Time Lord

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Time Lord

I think I worked out who I was on Galifrey... Maybe? I was looking at the fob watch when Eleven came by, I could ask him. He was smiling up a storm. Positively electric even! "Doctor?" I asked and he smiled over to me. He picked me up quickly and kissed me. "I've missed you." He said I smiled, "I've missed you too. Why so happy?" I asked and he pouted, "Am I not allowed to be happy to see you?" He said and kissed me again. "How long did you go without seeing me?" I asked, "nearly a whole day!" He said and I chuckled, "my, I must fascinate you something awful if I can be gone for a day and you act like it's been months!" He kissed me again and again. "How long did you go without seeing me then?" He asked, nipping at my neck, I moaned as he pulled me into the Tardis. "I saw you... about... thirteen hours ago. And I can't speak for myself. I missed you something terrible." I said and he smiled, "right, where would you like to go today my gorgeous girl?" I blushed and straightened his bowtie. "I'd say your bedroom, but that's not possible." I said and he chuckled, "Alright." He winked and I blushed, gah! That was supposed to make him blush! "So, can we go... can we go somewhere fun? I'm getting a tad bored almost dying." I said and he laughed. "But that's half the fun!" I smiled and giggled, "alright... I'll let you pick the date." I said and he ran around the console. I didn't bother to put of the stabilizers, and I didn't get the brake out of gear. It was a fun ride! We gripped onto the console and each other.

When we got out I saw that we were still in England, only a little bit into my future, by like, twenty seconds. I just wanted to spend as much time as possible with my Doctor. "So, where did you go last time we chatted about this?" He ment where did I go after telling him all the adventures the last time I did. When I nearly died. "Well, I met Rose with the living plastic, and Donna on her wedding day... have we done the Titanic yet?" I asked and he nodded. "Did that as well." I said and he held my hand as we walked down the streets. It was somewhere in Cardiff. We walked past the rift and a grate opened, not even three feet away. We looked over it and I was grabbed!

I woke up and saw that I was tied to a chair. I looked around, but there was a shadow of darkness. "Alright, who's bright idea was it to tie her up?" I heard a voice say. I relaxed as they untied the rope. "Captain Jack Harkness, at your service, Miss Maxine Rodgers." I glared at him. "Where's my boyfriend?" I snapped and he chuckled. "You mean that man with the bow tie? He's still unconscious." I jumped up, "take me to him then." I said and he grabbed my hand. "Alright." I took my hand back and walked out to see a girl and a guy. I walked past them. "Come on Sweetie." I coaxed, he didn't get up. I took his sonic and scanned him. Thankfully he's only sleeping. But I couldn't help but worry. "Whoa! Is that who I think it is Max?" Jack asked, "Honey, get up!" I said and shook him. "Please, please Doctor." I said and he groaned awake. He shot up and looked around till he saw me. "Thank God!" He hugged me and kissed my tears away. "They didn't hurt you did they?" He asked, "more importantly did they hurt you?" I asked and he shook his head, "good. Then they couldn't have hurt me." I said and Jack cleared his throat. "I see you've regenerated, Doctor." Jack said. He jumped up, picking me up with him. "Jack!" He hugged him, "meet the missus." He said and kissed my cheek. "Not yet, it hasn't happened yet." I said and he blushed, "meet my girlfriend." He revised. I smiled and shook his hand "good to see you again Max." I was only partially confused. Time travel. "So, how come I was tied to a chair?" I asked and Jack looked away as the Doctor glared, "yeah, sorry about that. We were getting strange and very strong readings off of you." Said the girl, Gwen, who stood next to the guy, Owen. "It's because she's a Time Lord." The Doctor blurted out, "speaking of-" I started but was interrupted. "What?! I thought you were the last!" Jack said. "Yeah, I did too till I found her. Well, you know there was also River Song. She's like a Time Lord, more of, human plus." He rattled on before I placed a finger over his lips. "Sorry, River who?" I asked, alright! So I get a bit jealous when other girls are around him. They come onto him and he barely ever realises it till it's too late. "Oh yes, you haven't met her yet. Well, don't you worry, it's not like she can whoo me, well she's tried, it took awhile for her, but really--" I cut him off, "your unbelievable! Is this what you do? When you drop me off you just go after girls?! Once you get out of the grasp of the old ball and chain you chase after anything with hips and a skirt?!" I said now furious. "That's! Ugh! I'm going home!" I yelled and searched for a door. "You pretty boy!" I yelled and he watched me, a small smile played on his lips, "pretty?" I bit my lip, "where's the door? I'm going home!" I yelled, namely in the Doctor's direction. "No, no, no, no. I don't chase after them! Come on Darling, baby, sugar, Honey. My hearts and soul belong to you!" He said and Gwen and Owen left away from these domestics. Jack stayed to watch the show. "Yeah? What about Rose Tyler? What about Martha Jones? What about Amelia Pond? And this new woman? River Song? I think you have more girlfriends than I have ever had of boyfriends! So far all I ever been with was You! Nine, Ten, and Eleven!" I said and began to walk away. "Have fun being the last Time Lord with River. Because I'm never going to change! I'd rather have the father who spent all of my life with people younger than I than a man who has girlfriends behind my back!" I yelled and began to leave when Jack caught up to me. "Would you like to go somewhere?" He asked, "as friends, I know your still loyal to him." "I'd rather just go back home." I said, feeling the tears prick my eyes. "Right, I'll walk you there." He said, "wait, I can't just leave the Doctor there... without the Tardis. One sec while I move it." I said and moved it to him not even a second later did I hear him take off.

