The empty child

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The empty child

We then went to the crash site. And we walked down and Rose volunteered to distract Jack's boyfriend. "Rose, let the 51st century guy handle this." I said and Jack went down. "He's just a bit more flexible when it comes to dancing." The Doctor said, "how flexible?" Rose asked, "you lot have spread half way across the galaxy in his time." I said "meaning?" Ooo, Rose is getting jealous. "So many species so little time."

Jack went down and Algy began to change. We ran down. "It's become air born." The Doctor said, "what's keeping us safe?" "Nothing." I said and the sirens began to go off. Meaning that the bomb would land on that thing any moment! I heard singing and ran to it, the Doctor didn't even notice that I left and took his sonic. I came across Nancy. She was singing. I got her out of there in the time the Doctor realised that I was gone. I handed him back his sonic and we walked out, uncovering the Chula ambulance. Jack activated the emergency protocol. "The warriors will come and protect the pod." I said ominously. I smiled as the Doctor shook his head, "hey, if I'm going to die I want to have some fun with it." I said and the Doctor told Rose and Nancy to close up the area where Nancy came in from. I began to inspect it. "See empty." Jack said, "what do you expect in an ambulance? Rose?" She shrugged, "Max?" He said, "the nanogenes Jack, the same on your Chula ship. There Wes enough nanogenes to rebuild a species." I said "oh God..." "getting it now?" The Doctor said, "when the ship crashes the nanogenes escape billions upon billions of them ready to fix all cuts and bruises in the world." The Doctor said, "but what they find first is a dead child." I started, "Probably killed early that night, wearing a gas mask." I said, "and they brought him back to life can they do that?" Rose asked, "What's life? Life is easy. A quirk of matter. Nature's way of keeping meat fresh. Nothing to a nanogene." The Doctor said, "one problem though, these nanogenes, they're not like the ones on your ship. This lot hasn't seen a human being before. Don't know what a human being's supposed to look like." I said and the Doctor took over. "All they've got to go on is one little body, and there's not a lot left. But they carry right on. They do what their programmed to , they patch it up. Can't tell what's gas mask and what's skull, but they do their best. And off they fly, off they go, work to be done. Cause you see, now they think they know what people are supposed to look like. And it's time to fix all the rest. And they won't ever stop." The Doctor can be a bit scary at sometimes... "the entire human race will be torn down and rebuilt in the form of one terrified child looking for it's mother. And nothing in the world can stop it!" I said angrily. "I didn't know!" Jack said and we walked away. "Good little soldiers waiting for their commander." I said as they piled over, just standing there. "The child." Jack said, "Jamie." I listened... it's how she said it, protective. Like a hen and it's chick! "Nancy?" She began to cry and the gas mask zombies called out. "Nancy, how old are you? 20, 21? Old enough to give birth." Jack went away at the Doctor's command. "How old were you five years ago? 15, 16? Old enough to give birth anyway." The Doctor said. "He's not your brother. He's your son." I said and she nodded. I hugged her. The door broke open. "Are you my mummy?" Jamie asked, "he's never going to stop asking Nancy. Tell him the truth. The future of the human race is in your hands. Trust us and tell him."

"Yes, I am your mummy!" Nancy said and hugged Jamie, nanogenes covered them. Seeing the similar DNA code! "Give me a day like this!" I said and the Doctor lifted the gas mask to reveal a small boy. "Yes!" I hugged him and the Doctor lifted both of us up in the air. "Welcome back! 20 years to pop music, you're going to love it!" The Doctor said and set us both down. Jack came zooming by and took the bomb. "You want moves girls? I'll give you moves!" He said and patched up the nanogene software and set them out to fix everyone else. "Just this one everybody lives!" He said and hugged me. I smiled and called the Tardis. "Listening to me now eh?" I giggled, "they'll just switch themselves off because he told them to." He began to explain everything. "Ask me anything! I'm on fire!" "Doctor, what about Jack?" I flew the Tardis and landed her inside Jack's ship. The Doctor and I began to dance. "No extra points for a half-Nelson." Rose said and closed the door behind Jack who came walking in. "I'm sure I use to know this stuff." The Doctor said and switched the song. He began to dance with Rose and I danced with Jack. The Doctor looked over to me and I smiled. Jack dipped me and just giggled. I smiled and got up, "alright then, Doctor, time for me to go home and see you again." I said and he kissed me. "Right," "wait, I'm confused, how come your leaving?" Jack asked, "it's a bit to Timey-wimey to explain, I'll try my best." I said and let the Doctor drive. "You see, I met him in his eleventh regeneration. I then got engaged to the tenth, and right now we're just boyfriend and girlfriend. But really, until I get married to the present day Doctor I will be his girlfriend for a while." I said and he looked a bit confused. "Alright, I’ll see you soon Maxine." The Doctor said and went to kiss him on the cheek but he turned his head and dipped me into a full on, romantic kiss. "Right, see you till Doctor dear." I said and went out.

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