The Anasazi's little problem

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((By the way, yes, these people lived In Chaco, down near Mexico and South America. Between 200 bc and 1500 AD.))

The Anasazi's little problem

The Doctor and I saw many cracks around a small burn mark in a spiralling shape. "Now, what do you think this is?" The Doctor asked seriously, looking at me. I touched it and yanked my hand back, it was still hot and my hand began to burn. I whimpered and clutched it tightly. "It's still hot... either it just happened or it's still happening." I said and inspected the growing mark of red on the desert sand. "What happened when you touched it?" The Doctor asked, "nothing." I said and he grabbed my hand and was about to inspect it when I pulled back and I pushed the Doctor away from the moving mark. I jumped back myself and saw a crack in the middle. "Sorry Doctor." I said and he whipped out his glasses. "Hipster..." I murmured again. And he cracked a smile before it disappearing altogether. He reached out for it. "Doctor don't." I said and he looked over to me. "Does it hurt?" He asked looking over to me as we were both leaned over the red spiral. "Like Hell." I said smiling. He soniced the ground and it opened up even more, some of the land was now broken off and fell down into a hole. I calmly walked closer, holding in the pain in my hand and that snaked it's way through my shoes to my feet. I saw just blackness till a hand gutted out and I jumped back before more of the ground broke and the hand snaked away. "Maxine!" The Doctor said as he pulled me back even faster by jumping back with me attached. "Are you alright?! Did it get you?!" He yelled looking me up and down till he finally saw my hand. It was red, like a stain. Great, my feet will be looking like that as well. "I think you need a Doctor." He whispered, his voice was husky and his breath tickled my lips. I blushed, "that sounded... slightly sensual..." I said and he pressed his lips slowly against mine. "No but seriously, you should let me look at that." He said and the Tardis appeared. He looked at me then to her. "Thanks sexy." I said and patted the wood, "sexy? Did you just refer to a work of Time Lord technology as 'sexy'?" He asked following me inside. "She is extremely Sexy. Isn't that right?" I asked and stroked the console. She made a sound of agreement and the Doctor sighed picking me up and sat me down on the jump seat. I watched as he undid my running shoes and took off my socks to reveal twin red marks, both burning my skin, causing it to be an irritation to me. He soniced me and began to bandage me up. I stood up as he did my arm and went over to the monitor screen. "Hey Tardis?" I asked and she made a sound, "could you please give me all the background information you can about extraterrestrial civilization that leave these sort of marks?" I asked and the screen went a bit funny for a moment before it popped up. "What does it say?" The Doctor asked as I began to read aloud. "Species: Volcanon, Home world apparently destroyed, probably the last of it's species." I said paraphrasing. "Oh, here's the kicker. They begin to burn up the planet they inhabit. Sort of like a boiled egg." I said and he watched me. "This is why there has been severe heat stokes here. Because this is where it fell to Earth! If we don't hurry, it could change the history of Earth!" The Doctor said. I kept reading, "and one more thing, don't let it touch you Doctor, it kills anything by causing the skin to boil and melt." I said and he gasped and looked at my feet and arm. I tugged my socks and shoes on and got ready. "No, your staying here Max." He said standing in my way. "You said it was dangerous. It's not as bad as what I was faced with a couple months ago." I said and he watched me, "what happened?" I smiled and sighed, "just wait, spoilers Hon." I said and he sighed. I walked back out and he came out a few seconds later with a gun. "Thanks Sexy!" I said and he snorted, "keep that up it'll catch on." He said and I winked. We went back to the monster in the hole. Trying to get over there would be hard seeing how we wouldn't let either of us go onto the marks. Seeing how it hurt, and still does, the Doctor doesn't want me in anymore pain and right after this he'll fix me up. I didn't want him to touch it because I felt a strong reason why he shouldn't go over there. "Doctor, just hand me the gun!" I said taking it away from him. He tried to take it back but I was already over at the hole. It reached out for me and I pulled the trigger and it's hand was frozen. Burnt in a different way. It hissed and reared it's head and I shot again, it's head trapped and it curled up to die. My feet felt terrible and the Doctor pulled me over to him. "I felt useless you know. I'm the one who should be risking my life for you! Not the other way around!" He said and I shook my head, "pa-lease! Is this a dominance thing?" I said joking and he sighed. The air got colder and it began to rain. It would be for only a few more years till they would be taken down by war and drought. "Come on, let's get you fixed up and I'll drop you back home." I nodded as he picked me up and I laughed.