Jack walked me home, I invited him in for something to eat and he accepted. "So, are you still human?" He asked as I set down fish, chips, and Pepsi. "Until I open this watch I'm still human." I said and took out the old watch. "You do know that he didn't like Martha in that way. I don't even know this Amelia or River, but I can tell that he only loves you." He didn't mention Rose. "I already knew that he loved Rose... I met her when he did... she was perfect. No wonder when I was away he fell for her. She's beautiful, spunky, and good for the sake of it. What am I? I don't even know... I could be the exact opposite." I said and looked at the watch. "No you couldn't." He said and took my hand. "All I do is stay by him..." I had and took my hand back and we finished our food and drink and he time skipped away.

With the amount of time that I now have away from the Doctor I began to think. I reached a verdict that I loved him. I called the Tardis to me. He stepped out, his eyes were red. As were mine. "Doctor... I'm sorry for the way I acted. It was childish, irresponsible, rude--" he kissed me, tears began to flow down both of our cheeks again. "I've missed you so much. Maxine... I love you so, so, so much. And I've missed you twice as more." He said and nuzzled my neck, making me moan in the process. "Let's go away for some private time." He said and picked me up, kissing me gently.

I flipped on the Stabilizers as we walked past, he began to punch buttons and flew us somewhere. He opened the door after grabbing some things. He popped out with a red blanket, wine, and French bread. I took the blanket and laid it down in the grass and flowers. There were blue, purple, and white flowers everywhere, different shades of them, like the galaxy. I laid my head down on his lap, looking up at him. I snuggled into his crotch. He jumped just a bit and looked down at me. "Yes?" I smiled and touched his cheek. "Doctor... can you open the watch?" I asked and he looked at the watch that I placed in his hand. "No, Honey... I couldn't-!" He said and I placed my lips on his. "I don't want you to be alone anymore. I'm ready." I said and he kissed me back. "Alright..." he opened the watch, a gold light flowed from the watch into me.

I looked up and I smiled. He watched me and smiled, "well, now we're one and the same." He said and kissed me and laid down with me on his chest. "Yes, we are." I said and kissed him again. He moved the straps of my dress down and began to bite at my soft spot. I ran my hands through his hair as he kissed me, trying to make me moan.

I woke up the next morning to see a sleeping naked Doctor at my side. I smiled and watched him. His lips were in a soft smile. Soon his eyes fluttered open to reveal soft, green eyes. Eyes that have seen many hardships, losses, and devastation. They have also seen friendship, companionship, and love. He smiled even more and wrapped his arm around me as I snuggled up to him. "I love you." He said and I rubbed small circles in his skin. "I love you too."

We stayed there for most of the day, just laying down, naked and talking. "Alright, I better get you home before I come and see your not there." He said and I got up, he rolled his eyes up and down my body as I searched for my underwear. "Looking for these?" The Doctor asked and held up my silk-like bra and panties. I blushed as he wouldn't give them back. He pulled the bra on me and adjusted it. And slowly lifted my panties up my legs. He kissed my thigh and I blushed. He pulled the dress over my head and kissed me. I bit my lip and helped him get dressed, slowly pulling on his boxers, kissing Doctor Jr quickly before we got started again. I pulled his shirt on and buttoned it up, placing his bow tie on as I kissed the nape of his neck. He smiled and finished by himself. I pulled on my socks and flats as we walked to the console. He flew us back to my place and we kissed farewell. I smiled and went to take a shower. Scrubbing with a large amount of lavender soap so I would smell nice for the Doctor. I slipped on a black skirt that went halfway to my knee, a black tank top, a white fluffy sweater, a pair of white socks that went nearly up to my knees, and a pair of black flats. I brushed my hair and put it into a ponytail, it curled down my back like a red water fall. That's when I heard the Tardis making that beautiful sound. I smiled and jumped in, seeing Any, Rory, some guy on a ladder, a guy who strangely enough; reminded me of Indiana Jones, and an Egyptian queen! "My!" I said and hugged Amy and Rory, "nice to see you both again! Now where is my Doctor?" I asked and he hugged me from behind. "Hello dear." He said and I kissed him quickly. "What have we done so far?" He asked flipping switches. "I just became a Time Lord." I said and he cheered, "now I can do it whenever I want!" He cheered silently. I giggled and put on the stabilizers. "Is this your gang now?" I said and he smiled, "I have a gang now, don't know why I never had a gang before." He said and landed on a space ship. "Everyone, grab a torch!" I called and threw them at people. Once we exited he finally noticed the other man who was on the step ladder. He got a bit huffy, "what do I look like Amy, Rory, a Taxi?" He said, "you materialized around us!" They said and I giggled, not really knowing of the danger that I was in.

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