Yeah? But now what?

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Yeah? But now what?

"Out! Out! Out! Out!" He yelled, I was already over there pushing everything away. We ran out and I pulled the doors closed and we ran to the observatory. Rose stopped and I grabbed her hand. I pulled her back and stayed my ground, I'd buy them time. The wolf retreated and the Doctor came over to me. "Good shot!" He complimented the girls. The girls left and he kissed me, "stupid, rash girl!" He said and pulled me along to the observatory. Robert said he'd buy us time and we began to work. "Come on Rose, help me lift it!" I said and she began to help me, "not the time for stargazing." She said, "yes it is." I said as the Doctor came and pulled with us. After a minute I heard Robert scream in pain. I felt tears pickle my eyes and they began to fall, but I kept pulling the cog to get the telescope up. "You guys said this thing didn't work," Rose said, "it doesn't work as a telescope, because that's not what it is!" I said, "it's a light chamber. It magnifies the light, like a weapon. We've just got to power it up." The Doctor said looking back and forth between the cog, the light chamber, and me. "With what?! There's no electricity!" I rolled my eyes. "Moonlight? The wolf needs moonlight!" She cried, "your 70% water but you can still drown, come on!" I said and we powered it up. The wolf came in and I pushed the Queen to the ground. The wolf got caught in the light and it raised into the air, turning human. "Make it brighter, let me go." He said, arms outstretched. As the Doctor did brighten the light, he disappeared. I wiped at my eyes and the Doctor patted my shoulder, that's when I saw the Queen doing. "Your Majesty? Did it bite you?" I asked and she shook her head, "No, it's a cut, that's all." She said and we stepped closer, "if that thing bit you..." the Doctor said, "it's a splinter of wood when the door came apart. It's nothing." She said, still looking at it. She snapped and I went to sleep on the Doctor's shoulder. In the morning she woke us up and got us down. "By the power invested in me by the Church and the state, I dub thee Sir Doctor of Tardis. By the power invested in me by the Church and the State I dub thee Dame Rose of the Powell Estate. By the power invested in me by the Church and the state, I dub thee Dame Maxine of Tardis. You may stand." I smiled, "many thanks ma'am" the Doctor and I said. "Your Majesty, last night you said about receiving no message from the great beyond. We think that your husband cut that diamond to save your life." I said and she gave a hint of smile, "he's protecting you even now ma'am, from beyond the grave." The Doctor finished, "indeed, then you may think on this also, that I am not amused." I smiled and Rose cheered. Doctor now owes her 10 quid. "Not remotely amused. And henceforth I banish you." I giggled, "yeah, well just come back twenty years time." I said under my breath. "I don't know about the three of you, but you consort in stars and magic and think it fun. But your world is steeped in terror and blasphemy and death, and I will not allow it. You will leave these shores, and you will reflect I hope, on how you came to stray so far from all that is good. And how much longer you may survive this terrible life." "Yeah, but for argument sake, if we weren't here, they'd all be dead and you'd have a wolf inside you." I said pulling my arms behind my head.

We left and got a lift from a guy. "Cheers mate!" I yelled and walked with my hands behind my head, "no, but the funny thing is Queen Victoria actually did suffer a mutation of the blood." The Doctor said, "it's a historical record. She was Haemophiliac. They even called it the royal disease!" I said, "but it's all been a mystery because she didn't inherit it." "Her mum didn't have it, her dad didn't have it. It came from nowhere!" I said smiling. "What? You saying that's a wolf bite?" Rose asked us. "Well, maybe haemophilia is just a Victorian euphemism." The Doctor said turning to us. "For werewolf?" "Could be." I said with a wink. "Queen Victoria is a werewolf?" "Could be. And her children have the royal disease. Maybe she just have them a quick nip." I said and smiled, "so the royal family are werewolves?" Rose said, now smiling herself. "Well, maybe not yet. I mean a single wolf cell could take about a hundred years to mature." I said, "might be ready by, oh, early 21st century." The Doctor said and grabbed my hand. "No that's just ridiculous." Rose said, "mind you, princess Anne." I chuckled, "I'll say no more." The Doctor rubbed small circles in my skin. "And if you think about it, their very private. They plan everything in advance, they could schedule themselves around the moon. We'd never know!" I giggled, "and they like hunting. Love blood sports." Rose said ad the Tardis doors opened. I began to laugh. "Oh my god their werewolves!" Rose said and we all began to laugh before we started to howl.

