The Loggers

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The Loggers

"Oh, that was incredible! Where did you two learn how to cook?" "Paris in the 18th century? No, sorry, 17th, no, 20th. Sorry we're not use to doing them in order." He said, "and by the way, were not twins." I said and Craig didn't seem to here. "Has anyone told you your a bit weird?" He asked and I nodded, "all the time." The Doctor made a crack about how Craig looked like his sofa and I noticed that he was fondling those pink keys. He tossed us a pair of keys. "We can stay?" "Yeah, your weird and you can cook, it's good enough for me. Both you and your sister can stay." I rolled my eyes, "we're not siblings." We said and he blushed, "oh, uh." I went to the bedroom and flopped down. "Earth the Pond, Earth to Pond, come in Pond." I said, "Maxine! Can you find a way to get her down? I know you can do that." I shook my head, "I can only do that if she'll let me, besides, I think it's for a reason." The Doctor came in. "How's the Tardis coping?" I asked and heard a bad sound. "She's locked in a materialization loop, trying to land again, but she can't." The Doctor said hearing the same thing. "Whatever it is it's upstairs in that flat, get up there and sort it!" She said, "what ever is stopping the Tardis from landing is big, scary big." We said and stood up on the bed and I nearly fell. "Wait... are you scared?" Amy asked. "We can't go up there till we figure out wheat is is exactly and know how to deal with it. And that this man upstairs doesn't know what we are." The Doctor said, "meaning no sonic, no advance technology, we can use these because there on scramble." I said. "To anyone else this is absolute gibberish." He began to rub his head with a lava lamp, "all we have to do is pass as ordinary human beings. Simple, what could possibly go wrong?" We said and smiled as he put on sunglasses, "have you seen the way you are both dressed up?" Amy asked, "so your just going to be snide, no helpful hints?" The Doctor said, "well here's one, bow tie, get rid." She said, "bow ties are cool." We said as I ran a hand through my hair. "Come one Amy, we're a normal couple, tell me what normal couples do." The Doctor said and I kissed him lightly. "They watch Telly, the girl watches him play football, they go down to the pub." Amy said, "we could do those things, we don't but we could." I said as he kissed me and winked. The was more crashing. "Wait, wait, wait, Amy?" We said and heard the Tardis thrashing about. The clocks began to go forwards and backwards. "Interesting." He said, "localized time loop." "Ow! What's all that?" "Time distortion. Whatever's happening upstairs is still affecting you." It soon stopped, "no, no, no, not really. Just keep the zigzag plotter on full." She pulled something that wasn't the zigzag plotter! "Amy, he said the Zigzag plotter!" I said, scared for her safety. "I pulled the Zigzag plotter!" "Is your back to the door?" The Doctor asked, "yeah," "take to steps to your right and pull it again."

We went out to pick up a few things, Damn was I tiered, I didn't get any sleep from ten, last night I was awake all night from worry and now we have a bunch of junk just in our room.

In the morning I took my shower early this morning and now Craig is waiting for the Doctor to get out. There was loud thumping. Craig wondered out and I followed. "No, don't!" I hissed and he asked the man if he wanted help but he didn't. The Doctor came bounding out, half naked and his hair was all messy. It was cute. "You can come and save me with my tooth brush." He said and went to answer the phone. We crawled halfway up the stairs and I heard the door open. "Ooh, hello." I pulled his towel back together. "Hello, the Doctor, this is my girlfriend Maxine." I smiled, "you must be Sophie." I kissed bother her cheeks and so did the Doctor. We smiled and we walked back in. "Hold on, we've got a match today, pub league, we're one down if you fancy it." Craig said. "Pub league? A drinking competition? I'm in! I can beat this guy any time of the day!" I said and he explained that it was foot ball. "Yes! Blokes play foot ball and the girlfriends watch." The Doctor said and I winked at him when he turned. He ended the call. "Hey Sophie," I smiled over to her. "I thought I'd come over and see your new flat mates." "Do you play Sophie?" The Doctor asked. "No, Soph just stands there on the side lines. She's my mascot." "I'm your mascot? Mascot?!" I smiled as I watched the funny couple. "You didn't say he was gorgeous, and you didn't say she was o cute!" She said and I smiled, pretending not to listen. "You unlocked the door. How did you do that? Those are your keys." We said, the Doctor poked his head out to speak. Sophie looked shocked. "You must have left them last time you came here." We said. "You've got two sets of keys to someone else's house?" We asked, "yeah." "We see, you must like it here too." We stopped talking so he could get dressed. "How did you do that?" Sophie asked, "what, talking?" I said, "at the exact same time as him." She finished, "we're just that good. Hanging around him for a long time. Been a couple for even longer. Since before and after we met really." On our way over Craig asked something everyone does. "What's your proper name?" He asked, "just call him the Doctor." I said. "I can't just go up to these guys and say, these are my new flat mates, he's the Doctor and she's Maxine." "Why not?" He asked, "cos it's weird." Craig's voice was getting high pitched, only a bit. Funny. "Hello, we're Craig's new flat mates, I'm the Doctor." He said and he air kissed the guys cheeks. "And this is Maxine." I also air kissed his cheeks. "Alright Doctor, Maxine, I'm Sean."

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