The Past

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The Past

"I don't mean to be rude or anything but who are you?" Rose said. "Sarah Jane Smith, I used to travel with the Doctor." "Oh, he's never mentioned you." I nodded in agreement. "Oh, I must have done, Sarah Jane, I mention her all the time." He said and I shook my head, "I've been with you for awhile. Three regeneration you haven't even said the name Sarah, or the name Jane. Certainly never together." I secretly smiled a I felt her become shocked. "What, not even once? He didn't mention me even once?" She asked. Soon we got to the headmaster's office and I slipped the screwdriver out of his pocket and hid it. "Where's my sonic." I held it up and he kissed my temple. "Thanks honey." He said and I smiled, "no problem Sweetie." Maybe that will tell Sarah to knock it off, that she's not travelling with us. We got in and I saw bats, large bats hanging from the ceiling! We ran out and I smiled, "I am not going back in there, no way!" Mickey said, "were those the teachers?" Rose asked and I nodded. "When Flinch arrived, he brought along seven new teachers, thirteen great big bat people, seven new teachers, four new dinner ladies, a new nurse, and one new headmaster." I said and the Doctor ruffled my hair, "good job honey." He said and I smiled again. "Come on." The Doctor said, "you've gotta be kidding." Mickey said, "I need the Tardis," the Doctor said, "I'll move it, geez." I said and felt for the Tardis but something clouded my brain. "Come on sexy, where are you?" I asked and closed my eyes and concentrated harder till my head hurt and I was out of breath. "I can't reach her! Oh my god! What have they done to her?!" I said and began to cry. Rose and the Doctor comforted me. Soon after I was better Sarah walked us to her car, pulling out a mechanical dog. I gasped and rubbed it. "He's beautiful..." I said. "K9! Rose Tyler, Mickey Smith, Maxxy Rodgers. Allow me to introduce K9, well K9 Mark 3 to be precise." He said, "ooh, what's that nasty lady done to you?" The Doctor and I said and he winked over to me. We got into the car and went to a chip shop. The Doctor placed an arm over me and then over Rose. I knew how he felt about her... but she's my friend... anyway. Eleven told me everything works out and were all happy. When we got to the chip shop I ordered some chips and I sat down and ate, not listening to anything, just trying to reach out of the Tardis. She must not want to be moved, maybe it's not time yet. "Krillitane oil." I heard K9 say, I gasped, "their Krillitanes?!" I said, "is that bad?" Rose asked, "very, think how bad things could possibly be and add another suitcase full of bad." The Doctor and I said again, together. "What are Krillitanes?" Sarah asked, "their a composite race." I said, "just like how your culture is a mixture of traditions from all sort of countries, people you've invaded or have been invaded by." The Doctor said, "you've got bits of Viking, but if French, bits of whatever. The Krillitanes are the same, an amalgam of races they've conquered, but they take physical aspects as well. They cherry-pick the best bits from the people they destroy." I said. "That's why I didn't recognize them. The last time I saw the Krillitanes they looked just like us, except they had really long necks." The Doctor said, "what are they doing here," immediately I went to the code. "The children, they want the children."

We packed up and I forgot my chips so I was a bit further away. "That's the curse of the last two Time Lords." I said and heard a screeching. I looked up and saw the bat thing heading for me. I was nearly taken, but I thrashed and kicked, "Maxine!" The Doctor yelled as I fell, I cleared my throat and stood up, cracking my back in the process. "This new regeneration is very durable." I said and the Doctor checked my body. "Dear God! I thought I lost you! Don't ever do that again!" He said and kissed me. I gasped and ran my hand through his hair. "My, if this is what your like when I do that, I should risk my life more often." I giggled and we got into the car and drive back to the School. It was now morning and the Doctor instructed for us girls to go to the Maths room, Mickey to keep K9 company, and he will be having a meeting with the headmaster.

Sarah was having trouble. "Give it here." I said, "can I give you both advice?" She asked and I shrugged "yeah, sure. But if this is one of those, back in my day I'll have you know I'm a eleven hundred years old." I said and she shook her head, "it's just hard to retain a relationship with him. And I hope you both know that I'm not intruding..." "we don't feel threatened by you." Rose said, "me especially, seeing how I'm his wife in the future." I said snipping wires and sonicing them back together, pressing buttons. "Right, good, because I'm not interested in starting on where we left off." I rolled my eyes and couldn't hear till I came back out. "I saw things you won't believe!" "Try us." Rose said and I stood up. "Mummies."

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