Donna? What?!

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Donna? What?!

I was writing of my adventures of the Doctor and I when I heard the sexy mechanical sound. I jumped up from my computer and smiled as I saw the Tardis materializing in my room. I jumped in and saw the Doctor on the verge of tears. "Doctor? What's the matter?" I asked and jumped to get to him. He grabbed me and clung to me like I was a life line. "She's gone, Rose is gone!" He cried, tears fell onto my jumper. I stroked his hair this way and that as he told me what happened to Rose. "Doctor... she's still alive... It's better than some things in this world... at least she's still alive, and you never know... she could come back to you one day..." I said, crying myself. He pulled back and I cleared away his tears. "Rose is tough, if she could handle you when she first met you then she can handle anything. I sware to you. Anything." I said and he nodded and cleared away my tears. We were in mid flight in space when a woman clad in a white wedding dress appeared! "What?" The Doctor and I said, surprised. "Who are you two?" She asked, acting like she owned the place. "But" the Doctor was surely flabbergasted. "Where am I?" The red head asked, it seems like it's only the Doctor who doesn't get to be ginger. "What?" He asked and watched her then looked at me who was just watching this woman."What the hell is this place?" Definitely pissed, she is. "What? You can't do that. I wasn't. We're in flight. That is, that is physically impossible! How did...?" I was cut off by her. "Tell me where I am. I demand you tell me right now where am I?" She was pointing her finger at us, she was beyond pissed. "Inside the Tardis." I said getting up to inspect her. "The what?" She asked turning with me so I couldn't get a good look at her. "The Tardis." The Doctor repeated, also watching her. "The what?" Great, we just went around in circles! "That's not even a proper word. You're just saying things!" She said, "it's an acronym..." I said and the Doctor threw me his screwdriver. "Huh..." "How did you get in here?" He asked as I tossed it back. "Well, obviously, when you kidnapped me. Who was it? Who's paying you? Is it Nerys? Oh my God, she's finally got me back. This has got Nerys written all over it." She rambled. "Who the hell is Nerys?" I asked out of curiosity. "Your best friend!" She spat and the Doctor separated us before she hit me. "Hold on, wait a minute. What are you dressed like that for?" I rolled my eyes, "I'm going ten pin bowling. Why do you think, dumbo? I was halfway up the aisle! I've been waiting all my life for this. I was just seconds away, and then you, I don't know, you drugged me or something!" She yelled, "hey! Only I can call him a dumbo!" "Oi!" "Don't worry baby, your my dumbo." "We haven't done anything!" The Doctor said getting us back on track. "I'm having the police on you! Me and my husband, as soon as he is my husband, we're going to sue the living backside off you!" I snorted, "good luck." I said and she ran down the ramp. "No, wait a minute. Wait a minute. Don't!" I yelled and pulled her back as she opened the door. The nebula was beautiful this time of day. "You're in space. Outer space. This is our space ship. It's called the Tardis." "She's called the Tardis." I corrected. "How am I breathing?" She asked, absolutely in awe. "The Tardis, she's protecting us." I said and opened the other door so I could see better. "Who are you?" She asked as I let go of her. "I'm the Doctor, this is Maxine. You?" He said and I smiled. "Donna." I shook her hand just a bit. "Human?" I asked and she watched me, "Yeah. Is that optional?" "Well, it is for us." "You're both aliens?" I nodded, "Yeah." We both said quietly. "It's freezing with these doors open." I nodded and closed the doors for her. "I don't understand that and I understand everything." I laughed, "right sweetie, keep telling yourself that." I said and he ignored me, I know he heard me. "This, this can't happen! There is no way a human being can lock itself onto the Tardis and transport itself inside. It must be..."

He grabbed an ophthalmoscope and uses it to look into Donna's eyes. She looked like she'd slap him. I took a look as well. "Impossible. Some sort of subatomic connection? Something in the temporal field? Maybe something pulling you into alignment with the Chronon shell. Maybe something macro mining your DNA within the interior matrix. Maybe a genetic..." I said and she slapped me and the Doctor "ow! What the Hell was that for?" I asked. "Get me to the church!" She demanded as I looked at the Doctor's cheek, he seemed fine. "Right! Fine! We don't want you here anyway! Where is this wedding?" I asked already putting on the stabilizers and taking the brakes off. "Saint Mary's, Hayden Road, Chiswick, London, England, Earth, the Solar System." "Well yeah, no duh, London, England, Earth. What else would you be? Boring human." I muttered.

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