You couldn't could you?

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You couldn't could you?

It's been a few weeks since I met the Doctor, nearly two and a half months to be precise. I sighed as I got out of my tub and began to blow dry my autumn leaf hair. My grey eyes were the slightest bit irritated because I was crying last night. He said he'd be back. But apparently 'be back' is totally different to Alien tall boys with a sonic spanner. I sighed and got dressed in a denim skirt, running shoes, and a shirt that fell down my shoulders with the added straps to keep everything up. I brushed my hair and went out for a walk. I grabbed a bagel at the gas station and continued to walk, not really sure where to... I just needed to walk. I kept walking till I found myself alone in a park. I sighed as it began to rain. That's when I heard that melody. I looked beside me and saw the blue box materialize near ten feet off. I got up, that guy plays hard to get to know, well so can I. I began to walk out into the rain when I heard the doors creak open. I heard the quick slosh of mud against shoe when I also began to run. "Max!" I heard someone call. I turned and stopped. I saw a man in a deep blue suit, sand shoes, and hair that stuck up in the front. He stopped in front of me, "geez, I thought you'd be happy to see me." He said and went to kiss me but I shoved him away. "Who are you?" I asked watching his eyes... they were old, condensed pools of brown. "I'm the Doctor. I take it this is our first meeting like this." He said and hugged me. "You said you'd be different, are you going to change every time I see you or is it just going to be between the two?" I asked and he smiled, "can't say." He said and picked me up, "is this also a constant thing?" I asked and he smiled, "oh yes." He said in his thick accent. It sounded from within the UK/Scottish district. "Now where would you like to go?" He asked setting me down in a different console room. This is a rather grunge style. "Oooh... Well we can go anywhere, do anything..." I said, "yes we could." He said confirming my statement. "So, I'd like to go... somewhere new and exciting! Somewhere preferably old." I said and he smiled. "How does England, early Eighteen hundreds sound?" The Doctor said and I smiled, "you also know my favorite time period." I said and he winked, "you betcha." He said and flipped switches and threw levers. "You might want to hold onto something." He said and I sat down and gripped the chair.

When we landed he told me to close my eyes. "It's a bit cold." I said as an icy blast hit me. He covered me in his trench coat. "Umm, so bad news, I got the wrong time period. This is more the Anasazi time period, 1484 I believe, in the US. Here I'll go fix that." He said and I walked out still wearing his coat. "Max?" He asked as I was already a few feet from the Tardis. "Come on Doctor!" I yelled as he jogged along side me. "It gets pretty dangerous around me." He said out of no where as we walked out into the desert. "I never said it wasn't." I said and he rubbed the back of his neck. "yeah, I guess so, that doesn't make you want to leave does it?" He asked rather hesitantly. I chuckled just a bit. "If I didn't want to travel with you then I'd have ran away faster." I said and he rubbed my hair. I felt a pang of sadness but it went away as fast as it came. "Doctor, are you alright?" I asked as he looked around rather distressed. "There should be the Chaco Canyon around here somewhere... where did it go?" He asked himself as I walked through some cracks in the cliff. I looked and coughed at the dust. But what I saw, was amazing! "Max?!" He yelled and I crawled back out and smiled at him. "Don't run off like that, but of course you always do." I'd have to ask about that later. "I think I found what you were looking for." I said and pulled him by his sleeve. He smiled and held out his arms. "This is what I was talking about! Now this is the Chaco Canyon! Great, brilliant people! Always utilizing the irrigation... Max?" I was already fifteen feet away inspecting an purposely made run in the rock. "That's just an irrigation way, nothing new." He said and I inspected it more closely, "yeah, I've made that out. But if they have always utilized the water through irrigation, why is this empty?" I asked and he took out a pair of glasses. "Hipster." I whispered, he didn't seem to notice. "Your right. Clever girl." he said as he tasted the sand around the rock. We followed the dry irrigation area to a small grove in the shape of a bowl, all dry. It doesn't look like it's rained in a few days perhaps weeks. "You said it was 1484, right?" I said looking onto the Chaco Canyon. "Yeah?" "Well maybe the drought that lasted years, this is it... but... it's a tad early..." I mumbled and he smiled, "come on let's go ask the locals how long this has been going on." He said and helped me walk down the cliff side. "Eyes front solider!" I said seeing him looking up my skirt. He blushed and looked away, still being able to catch me. I smiled just a tad at his stupidity and blushy face. 

When we got to the massive building I saw up on the cliff but now more people were out and about, selling, buying, collecting water, talking, children playing. All of them oblivious to what's going on up the nonexistent river. "I'm getting a certain Pompeii vibe going on..." the Doctor mumbled to himself. "I saw a movie about that once... I couldn't stand ten minutes of it. Got too... emotional for me, showing all those... bodies." I said and he nodded, "you have been sensitive to death." He said and just added that to the list of things I'd ask him later. Once we got to the main building with people praying for rain to come back, frantically trying to fix what their people are oblivious to. "What's going on here?" The Doctor asked as a guy stuck his tongue. I could have barfed. "Who are you?" Asked the chief, "friends, sent by the gods to try and help." I said and they all bowed in respect. "The rain isn't coming! The Gods must hate us!" Some whispered, "well, why not tell us when this all started?" The Doctor said and pulled me to his side as he leaned on a stone block. They told us when this happened, when the Gods threw a gift to them and they dug it up and placed it in one of their water springs. "It was like this," said the chief and used his hands to show us the shape, it looked like an egg. I felt the hair stand up on the back of my neck, hearing what they have done war wise to have "earned" this gift was sickening, but I knew I couldn't say anything. I could just stand there grimacing at his words of war. We said we'd handle it so a guy showed us where they set the egg shaped thing. "Doctor?" I asked and he turned to watch me carefully. "Yes?" I ran a hand through my hair and sighed, "so what were looking for is an egg shaped thing, yeah?" "Oh yes." "And if God's don't exist, which I don't believe they do for lack of evidence, what were looking for could be dangerous and extremely alien." "Oh yes." He said smiling like a school girl -er- boy -er- Time Lord?? I smiled myself and he grabbed my hand, "then let's go and get 'em!" He smiled and pulled me along at a steady pace.

Forever (book one in the "Forever" series) Doctor Who Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now