Why won't you tell me?

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Why won't you tell me?

"Close up this din of hateful, dire decay, decomposition of your witches' plot. You thieve my brains, consider me your toy. My doting Doctor tells me I am not!" They began to whinge. "Foul Carrionite spectres, cease your show! Between the points..." he trailed off, "Seven six one three nine oh!" The Doctor yelled and Shakespeare repeated. "Banished like a tinker's cuss, I say to thee..." he said drifting off again. "Expelliarmus!" Martha yelled "Expelliarmus!" The Doctor and Shakespeare repeated. "Good old JK!" I said smiling, the Carrionites screamed and everything stopped. And the audience began to clap. "They think it was all special effects?" Martha said and I nodded, "Your effect is special indeed." I rolled my eyes and the Doctor and I bowed. "It's not your best line." Martha said and the Doctor and I grabbed the ball where they were trapped.

The next morning The Doctor and I were rummaging through their props. We walked back to the stage where Martha told Shakespeare a God awful joke. "Good props store back there. I'm not sure about this though. Reminds me of a Sycorax." The Doctor said and I took it in my hand and smiled, "Sycorax. Nice word. I'll have that off you as well." "We should be on ten percent. How's your head?" I said "Still aching." The Doctor took off the neck brace. "Here, I got you this." He said and I tossed the skull up in the air and he caught it. "Neck brace. Wear that for a few days till it's better, although you might want to keep it. It suits you." Shakespeare looked at him, like he was crazy, he is, of course but still. "What about the play?" Martha asked, "Gone. We looked all over. Every single copy of Love's Labours Won went up in the sky." The Doctor said, "thank God." I said, "My lost masterpiece." Shakespeare said, I rolled my eyes. "You could write it up again." "Yeah, better not, Will. There's still power in those words. Maybe it should best stay forgotten." I said and she glared at me, the Doctor saw and held my hand. "Oh, but I've got new ideas. Perhaps it's time I wrote about fathers and sons, in memory of my boy, my precious Hamnet." I nodded, "Hamnet?" Martha asked and I rolled my eyes, "That's him." And they began to diverge from the conversation at hand. "Anyway, time we were off. I've got a nice attic in the Tardis where this lot can scream for all eternity, and I've got to take Martha back to Freedonia and Max back to Hogwarts." I giggled a bit before I remembered I used that as my cover. "You mean travel on through time and space." I stopped and watched him. "You what?" I asked and he watched the two of us, excluding Martha. "You're from another world like the Carrionites, and Martha is from the future. It's not hard to work out. Except you Max, it's hard to peg you." Shakespeare said and I looked up to the Doctor in confusion. "That's incredible. You are incredible." I watched him, I was human, I knew that, how come he didn't correct Will. "We're alike in many ways, Doctor. Martha, let me say goodbye to you in a new verse. A sonnet for my Dark Lady. Shall I compare thee to a summer's day? Thou art more lovely and more temperate." I hit the Doctor's shoulder lightly, "how come you don't say things like that to me?" Will's mates came in and fanfare began to play. "Queen Elizabeth the First!" The Doctor said and she looked angry. "Doctor? Maxine?" I shivered, how would she know me? "What?" We both said and her face grew red. "My sworn enemies!" "What?!" We cried, "Off with their heads!" She said and I grabbed his hand and Martha's. "What?" He said and I pulled them quickly. "Never mind what, just run! See you, Will, and thanks." She said as I pulled them down. "Stop that pernicious Doctor and that persistent Girl!" She cried and Shakespeare laughed as the pikemen chase us out and into the streets of Southwark. "Stop in the name of the Queen!" They yelled, chasing us. I was laughing, "What have you done to upset her?" Martha asked, I was still pulling them along, he's slower this time. "How should I know? Haven't even met her yet. That's time travel for you. Still, can't wait to find out." We ran into the Tardis and the Doctor couldn't stop smiling. "That's something to look forward to. Oooh!" The Doctor got inside and shut the door as an arrow thuded into the door. "Alright, let's get you back to your house and Martha, I'll get you home." The Doctor said and I flipped the brake off. When we landed I pulled him out. "I'll see you next time Sweetie." I said and he kissed me. I kissed back and he smiled into the kiss. He wrapped his arms around me, pulling me closer. I tangled my hands in his hair. "You coming Doctor?" Martha said, being impatient. He sighed and set me down, "alright Love, I'll see you soon." He said and walked back into the Tardis. They all soon left, leaving me alone after what happened. I looked at my leg, I kept it a secret from the Doctor so he wouldn't worry. I have a feeling I'd pay for it later. I grabbed my first aid bin and began to wrap my leg in bandages. "Oh, and Max!" He yelled. I thought he left! He came walking in and saw me wrapping my leg. "When did that happen?" He asked and touched my leg. "Spoilers. You wait for it." I said and he watched me, "it happened in 1599 when that door closed on you." He said and sighed, "I just didn't want you to worry. I'm sorry." I said and he handed me my jacket that I must have left. "Right, thank you." I said and he nodded, "wait Doctor!" I said and caught him by his sleeve. "What did that Carrionite mean I don't have a name? And what did William mean when I was hard to place between Earth and another planet?" He kissed my forehead, "spoilers." And he left. Not telling me when he'd be back, just left.

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