Chapter 15: Avoidance is Key

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After the burger fiasco Wednesday had kept herself hauled up in her room typing away at her typewriter. At first Xavier never questioned it but then came the text messages and the phone calls from him and him sending notes during class. This all started three days ago after Wednesday and Enid returned to their room.

"Out of all the things you could have said you said to that bimbo that I was dating Xavier?" Wednesday was not thrilled.

"What else did you want me to say? That he was single? I saw your face when you saw her touching Xavier's hair and you even threatened to make her a life partner for Thing!" Enid didn't understand the problem.

"Xavier and I... we're friends." Wednesday had to find the right wording.

"Oh! You're friends? And do friends tell their parents they're dating said friend?" Wednesday knew that she shouldn't have said anything to Enid about that.

"That's different, I wanted to win." Wednesday didn't like this nonsense but she also knew that she needed to make sure Enid watched what was said at the same time. 

"Win? So, you called in Xavier?"

"Yes." Wednesday was not seeing the big deal here.

"The same Xavier that you know how strong feelings for you? Wednesday, I understand that you do not do emotions, but you cannot play on people who actually feel thing's emotions to get what you want." Enid loved Wednesday, they were best friends but somethings Wednesday... was Wednesday.

"Xavier agreed, he knew what was happening when he agreed." Wednesday didn't understand why Enid was coming at her.

"Look, you like him, and he obviously likes you, you get jealous when someone shows an interest in him, you crack a small smile whenever he texts you and now, you're mad?" Enid asked, trying to get her best friend and roommate to understand what she was missing.

"I'm leaving." That was the last thing Wednesday said to Enid that day.

Wednesday and Enid had settled things with a simple apology and moved on, Enid was a little annoyed that Wednesday was avoiding Xavier but what Enid was upset about didn't concern Wednesday right now. Whenever Wednesday wasn't in her room she was in class or therapy, even her therapist noticed the difference in Wednesday and regardless of Wednesday trying to avoid... she knew the man knew of her sudden mood change, he did also talk to Xavier as well. So here Wednesday was writing about Viper and an argument she was currently having with her friend and somewhat partner Louisa when she heard Thing tapping his fingers next to her and she looked at the appendage to see him pointing before running off and she looked to see Xavier standing there with a serious look on his face.

"Why are you avoiding me?"

"I'm not-"

"Bullshit Wednesday, you're avoiding me ever since Saturday. Is it because I said you were taken? Was it because of that girl? What the hell happened that I deserve this?" Xavier asked.

"What do you want me to say?" Wednesday asked, now standing.

"The damn truth, for once it's just us here Wednesday... talk to me!" Xavier needed this game to stop, it was really bugging him.

Wednesday for the first time in her life had no idea what to say. "I-I." For the second time in her life she was stuttering, the first being when she had asked Xavier to the Raven under the ruse to get information.

He shook his head a bit. "If you're not going to just talk this out with me Wednesday... Then I'm done, I can't keep doing this to myself because I deserve better. I've been crushing on you since you saved me from being killed when we were ten, for a long time I put you at the back of my head and then you came to Nevermore a-" Xavier took a breath as tears began to well up. "And I knew that those feelings came rushing back, I stood by you through everything even though you blamed me majority of the time but I didn't care because I knew it would all work out in the end and then you got me arrested and you took an arrow for me and I thought things were looking up but every time I think we're going forward something happens and you take a thousand steps back and I can't do it anymore Wednesday.. I can't." Xavier didn't even realize a few tears had fallen and the two stood in front of one another, the pang in Wednesday's black heart was doing something the moment she saw Xavier in tears but once again the words were stuck in her throat, and she couldn't get anything out. Xavier realized that this was it and nodded his head before he practically sprinting out of Wednesday's room through the window and once Wednesday knew he was gone the tears slowly fell from her eyes... The boy, the tortured artist was gone, and she didn't know why she felt so... broken.

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