Chapter 24: Setting Up

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After the police arrived at Ajax's dorm room to make it an official crime scene Wednesday made sure to tell Sheriff Galpin about her vision of Xavier and send someone down to his art studio as well. Both boys had officially been reported missing the next day and notifications had been sent out to both families. Wednesday doubted that Vincent Thorpe would make his appearance knowing how he is used to being an absentee father but Wednesday kind of wished someone would show up for Xavier. Right now, Wednesday had been sitting in her room alone, the school was officially on lock down and classes were cancelled as of right now, this was not good. Not good at all. It had been almost two days since the incident at Ajax's room and the art shed and her parents had been calling nonstop through the crystal ball but of course Wednesday ignored. She had a plan to prepare and ever since realizing Eugene was next, she has had him in her room camping out.

"Your crystal ball is ringing again." 

"I know, ignore it." Wednesday said, but of course Eugene didn't listen as he hit it on due to his annoyance with the ball.

"Thank good-you're not my little storm cloud." Gomez was stunned along with Morticia.

"Eugene!" Wednesday walked over and showed her face. "Hello mother, father."

"Darling, who is that?"

"My friend Eugene."

"Oh! The one with the bees." Morticia smiled.

"Look mother, I am in no mood to speak."

"Honey, we heard that two students were kidnapped, what's going on over there?" Morticia asked, Wednesday sighed and explained everything, the texts, Tyler being back and under a new master, Enid being in a coma, Ajax and Xavier being kidnapped and now she's planning on using Eugene as bait. "Wednesday, we're going to be coming there." Morticia had tears in her eyes after hearing Xavier was one of those missing.

"No, mother-"

"Wednesday, we will be there tomorrow." The crystal ball went dark, and she looked at Eugene.

"Sorry, it was really annoying."

"It's fine, now we need to do this before my parents arrive or by the time they do arrive." Wednesday instructed.

"How do we do that? We need a tracker."

"Bianca said she was going to get one, we just need to wait for her."


It was a little passed ten that evening and Wednesday and Eugene went to meet the rest of their group down in the Nightshade's library, they needed to get this plan on the road and what better way than to meet up and speak of it right? Wednesday snapped twice in front of the Poe statue and when the door opened the two walked down the steps to see Bianca, Yoko, Divina and Kent standing there.

"Did you get it?" Wednesday asked Bianca the moment was off the steps.

"Yes, I did, it's going to be big enough to fit on the frame of his glasses, but it won't be here for another two days I had to get it specially made." Bianca confirmed.

"Two days?! We don't have two days." Wednesday paced.

"This was the best I could do."

"They're probably hurting Xavier and Ajax right now as we speak." Wednesday glared.

"You don't think I know this? Let's not forget they're my friends too!" Bianca fought.

"Whatever." Wednesday went to leave but Bianca got in her way. "Move."

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