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""We are awakening!"" A deep voice inside the high priestess said they all began to chant "words of wisdom, words of power", complete bull shit! "Name yourself. Planet origin, galactic coordinates, species designation, according to the universal ratification of the Shadow Proclamation." I demanded. ""We are rising!"" The creature inside her said, "tell me your name!" The Doctor shouted. ""Pyrovile!"" I watched it, ""and the breath of a Pyrovile shall incinerate you Doctor and your wife!"" I growled, "I warn you, I'm armed. Girls get that grate open." We did and he fought her off with a water pistol! "You fought her off with a water pistol. I bloody love you!" I said and kissed him. We began to go down into the volcano. "Somethings are fixed, Donna, some are in flux." I said, "how do you know which is which?" She asked, "because we can see it, that's how we see the universe. Every waking moment we can see what is, what was, what could be, what must never be." I said, "that's the burden of the Time Lords, Donna... and we're the only ones left." He said and took my hand. I felt tears prick my eyes. "How many people died?" She asked, "stop it." The Doctor demanded. "Doctor, how many people died?" Donna said, "twenty thousand." He was so angry. "Is that what you both can see? All twenty thousand? And you think that's alright do you?" She asked and tears flowed down my cheeks. There was a cry of a Pyrovile, quite close. "They know we're here, come on." He said and pushed her to get her going. I ran ahead, trying to rid myself of the tears that kept flowing.

We got to the heart of Vesuvius and saw many Pyrovile just walking about, "we're right inside the mountain." I said and smiled. "What's that thing?" I asked and the Doctor pulled out a small eyepiece. "Better hurry up, Rocky four is on it's way." Donna said, "that's how they arrived. Or what's left of it. Escape pod. Prison ship. Gene bank." "But why a volcano? Maybe it erupts and they launch back into space or something." Donna said, throwing out suggestions. "No, I think it's worse than that." I said, "how could it be worse?" There was a roaring behind us. We ran into the ship. "There is nowhere to run, Doctor, Princess, Daughter of London." "Now then Lucius, my Lord Pyrovillian, don't get yourselves in a lava." "In a lava?" I asked and Donna shook her head. "Fair cop.... And if we might beg the wisdom of the Gods before we parish. Once this new race of creatures is complete, then what?" "They will follow the path of Rome!" I giggled. "Pyrovillia was lost!" Lobus said, "Rome fell!" I yelled before we all got into the pod. I looked all around for something any thing but one way out. "That's the choice Donna, Pompeii or the world... I made it happen." He said. "I push this and it's all over." He said, "twenty thousand people..." I put my hands over his and Donna placed her hands over mine. We pulled it and we're thrashed about.

We landed, "it was an escape pod." The Doctor said and I pulled them along. "I'd like to survive long enough to get married Sweetie." I said and we started to run. We ran past people screaming and burning. "Hurry." We made it back to the Tardis. "Save us Doctor." He went inside and I stood there, watching them, Donna went back inside and the Tardis began to take off. I got in, leaving them behind. "Doctor, it's not fair!" Donna said, "no, it's not." "But your own planet. It burned." "That's just it, don't you see Donna? Can't you understand? If I could go back and save them I would. But we can't!" The Doctor said, "I can never go back, I can't." He said. I went up to him and slapped him. He looked at me, taken aback. The tears flowed freely. "You act as though you lost everyone near and dear to you. You say you can't save anyone but you broke that rule for me and a billion others. If this is what it's like, to be with the on coming storm. Then I don't want it. Just... go back and save someone. Not the whole town. Just someone. You always save someone!" I said and he hugged me.

The Tardis landed and I pulled everyone into the Tardis and flew it up into the hill. I stayed away from them. I leaned on the Tardis, tears still going down my face silently. I went inside and sat down on the jump seat and closed my eyes. They came in and he threw a couple switches and poked me. "I'm sorry I slapped you..." I said opening my eyes and saw him leaning close to me. "I should be sorry, acting like I was the only one who lost their people..." He said and he kissed me. I kissed back and sighed, "can I go home? I'll join you guys later, right?" I said and he nodded. He didn't put on the Stabilizers and had the brakes on. He picked me up and set me down in my bed. "I love you, I hope you know that." He said and kissed my nose. "And here I was nearly forgetting." I said and kissed him. I was drained. "Alright, I'll see you around." He said and I nodded. "See you."

