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The Doctor picked me up and jumped into the freezing water. I yelped and clung to him, as if he was was a life line. "I won't drop you." He said and kissed my neck. I moaned as he found my soft spot and clutched a hand to my loud mouth. The Doctor chuckled and kissed me there again and I bit back the moan. "Get me back to land please?" I asked, my breath was heavy because it took all my power not to moan as he bit on my neck. "Alright, anything for you, my Princess." I rolled my eyes, after we made it back to land Amy and Rory were asleep under the large umbrella. The Doctor of course, just wanted to have some fun. Adventure fun. But he'd not tell us to pack up, he must have known how happy Amy was. I was just happy he had a companion that didn't hit on him. I snuggled into the Doctor's body and he held me close. That's when I heard a splash. I sat up quickly and watched the water. I saw bubbles ever so often. I shook the Doctor awake and he popped up. "What's wrong?" He asked, rubbing his eyes like a kitten. He was just too cute sometimes. "There's something in the water, possibly dangerous, maybe just friendly." My words gave him alarm and he watched the water, "we should leave now." He said and I nodded. He woke up Amy and Rory. She left her sunscreen down by the water's edge. "I'll get it." I said as the Doctor was inside the Tardis placing things away. I ran down, grabbed it, and felt a hand pull on my leg.

I woke up and saw where I was. I was in a underwater palace, they were kind enough to not let me drown and gave me an air bubble around my face. I was in a large room, red curtains, carpets, and blankets and golden walls, bed, and floors. The door opened and I saw a girl peek around the door, she had light blue hair, shells over her breasts, and a light blue tail! Mermaid! "Good to see your awake." She said, her voice was light and bubbly. Must be because of the water. "Why am I here?" Knowing me, I'd never get that straight of an answer. "My king wanted his daughter back... She's become recluse in the past couple of days, and he thought someone from the surface world could help." Said the blue haired mermaid. She motioned me to follow her. As this went on I was just worried about the Doctor, Amy, and Rory. I hope they'll come back to me soon.


"Doctor!" Amy screamed and I dropped everything and saw her being held back by Rory so she wouldn't be dragged into the water. I looked around for Max but didn't see her anywhere! "Max?!" I yelled and saw her face struggling against a man with a tail. He knocked her unconscious and swam down to the dark bottom of the sea. I wanted to race in but then what? I'd be on their own territory. They'd win. "Get to the Tardis now." I said grimly. I could only hope that she's alright for the time being.


The girl knocked on a large door and it opened slowly. I saw wisps of golden hair. "Ma'am, I have brought you the human girl." Said blueberry head as I was pulled into the room and the door closed behind me. I saw a beautiful girl with gold hair, gold shells, and a gold tail. "Hey, I'm Max." I said and she smiled and hugged me, "I'm Shelley!" She was definitely excited. "And what seems to be the problem?" I asked and she let go and looked down to the ground. "My father thinks there's something wrong with me! All I need is time to think!" She said and I made her sit down. "Think, huh? I did a lot of thinking to once. It was because of a certain boy." I smiled fondly at my memories of the Doctor. Shelley blushed and didn't look me in the eye. "Well, that was quick." I said and she sighed, "he just won't notice me! No matter what I do!" She said. I sighed, "well... this just sounds like teenage drama." I said and patted her shoulder. "Well... have you've tried talking to him?" She nodded, "alright... did you get any of your mates to talk to him?" I asked and she nodded, "alright... time for my way. Call him up to the castle. We have to get everyone but him in on this. Especially you father so he doesn't kill me."


