Shakespeare? Are you serious?

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Shakespeare? Are you serious?

It's been a few days since I kissed the Doctor. My arms and legs were healed, all that was left was slight discoloration of my skin. But really, no one would tell on account of me being so pale. "Honey I'm home!" I heard someone call. I looked up from my book and saw the tenth standing in front of me. I smiled but pretended not to see or hear him. "Hello?" I asked standing up and looked around. He waved a hand in front of me. "Maxxy?" He said and it took all my power not to smile. I looked around a bit more and when he touched me I just turned and looked suspiciously at the wall behind him. He turned and looked like he'd cry when I jumped on him, hugging him tightly. "Maxxy?" I questioned and he hugged me right back and kissed my cheek. "Why would you do that? I was scared to death!" He said and I kissed him. He was first surprised but molded his lips to mine. "Still a good kisser I see." I said and he winked at me. "Alright, where would you like to go my pretty lady. Oh, word of warning, I have another passenger on board, Martha. She's a bit..." He trailed off as she came out to see what was taking him so long. "You must be Martha!" I said letting go of the Doctor's hand and hugged her. "Uh, yeah, are you that clever girl... Max, that he always talks about?" She asked and I nodded, "yes, clever me. Never asking the silly questions." I said and stoked the Tardis. "Hey Sexy." I said and Martha looked at me like I was crazy. "Are you talking to him?" Martha asked, "no, I address the Tardis like that. I just call him... Doctor... later on I'll start calling him sweetie or Hon. I've already started to. Oh, but the spoilers Doctor!" I said and he smiled as the Tardis opened the door for me. We all walked in and he began to flip switches. "Hey Doctor." I said from the jump seat. "Yes?" He yelled back, "this time flip the brake off." I said and he sighed, "it's not on!" He said and I jumped up, "where's the brakes?" I asked and he pointed to a lever. I flipped it and we went more smoothly but with him driving, it was still bumpy. "How did you know I drive with the brakes on? I didn't even know!" I snorted, "because you still do it." I said and Martha watched me. "Are you and him an item?" She asked and I shrugged, "he won't tell me, it could sucker punch a hole in time if he told people what the future is like." I said and Martha looked around, "But how do you travel in time? What makes it go?" I rolled my eyes as the Doctor knocked about. "Oh, let's take the fun and mystery out of everything. Martha, you don't want to know. It just does. Hold on tight." He yelled as I was flung to the floor. "Maxxy? Are you alright?!" He asked, "Martha, you okay?" I asked "Blimey. Do you have to pass a test to fly this thing?" I giggled "Yes, and I failed it. Now, make the most of it. I promised you one trip, and one trip only. Outside this door, brave new world." He'll brake that rule. I felt it down in the pit of my gut. "Where are we?" Martha asked as I helped her up. "Take a look. After you." He said and Martha opened the door and saw Southwark. Martha began to ramble when I pulled her out of the way of a cauldron pot full of shit. "Somewhere near 1599 or 1600." I said and the Doctor beamed, "your getting better by the minute Max!" I smiled and nodded, "I aim to impress." I said and Martha just wouldn't shut up! I walked ahead and saw the globe theater! "Martha! Sweetie, come see this!" I said grabbing her hand and pulled her so she could see the amazing work of architecture! "It's beautiful!" She said and finally the Doctor walked over, "ah, freshly built, containing the man himself." He said and I smiled, "William Shakespeare!" I squealed.

