More of the fantasy creatures!

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More of the fantasy creatures!

"Doctor!" I yelled and hugged him. He looked taken aback. "Max? What happened to you? And what are you wearing?" He asked, "you'll find out why I've regenerated, next time. And I wear a bow tie now, bow ties are cool." I said and kissed him. "Rose!" I kissed her as well. "Yup, settles it. I'm sticking to only kissing you Doctor." I said and Rose looked taken aback. "Maxine? What happened to you?" I smiled and patted her on the back. "Don't worry, next time you see me I'll tell you most of it. I already did." I smiled and skipped inside. "Hello Sexy!" I said and patted the console. "Oh, I wonder if I should grab it... no, no. Sounds dull you have your I don't need mine." I was going to grab my psychic paper but thought against it seeing how he doesn't know I have it, or didn't remember I have it till he's with Donna. "So where are we going?" I asked and Rose went to go get changed into overall shorts and a salmon colored top. "What do you think of this?" She asked and I nodded, "The late 1970s?" The Doctor said, "you'd be better off in a bin bag. Hold on listen to this." The Doctor said and flipped a switch and rock music began to play. "Ian Dury and The Blockheads number one in 1979." I said and smiled, "your both punks!" Rose smiled, "#it's good to be a lunatic.#" we sang together, "that's what you guys are, big old punks with a bit of Rockabilly thrown in." Rose said smiling. "Do you wanna go see him?" Doctor flipped more switches while looking at us. "How do you mean, in concert?" Rose said, a bit surprised. "What else is the Tardis for?" I said and smiled, "we can take you to the Battle of Trafalgar, the first antigravity Olympics, Caesar crossing the Rubicon--" the Doctor said, "or Ian Dury at the Top Rank, Sheffield, England, Earth, 21st of November 1979. What do you think?" I asked and threw an arm over Rose's shoulders. "Sheffield it is." I smiled, "Can I drive?" I asked and he shook his head while smiling, "I drive thank you." He said and I sighed, "yeah, or we could go to where were supposed to. You once said the fifth moon of Sinda Callista, we ended up near a Ryman's in Essex, Colchester." I said and Rose laughed, "hold on tight." He said and didn't give me time to press the Stabilizers! He began to play Hit me with your Rhythm Stick by Ian Dury and the Blockheads. "Landing!" I stood still and they both fell, "what are you both doing down there?" I smiled and helped Rose up, "1979! Hell of a year! You know, if we actually are there and not in Essex, Colchester!" I yelled as the Doctor went to open the door. He winked and we made out way over. "China invades Vietnam. The Muppet movie, love that film." He said as he grabbed his coat. "Margaret Thatcher!" I said, "Skylab falls to Earth with a little help from me." He said as I helped him get his coat on, "nearly took off my thumb, I like my thumb." I smiled, "I like them too, you need your thumb, we're all very attached to... our thumbs." I stopped. There was people holding guns to me. "1879! I told you, this is Essex, Colchester all over again." I said and he shrugged, "same difference." He said and I nudged him. "You will explain your presence, and the nakedness of these two girls." I smiled, "are we in Scotland?" The Doctor and I asked, putting on our accents. "How can you be ignorant of that?" Asked the man on a horse. "We're dazed and confused." I said in my accent, God, I love using my accent, rarely ever get to. "I've been chasing this wee naked child hill and over dale with the help of my wife." He said and nudged me. "Isn't that right, you timorous beastie?" I said Rose looked a bit confused, "Och, aye. I've been "oot" and "aboot"." I shook my head, "no, don't do that." The Doctor said, "Hoot, Mon?" She said, what did that even mean?! "No, really don't. Really." I said, "will you identify yourself, sir?" The man said now getting impatient. "I'm Doctor James McCrimmon from the township of Balamory. This is my wife Maxine McCrimmon. I have my credentials, if I may?" The man nodded and I took down my arms. "As you can see, a doctorate from the university of Edinburgh. I trained under Doctor Bell himself." I smiled as he swung it around. "Let them approach." I heard a woman's voice said, "I don't think that's wise, ma'am." He said and I heard her again. I made a gesture to the carriage and he tightened his hold on his gun. "You will approach the carriage, and show all due deference." He said, I saluted lamely and we walked over. A man opened the door to reveal Queen Victoria! "Rose, Maxine, might I introduce her majesty Queen Victoria, empress of India and defender of the Faith." The Doctor said, "Rose Tyler, ma'am. And my apologies for my nakedness." I smiled and waved, "Maxine, ma'am, it's an honor to meet the one and only Queen Victoria." I smiled, "I have had five daughters. It's nothing to me. But you Doctor, show me these credentials." She said and he handed it over. She looked at it, she had a grandmotherly feel about her. "Why didn't you say so immediately? It states clearly here that you have been appointed by the Lord Provost as my protector." "Does it?" He asked, "yes, it does. Good, good." He stated after he got it back. "Erm, let me ask, why is your Majesty travelling by road when there's a train all the way to Aberdeen?" I asked, "a tree on the line." She said, now she was a bit fierce. "An accident?" Doctor and I asked, "I am the Queen of the United kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland. Everything around me tends to be planed." She said, sounding less and less like an old grandma. "An assassination attempt?" I asked, "what seriously? There's people out to kill you?" Rose asked, "I'm quite used to starring down the barrel of a gun." Whoa! Bad ass granny! "Sir Robert MacLeish lives but then miles hence. We've sent word ahead. He'll shelter us for tonight, then we can reach Balmoral tonight." Said the guy on the horse. "This Doctor, his wife, and their timorous beastie will come with us." He agreed and she told us about the wolves that leads in these parts. We began to walk. "I sware to God if there's a werewolf here, I hit you." I said and he smiled, "it's funny, you say assassination you think of Kennedy and stuff. Not her." Rose said, "1879? She's had like what? Six attempts?" The Doctor asked, "yeah, sounds right. And I'll tell you something else! We've just met Queen Victoria!" I said, "I know!" Rose hugged my arm just a bit before letting go. "She was just sitting there." "Like a stamp." I commented, "I want her to say, "we are not amused", I bet you five quid I can make her say it." I shook my head, "I'd gamble on that, but it's an abuse of my privilege as a time traveler." He said, "ten quid?" "Done." I rolled my eyes.

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