The Tardis linked in with Maxine and I got a faint trace. I landed the Tardis under water and I extended the air shield a bit so we could walk out. When we did I saw Max holding a sword to a girl's throat with a guy pleading her not to do it! "Max, you don't have to do this!" I yelled, she looked over and winked at me. "Why not tell her the last words she'll hear? I'll allow that much." Max said and I looked, she was barely even holding that golden girl. This was just like a play!? "Shelley, Shelley baby." The guy said, oh I see. Amy and Rory were freaking out though. "I love you, so, so, so much. And if that bipedal woman has any comparison she'll let you go." He pleaded. Max dropped the sword and pushed Shelley towards the guy. They began to hug and kiss and Maxine was smiling but she made it quickly into just a line. "Who am I to tear down such a love?" She said and began to walk towards the Tardis when she was grabbed and thrown by the guy! "I'll teach you never to hurt the woman I love." He said and began to lightly cut her legs! "Don't you dare touch her!" I yelled, I wanted to run to her, I wanted to give pain to that guy for what he did to her! Maxine shook her head at me, she knew what I would have done. "Listen. If I were you. I'd spend as much time as possible with her." I said and Shelley stopped her now boyfriend from doing anymore harm. Max stumbled up, clenching her fists, her knuckles were white.


I walked into the air bubble and pushed all three of the confused adults inside. "What was that all about?!" Amy said and I sat on the floor. The Doctor was watching me intently, I just pulled a sword against a princess! If I didn't know what was going on, I would have that exact look on my face. I undid the bandages on my leg and saw that he left a few gruesome cuts. "Teenage drama. She said she tried everything so I just told the whole castle not to kill me for what I was going to do would be highly dangerous. And the girl got the boy, all a bit of fun. No one was supposed to get hurt." I said quickly and sprang up, instantly regretting my decision. "Hold on, I'll help you." Rory said and from nowhere produced a wrap of bandages. "Well, you came prepared..." I laughed weakly. "Just stay awake, someone keep her talking!" Rory said and began to clean my stinging wounds. "Max? What have we done so far?! List them! Come on sweet heart!" The Doctor yelled. "The Slabs and the youth drinker. With you..." I groaned in pain. "Uh, the Anasazi and the Volcanon with the tenth... then you stopped by, the Tardis stole you away to meet me. That was the first time I kissed you..." I said nearly drifting off. "What about Shakespeare?" Amy asked as Rory put a drug into me. At this point I couldn't tell Amy from the Doctor, "I hated that adventure, Martha Jones... all over you. I got so fed up come night time I called the Tardis and made you both stay out there, not caring anymore. Then those witches came along and made my life even more confusing. Shakespeare saying that I don't belong, them saying I don't have a name..." I said drunkenly. "Guys... I just want to sleep..." I said and someone shook their head, "No sweetie, you can't sleep. If you do you might not wake up." I laughed, "how bout a sing song? Eh? You love singing!" I heard the Doctor say. I sat up a bit more and smiled. "Alright sweetie."

The light's glow bright in the Tardis tonight, not a Dalek to be seen...

I tried to sing. I worked on this for those three days I didn't have anything to do.

A life of regeneration, and it looks like it's just him. The stars are shining like this energy inside...

I closed my eyes and breathed deeply. "Rory... if you didn't fix this bit, I really couldn't care." I said "Amy, you keep these boys in check. Alright?" I heard her sob and cling to Rory's shoulder. I reached out to hold the Doctor's hand. "Doctor." I kissed his knuckles, "you don't die like this! I know you don't!" He said and I let out a gasping laughter. "Time is not a straight point from A and B. It's fluxy. So I can die here and since you didn't meet me till much later, it won't matter. You won't remember me." I said and I felt tears fall onto my hand "goodbye sweetie." I said as I blacked out.

It wouldn't matter. He wouldn't remember me if I did die, and if I didn't well... then everything's fixed, it's a win win for everyone. These guys wouldn't remember me and the Doctor wouldn't be sad. Anything for my Doctor, I'd give so I could see his smile just one more time.

((That Song was Let It Go: A Doctor Who Parody by Luxris, I'll leave the music video up top just for you guys. It might take some time to put it up. Love you all and thank you for reading this!))

Forever (book one in the "Forever" series) Doctor Who Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now