When we got there it was beautiful, smelly, but beautiful nevertheless. After the play Martha began to shout out "Author! Author!" And everyone followed suit. I looked up and saw a lady in a gold dress clutching something to her breasts. I kept watching, not even paying attention as everyone left. I kept watching her till the Doctor tugged at my sweater, "Max?" He asked, I looked at him but then back to the empty booth. I shook it off and we went to the Elephant tavern in search for William. We walked up and found him and his mates. "Hi, William Shakespeare?" The Doctor asked and Will began to get his feet down off the table. "Oh, no. No, no, no. Who let you in? No autographs. No, you can't have yourself sketched with me. And please don't ask where I get my ideas from. Thanks for the interest. Now be a good boy and shove..." Martha and I popped out and his eyes brightened. "Hey, nonny nonny. Sit right down here next to me. You two get sewing on them costumes. Off you go." He said and I smiled. "Come on, lads. I think our William's found his new muse." Said the bar lady. "Sweet ladies." Shakespeare said as his friends left and we sat down, I leaned on the chair Martha sat in. "Such unusual clothes. So fitted." I blushed and smiled. "Er, verily, forsooth, egads." I shook my head, "No, no, don't do that. Don't." The Doctor said and I smiled over to Will who was watching both us girls. "I'm Sir Doctor of Tardis and these are my companions, Miss Martha Jones and Miss Maxine Rodgers." The Doctor said pulling out his psychic pad. "Interesting, that bit of paper. It's blank." William said and Martha was confused. "Oh, that's very clever. That proves it. Absolute genius." The Doctor said and I smiled, he's like a kid at this point, meeting his favorite super hero. "No, it says so right there. Sir Doctor, Martha Jones, Maxine Rodgers. It says so." She said looking at it but all I could do was giggle. "And I say it's blank." Will said and placed his feet back on the table. "Psychic paper. Er, long story. Oh, I hate you starting from scratch." I said and the Doctor grinned. "Psychic? Never heard that before and words are my trade. Who are you exactly? More's the point, who is your delicious blackamoor lady and your ivurien girl?" He asked and I snorted. "Wait, what did you say?" Martha said, shocked. "Oops. Isn't that a word we use nowadays? An Ethiop girl? A swarth? A Queen of Afric?" I bit my lip, this was quite painful to watch, let alone to hear. "I can't believe I'm hearing this." She said still trying to get over the shock of all these outdated words. "It's political correctness gone mad." The Doctor said and tugged at his earlobe. "Er, Martha's from a far-off land. Freedonia." I said and Shakespeare turned his attention to me, "and what of you, you also of this land, Freedonia?" Will asked, "uh, no, I'm from Hogwarts." I said saying the first thing that came into my head before a man in fancy garb came in, demanding that Will gave him the script. He of course didn't get it and vowed that the show wouldn't go on. "Well then, mystery solved. That's Love's Labours Won over and done with. Thought it might be something more, you know, more mysterious." Martha said once we left Shakespeare to do whatever he does. "Help me!" I heard someone yell and I ran over to a dying man. Martha, being trained in CPR tried to keep him alive but he coughed up water and died. There's something not right here, I can feel it deep down. "What the hell is that?" Martha asked as she stood up. "I've never seen a death like it. His lungs are full of water. He drowned and then, I don't know, like a blow to the heart, an invisible blow. Maxxy, have you seen anything like this?" I shook my head, "no..." I looked up and saw that woman from the glob theatre but instead of a gold gown she wore a black dress and a white bonnet thing. "Max?" The Doctor asked tugging me along, "what has gotten into you lately, you only go like this when there's something serious." He said and I looked back up to the balcony to see that the young woman was gone. "I don't like this. This has... a strange taste to it." I said tasting the metallic, rusty flavor in the air. Like blood. "It's witchcraft." The Doctor said and we walked up and got a room. There was only one bed. "It's not exactly five star, is it?" Martha said seeing the chamber pot. "Oh, it'll do. We've seen worse." The Doctor said and I was sitting down in a chair. "I haven't even got a toothbrush." Picky, picky, picky. "Oh. Er." The Doctor produced one from a pocket like the incredibly brilliant man he was. "Contains Venusian spearmint." "So, who's going where? I mean, there's only one bed." Who knew words could cut so sharp? It's like she'd love me to go. "We'll manage. Come on." Dick, can't you see she's coming onto you?! "So, magic and stuff. That's a surprise. It's all a little bit Harry Potter." Martha said and I smiled, "I'd be in Hufflepuff! I love Cedric Diggery. Even if he did die then go work on Twilight." I said and the Doctor pulled me onto his lap. "Wait till you read book seven. Oh I cried." Something about him crying broke my heart. "But is it real, though? I mean, witches, black magic and all that, it's real?" Martha said and the Doctor frowned as I got up to look outside to make sure the coast was clear. "Course it isn't!" The Doctor said being a tad bit rude. "Well, how am I supposed to know? I've only just started believing in time travel. Give me a break." She said, "just wait Hon, you'll be seeing more of this." I mumbled. "Looks like witchcraft, but it isn't. Can't be. Are you going to stand there all night?" He asked Martha as I locked everything up. "Budge up a bit, then. Sorry, there's not much room. Us two here, same bed. Tongues will wag." That's when I snapped, "alright, Fuck this. I can't stand it here. I'm calling the Tardis." I said and she began to silently materialize around me. "Oh, and you both and sleep out here. Good night." I said slamming the door and tried to fall asleep on the jump seat when there was a scream. I ran out and followed the Doctor and Martha to William's room to see a dead woman and Will snapping out of a trance. "It's no use, she died of a heart failure, I think we should stick to that cackling figure flying across the moon!" I said and Martha gasped. "Oh, sweet Dolly Bailey. She sat out three bouts of the plague in this place when we all ran like rats. But what could have scared her so? She had such enormous spirit." Shakespeare said in a light voice. Mourning the death of Dolly. "Rage, rage against the dying of the light." The Doctor said and I hit his arm. "I might use that." "You can't. It's someone else's." I said and the Doctor rubbed his arm. "This is all tied to you Will, and if it's tied to the author then it must be so for the architect that went insane after the year completion." I said and we began to go see Peter Streete.

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