.

"She's right, plus we have that reservation two towns over." Gomez looked at Morticia who remembered and nodded.

"Right. Study hard and try not to become a sacrifice again my little Woe." Morticia winked at her daughter before getting in the car. The rest of her family followed as she watched the car drive off, once the car was out of sights Wednesday looked at Xavier.

"You just had to come out here." Wednesday grabbed her cello.

"I'm not the one who didn't tell them we were not actually together, that was you."

"Wow, how childish of you to blame me."

"Because you said that you'd tell them we broke up and you tell me while on your way here you did not.. So I thought I'd come play the part they love." Xavier grabbed one of her bags before walking with her into the school.


"Nothing? You have nothing to say?"


"That's a first, so why didn't you tell them that we 'broke up'?" Xavier asked as he helped carry her bags inside.

"I don't know." Wednesday responded honestly.

"Mhm, sure." Xavier grinned, mainly to himself.

"You're a pain in my backside."

"Is that why you feel a stabbing sensation right now?" Xavier teased.

"..." Wednesday walked faster past him as she heard him chuckle behind her, oh Xavier Thorpe was going to get it!

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