"So Doctor. I have a couple questions if you wouldn't mind answering for me." I said and he looked up to me. He was applying a cream to my feet and other places such as my arms and legs where I got the burn. "Ask away. I'll answer them if they don't blow a hole throughout the space time continuum." He said and I smiled. "How did you know why I quit Maritime Carriers?" I asked and he looked at me, "I didn't even know you took the class." He said and I sighed, "right, wrong Doctor to ask... how do you know that when I'm stressed I begin to rub circles into my palm?" I asked and he smiled, "simple observation. You do it quite a bit." He said and I began to smile when I thought of my next question. "How did you know that I was squeamish around death?" I asked and he bit his lip. "You told me how your mother past away." He said giving me no more information. "I think your good." He said wrapping my legs and arm in white bandages. "Alright, seems like home is calling to me." I said and he bit his lip. "Yeah, right." He said and rattled the Tardis around. "Is there a break on this?" I asked and he nodded, "well can you please stop driving with it on?" I asked and he laughed, "it's not on, it's just... there. Your home." He said and I got up from the jump seat and walked over to him. I hugged him and he kissed my cheek. "Hey, just promise me something." I said and he smiled, "anything." "Don't wait two and a half months to see me again, alright. It's boring taking the slow path." I said and he nodded, "see you both later." I said and ran my hand down the smooth wood and she hummed, "goodbye sexy." "I'll see you soon, this isn't goodbye." The Doctor said and I giggled, "I wasn't talking to you." I said and walked down the street and went into my house. My noisy neighbor came walking over to my flat, "where have you been, you've been gone for two days!" She exclaimed. "Don't worry. Just staying at my friend's house." I said and closed my door and saw the Tardis. "What exactly are you doing?" Asked an angry voice from behind the Tardis. "Uh, nothing, what are you doing?" I asked giggling. The bow tie wearing Doctor walked out from behind the Tardis. "She insisted we come and see you..." he looked at my hands and legs. "Were you facing that Volcanon?" He asked and looked at my hands and legs. "Yeah, uh... Doctor?" I asked and he smiled and hugged me. "Yes Maxine?" He said chuckling, like something was funny to him. Probably the half mummy girl he's hugging. "How come your in my room fixing your Tardis?" I asked and he sighed, "I'm not fixing her! She just took me here!" He said and I smiled, "maybe she missed me." I said and he slung an arm around my waist, pulling me closer. "Would you like to go somewhere then?" He asked with sad eyes. "Not necessarily... Ten told me to take it easy." I said and he nodded, "right! And how are you feeling?" He asked and I sighed, "leaden..." I said and he smiled, "is that good or bad?" He asked and I giggled, "sort of both..." I said and he smiled, "well, what were you doing before this beauty stole you away and placed you here?" I asked sitting down on my bed with the Doctor beside me. "Things with the future you, I just dropped you off when the Tardis took me here." He said, "I'd ask about my future self but I also know that you can give out future information, spoilers. Like reading at the end of the book halfway through." I said and he kissed his hand and patted my head. I watched him, "hey... could you close your eyes and hold absolutely still?" I asked and his eyes widened before he obediently did as I said. He had a smile paying on his lips and I cupped his face. I lent down from my kneeling position on the bed and lightly kissed him. He kissed me back and it was fun. After awhile though, we had to breath because of our lungs aching after not breathing for long. "Your a surprisingly good kisser." I said winking and he smiled while panting.

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