I was home and happy to be here. I took a shower and placed my ring back on. I smiled fondly and decided to get dressed. I walked into my living room after grabbing a pair of jeans, a t-shirt, and a sweater and saw the Tardis. It's just back to back with this guy. I opened the door and bumped into Amy and Rory. "Hey hey, match made in heaven! How have you been?" I asked and hugged them. "We're just fine... uh, the Doctor is taking... he's really confusing, can you come in?" I nodded and rushed in and saw the Doctor being stressed in a corner. "Babe?" I walked closer. He looked up to me and sighed, "hey Maxine." He said stood up. "What's wrong? Where's my happy, silly, bow tie Doctor?"  I asked and he smiled weakly. "Would you like to go somewhere?" I grabbed him and sat him down on the ground. I sat across from him. "Tell me what happened." I said and he sighed, "nothing did, I just have a lot on my mind." I raised my eyebrow and he ran a hand through his hair. "It's about a friend's wedding, my friend wants it to be perfect for his fiancee--" I shook my head, "is this a friend or you?" I asked, he smiled and looked away. "F-friend." Liar! I smiled and tugged at his bow tie. "Tell me the truth." I whispered and he sighed, "fine! So I wanted to plan our wedding but every suggestion I make River shoots it down! Literally! I wrote them all down and she shot them!" I shook my head, "go write them again. Then come to me." I said and he smiled and bounced up and went to get a stack of cards. Tree house? Toys-R-Us? River was right to shoot these! I kept looking. "Amy can you slap him please? He has suggested our wedding to be in the toy store in Colchester!" I said and she lightly hit him. "Doctor, these are basically all kid toy stores and the other half I already know I'd fall out of." I said and looked over to him... "how about I write some places, give you one better, I'll give you photos." I said and pulled them all out into the living room. I grabbed my photo collection and pulled out photos of beautiful fields when it dawned on me. "Honey... what if we had it in space? Have the Tardis wrap an air bubble around the whole thing then get married by the stars?" I asked and he kissed me. "Brilliant!" He yelled and all of a sudden another Tardis began to materialize! "Hurry! Out!" I said and they left as the other came. It was the Eleventh, again, but this time without Any or Rory, but with River. "Thanks Doctor." She said and hugged me, "if I remember correctly, this would be the second time we met. Let's go out and get some drinks." She said and the Doctor didn't even say hello. "Sorry, he didn't know he was dropping me off here, I didn't want him to spoil our day." She said and I smiled. We went to a bar/cafe place and I ordered some wine for us. We talked for hours, it's strange, I felt like I knew her all along. "Alright I'll see you later Maxine." She said and kissed my cheek. I smiled and hugged her, "till next time River." I said and she time vortexed herself away. I went home and smiled. I felt so happy.

I knew that everything of my life was falling into place! That was, of course, before tomorrow... I didn't know it yet but tomorrow would be the hardest day of my life.

Hey! Author here! So that's the end of "Forever" *chuckles* get it? It just sounds funny, "the end of forever." Right! So in fact I'll be writing another book. A sequel to this. It's called "Stay" and that's not like a command but if you say it in a romantic tone, that's how it's ment to be said. I'll write it soon. Even though right now, only one person has read any of this and she's a good friend! Oh well, I've been proven wrong many times, this could be one of those times. Alright. Ann-Marie is gone, but only for the Time being.

Forever (book one in the "Forever" series) Doctor Who Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now