Future version, past version, everything's just so complicated!

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Future version, past version, everything's just so complicated!

I curled up and looked at the beautiful ring. I smiled as I thought about my Doctor... my Doctor... I like the sound of this. I heard someone knock on the door. I opened my BEDROOM door and saw the eleventh standing there. He was depressed, "Doctor? What happened?" He sighed and hugged me, pulling me down to the bed. "Everyone thinks I'm dead." He said and I ran my hand through his hair. "Well... I could visit Amy and Rory to see how their doing." I said and he sighed, "yeah, but how?" He asked, "there's something called a taxi." I said and he nodded, "don't tell them that I'm alive." He said and I nodded, "I won't." I said and kissed him. He looked at my finger. "Did I just give you that?" He asked and I smiled, "oh, yes, yes you did. I'm sorry that I was emotional... just after seeing Sarah, your old girlfriend, and Rose, the woman who you love. I got a bit..." He kissed me, pushing me to the headboard. "Never say that. I love you." He said and nipped at my neck. I moaned and ran my hands through his hair, his magnificent hair. "I'll go check on how their doing. Alright?" I said and he nodded.

I went out and got a taxi, bumping into my nosey neighbor. "Who are you?!" She yelled, "I'm Maxine's cousin. She asked me to house sit while she was gone. She'll be visiting every country, seeing the world." I said and ditched. I got to the dark blue house and walked up to the door and knocked from the top of the door to the bottom. Amy opened the door, her eyes red. She began to cry once she saw me. "Amy? Amy, what's the matter?" I asked and she pulled me in, Rory was standing there with tea. "He's dead." I watched her. "Rory's here... don't tell me that your dad's dead! Oh my god!" I said and she shook her head. "She means the Doctor." Rory said and I watched them. I had to act... I was his fiancee of sorts. "What?" I asked and felt tears fall down my cheeks. "No, I, he wouldn't leave any of his companions behind like this!" I said and hugged both Amy and Rory. I clear my tears and touched the engagement ring. "Did he give that to you?" She asked and I nodded, "yeah, ten did. Rose Tyler, Mickey Smith, and Sarah Jane Smith... fighting Krillitanes..." I said and Amy looked at it. You're still going to marry him?" I nodded and sighed, "he won't know that he's going to..." even though I was acting... I couldn't say that word. Amy hugged me and asked me to stay over for some wine, apparently their daughter is coming back. "Who?" I asked, "her name is Melody Pond... but she switched it and changed the words but not the meanings to River Song." I dropped my cup, well, nearly. "You mean, the River Song?" I asked and they nodded, "you've met her before, got on quite well." Rory said, "it hasn't happened for me yet." I said and heard the crackle of a time vortex manipulator. I turned and saw a woman with frizzy hair and grey green eyes. "Maxine." She said and I nodded at her. She hugged me and I hugged back. Remember Max that the Doctor is marrying you. He said that both his hearts and soul belong to you. "You've seen him then?" She asked and I mouthed the word 'yes' and she nodded, "so where are we?" She asked me, "this is the first time I've met you." I said and she nodded, "right. Now I remember." She said and hugged both her parents. I got a text from the Doctor.

Please come back, I'm lonely in your flat all by myself. -Dr.

Alright. I'll be there as soon as possible, just met River. -CG.

I shoved my phone in my pocket and hugged everyone. "I'm sorry, my father... He heard about the engagement from a certain birdie, so I need to talk to him. I'll come back at some other time, alright?" I asked and they nodded.

I skipped back to my flat, not begging able to get a taxi for the life of me. I finally made it home, I got a taxi the last few miles. "Are they alright?" The Doctor asked and I shook my head, "no, but... it's for the better right? Your not just doing this to be a--" he cut me off by kissing me. He pushed me down to the bed.

I woke up with a naked Doctor at my side. I smiled and snuggled closer to him. He was so cute like this. My phone began to ring and the Doctor reached for it and gave it to me. "Hello?" I asked, seeing that it was near noon. We were at it all night... "Maxine? Is the Doctor with you?" Amy asked, "what? No, well sort of, why?" I asked and she growled, "River told us." She said, "is River still there?" I asked and she made a sighing sound, "no," I felt the Doctor kiss my back shoulder. "Well good, I would have very firm words with her if she was." I said and sighed, "it's for the best at the moment Amy... don't worry. It never helps to worry. And I can't talk about it because this is a past version. Spoilers." I said and ended the call. "I just had to lie to an angry, red headed, Scottish girl... please say a few kind words at my next regeneration." I said and he kissed my neck, wanting to start again. "Max... I want more of you." He said and kissed me.

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