Dreams of meetings.

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Dreams of meetings.

I opened my eyes and saw I was in my room. What a strange dream... never before did I dream of a boyfriend. And even if I did, I'd never put in other girls that he could pick. I got up and shuffled to my kitchen and began to make breakfast. I felt a bit sad that there was no Doctor. That there was no Amy or Rory... even a bit sad that there was no Martha Jones. After awhile I couldn't remember their faces... I began to make eggs and toast when someone knocked on my door. I wiped my hands on my apron and went to answer the door. "Hello?" I asked and saw a girl and a boy, starring at me. They looked vaguely familiar. Couldn't pin point where I saw them though. "Can I help you?" I asked and they looked disappointed just a bit but then smiled. "Hello, could we come in?" Asked the girl. I opened the door further. "Would you like some breakfast? I just started to make some." I said and went back into the kitchen where they sat. "Uh, sure." The guy said. I made more scrambled eggs and toast. "Do you mind if I use the lou?" The girl asked, "No, please, be my guest." I said and began to plate up the food. "Now, how may I be of assistance Mr..." "Rory Williams." I dropped my cup, the shards went everywhere as I just starred at him. "Maxine? What's the matter?" Rory asked, "yes, I'm sorry. Butter fingers and all that." I said and picked up the shards. I cut my finger as I threw them away. "How's Amy?" I asked without thinking. "She fine." Rory said after a long silence. I watched him, "I don't know anyone named Amy... How would I know that you'd be married to an Amy?" I asked and he watched me, "I think you need a Doctor." His wife said stepping out and I heard a magical sound. It sounded like eternal love, bed time stories. Like a laughter on the wind. Anything good on the world, that's what it sounded like. I kept my surprise to myself and pretended not to see it, or him. That's when it all rushed back to me, it was all real! The adventures all real! I smiled into my cup. "Maxine! Your up!" He yelled and touched my shoulder. I looked around, playing with him. "So, how can I help the two of you? Not everyday I have guests... never really." I said and the Doctor snapped his fingers in front of my face. "Maxine, come on, look at me Sweetie." He said, they all watched me. "Do you remember us?" Rory asked, "from Five minutes ago? Of course I do Mr Williams." I said and the Doctor looked like he'd cry. I quickly stood up and crashed our lips together. "Get over here you." I said, tears streamed down my cheeks, I never thought I'd see him again. He tasted like tears and joy. Warm and loving. "I'm never letting you out of my sight again." He said through the kisses he gave me.

They told me what happened after I passed out. The Tardis made something pop out of the toaster. The only side effects were of course the slight amnesia. Amy told me what happened to the Doctor after I passed out. "He really can't live without you. He was basically trashing the Tardis." Amy said and I looked over to the Doctor who was happily eating my food. "Well... if I did die then he wouldn't have remembered me, none of you would have. Seeing how we met through the Doctor." I said and she hugged me. "Oi! Are you two gingers ganging up on me?" The Doctor asked walking over. I held onto him and he looked taken aback before holding me, setting down his plate in the process. "How's Sexy doing?" I asked and he smiled as he opened the door and I saw the Tardis standing there. "I'll move her in, knowing you, you'd go back in time!" I said and he messed up my bed head. "Fine." I thought of her in my living room and wham! There she was! "How do I do that? I've been wondering about that." I said and he shrugged. The Doctor looked at the date and sighed, "come on you guys, I can't cross my timeline." The Doctor said and kissed me one more time before leaving.

I took a shower and ate what was left of my food. I changed into a pair of running shoes, a pair of jeans and a tank top. I dug around and found an open sweater. I walked out of my room and saw the Tardis. "Hey Sexy." I said smiling. I opened the door and saw a man with no hair, a leather jacket, and fairly large ears. "Who are you?" He asked, he sounded rather rude. "I'm Maxine Rodgers... are you the Doctor?" I asked looking him up and down. "Yeah, you got a problem with that?" He asked and I shook my head, "No, I'm just glad you met me. Well, seems like it's fixed now." I said and he watched me. "Funny, she took me to you. What are you to me?" He asked and I giggled, "oh, the spoilers!" I said and he looked a bit happier but that quickly changed. "Tell me." He urged and I hugged him. "You'll just have to find out Doctor dear, it's an amazing ride!" I said and was about to leave when the doors slammed shut and he began to throw switches and I sighed, "alright then. Seems like it's adventure time." I said and we got out underneath a shop. Or at least I think it was a shop. We began to snoop around, him sonicing anything and I noticed something else, he had a bomb. "Tell me, what exactly are you to me?" He asked silently as we waited for something to happen. "You'll see." I said and he growled. "Tell me or I'll leave you to die." He said, bluffing. "Yeah, right. Nice try babe." I said and he sighed, I took my chance. I lightly kissed him, he was shocked to say the least! His face was just to cute! "Hope that clears up some things." I winked and he watched me, his eyes were full, full of memories that he has lived, a war that spanned throughout time and space itself. The reason why he was the only survivor of Galifrey.

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