It hasn't come yet. Why hasn't it come yet? Oh my god! What does this mean if it doesn't come? I got dressed in my favorite outfit (the one eleven gave me) and ran to the Post office and smiled. It's here! I went back happy, knowing that he'd love this. "Honey?" I heard the Doctor call. I squeaked and hid it. "Yeah?" I said, act normal. "I brought Amy and Rory, time for some time off, you can pick the place." He smiled and kissed me. "Okay." I said and he picked me up. I couldn't keep the smile off my face, he'd love it! Or I hope! What if he didn't? "How about we go to..." "not the beach." Rory said and I smiled, "wait, I want to know where we're at? Have I gone over to your place yet?" I asked and they shook their head. I sighed, "right, good. Uh, well... have we done the dinosaurs? Well obviously, or else you'd ask me who I was." I said and smiled, "right... let's go... ah!" I gripped my stomach. I have a pain there now. "What's wrong?" Rory asked and I chuckled, "you should have seen your faces!" I giggled and placed in the coordinates. That was strange, maybe I'm just too happy! My stomach being tied in knots. The Doctor let me drive and when we landed it was in a lush green hill with flowers dotting it everywhere. "This is beautiful!" Amy said, "you always pick such nice places." Rory said and I smiled, "yeah, I know." The Doctor came out with a blanket, a picnic basket, and glasses. "Max? You love wine. What's going on?" The Doctor asked, "I don't know, it just tastes bad to me now. No matter the vintage, it tastes bad!" I smiled and looked at everyone. "what?" I asked ate some bread. "And your eating more than usual, you also seemed to put on weight!" He said and I glared at him. "Oh geez, thanks man, just what I like to be told, "oh Max your getting quite porky!" Real mate, mate." I giggled and pushed him. "Ah, no! That's not what I meant! It's just that--!" I shoved a bit of bread in his mouth. "Yeah, don't worry. I'll just go running, the last few adventures had barely any running." I said and he followed Amy's idea with Rory and laid on my lap. "What have we done since the dinosaurs?" He asked I smiled "I went with ten to that school. Still a bit angry that you made me wear a uniform for two days. Let's see, the gas mask zombies with the ninth, then went with you to-- did we meet Craig and Sophie?" He nodded, "there was that and then I went to Pompeii. Again I'm sorry for slapping you." I said and played his his hair, he kept his eyes shut as he smiled.

I got that pain again. "Seriously what's that matter, tell me, I'm a nurse." Rory said and I giggled, "it's tied in knots! I'll be right back!" I yelled and ran into the Tardis and found it in its hiddy hole. I came back and gave it to the Doctor. He looked at it and smiled like a kid at Christmas. He opened it and smiled. "It's a Fez!" He placed it on and kissed my cheek. "Oh no, River shot the last one!" Amy said, "speaking of, how is she?" I asked and took a sip of wine, "well now it tastes good!" I said smiling. Maybe it had to be aerated? "She's good, she talks highly of you, apparently you found her a man, Jack something." I bit my lip and tried not to smile, "it hasn't happened do me yet." I said and the Doctor placed the Fez on me. "And I forgot to ask, but what in God's name are you wearing?" Rory asked and gestures to my outfit. "The Doctor gave this to me, wondering why weren't you there? Where were you? Why did Amy act like you never were there? With that failed Tardis-ish thing?" I asked, "long story."  "Then you better start to tell me." I said and the Doctor sighed, "well, Rory never existed to a certain point then he was plastic, then he was two thousand years old! Then I had rewrite time, then I never existed, and we all met up at their wedding!" The Doctor said I nodded, "did I slap you when you got out of that box? I have a strong feeling I did." He chuckled, "you in fact punched him." Amy said and I smiled, "can't wait."

It began to get dark, "alright, I better be heading home," I said and the Doctor pouted, "can't you spend the night? We haven't been together for ever!" He said and I smiled, "any way, we need to go home, it was fun Doctor." Amy said and he dropped them off. We went into space and we just floated there. "So? please stay the night? I can have you back at your flat three minutes after you left." He said and I tugged at his bow tie. "Alright."

I woke up and saw that the Doctor wasn't anywhere! I sighed and looked down at my body, it was covered in love bites. I shook my head and got dressed in my bow tie, blouse, leggings, tweed jacket and skirt, and the brown flats. I walked out and saw my Doctor sitting, facing the other way. "Hey Sexy." I said and turned to face me. "You greet her before me?" I shook my head and kissed him. "I was talking to you." I whispered and he smiled, "oh," I kissed his again and he pulled back and kissed my neck. "Alright. I'll get you back home." I nodded and he kissed me again. "I love you..." He said and I smiled, "I love you." I said and patted the Tardis. "Right, I'll see you on the flip side!" I said, never going to say that again... alright, I might. "Oh, wait! I got you this!" He said and gave me a box. He didn't wait for me to open it so I waved him goodbye and began to eat some breakfast. I opened the box and saw my mother's bracelet, the one I gave up to kill that Marlin Monroe creature. It felt like forever ago. I began to get lost in thought when the Tardis came into view. The tenth popped out and so did Rose. I can already tell this will be fun!

Forever (book one in the "Forever" series) Doctor Who Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now