So little time.

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So little time.

We stepped out. Rose began to ask questions. "What's a police public call box?" She asked, "it's from the 1950s." I said and stroked the wood. He chuckled and patted the old wood himself. Rose then asked about the plastic. "It loves you. You have a great planet." The Doctor started. "Lot's of smoke and oils. Toxins and dioxins in the air. Perfect. Just what a Nestene Consciousness needs. It's food stock was destroyed in the war." He continued. "It's protein plants rotted, so Earth, dinner!" I said. "Can you stop it?" Rose asked and I smiled as I pulled out Antiplastic from my jeans. "Antiplastic." The Doctor said smiling. Rose questioned it. "Antiplastic!" I squealed. "But first we got to find it. How do you hide something that big?" He asked, now clearly peeved. "Might have a cloaking device on." I said placing the plastic back into my pocket. "That's clever." "Hide what?" Rose asked, "the transmitter." We said together and smiled over at one another. "The Consciousness controls the plastic. The transmitter boosts the signal." He said and I kept looking all about. Rose pointed me to the London Eye. I hugged her and the Doctor began to look at us. "What?" He asked and turned around several times before seeing it. "Think of it, plastic all over the world coming to life." He said. "Dummies, phones, wires, the cables." The Doctor said, "the breast implants." Rose and I said and giggled just a bit. I saw stairs going down so I jumped down and they took the stairs. Red light flashed as I opened the hatch. I crawled down and looked up to see his rump. I blushed and kept walking down. Everything was red and that's when we saw the Nestene Consciousness. "That's it, inside that vat. A living plastic creature." The Doctor said, "well, tip in the Antiplastic and let's go." Rose said, "we're not here to kill it, we're here to reason with it. Give it a chance." I said and we walked down. "We seek audience with the Nestene Consciousness under peaceful contract. According to Convention 15 of the Shadow proclamation." He said and the plastic made a dinosaur like sound. "Thank you, if we might have permission to approach?" The Doctor asked. We started to when Rose went down and hugged Mickey, "can we keep the domestics outside thank you?" I asked and walked behind the Doctor. "Are we addressing the Consciousness?" I asked and it roared. "Thank you. You infiltrated this civilization by means of a warp-shunt technology." The Doctor said, "so may we respectfully suggested that you shunt off?" I said. "Oh don't give me that, it's an invasion, plain and simple. Don't talk about constitutional rights!" The Doctor spat. It interrupted him. "I am talking!" He yelled, like a father with an adolescent teenage boy. "This planet is just starting. These stupid people only just learned how to walk, but their capable of so much more." He said and held onto my hand. I felt him shaking, he was frightened. I was always just as calm. "I'm asking you on their behalf, please go." The Doctor said and Rose called out just a tad bit too late. We were grabbed and they searched his pockets then mine, finding the Antiplastic. "That was just insurance, we wasn't going to use it!" I said and they tried to push us in, but we struggled to stay in place. "We were not attacking you! We're here to help!" We yelled "we're not your enemy. I sware were not!" The Doctor yelled and doors opened the reveal the Tardis. I sware I didn't do that! "What do you mean? No! Honestly No!" The Doctor yelled, "yes, that's our ship!" I said, the plastic roared again. "That's not true. I should know, I was there. I fought in the war! It's not my fault and it's certainly not her fault!" I gasped as I felt them move me closer to the railing. "I couldn't save your world or any of them!" I felt my hand slip away from the Doctor's. "It's starting the final phase Rose, just leg it now!" I yelled and the Doctor kept my hand tightly in his. "It's transmitted the signal!" I yelled and felt his hand slip away as I tried to fight. "Rose! Run!" The Doctor yelled. They pushed me to the edge and I clung to the rope that was just hanging there, connected to the railing. "Maxine!" The Doctor yelled, I felt my fingers and the rope begging to slip. Rose began to swing by a chain. The Doctor pushed all the the dummies into the Nestene Consciousness and grabbed me. He stopped Rose and we all ran into the Tardis. I began to flip switches and put the stabilizers on and we began to fly away. "Oh Maxine, I'm so, so, sorry." He said and kissed me. "Don't worry..." I said and he smiled and kissed my nose, my eyelids then back to my lips. "You always save the day... I never doubted you'd save me." I said and he kissed me again. We parked and Mickey ran out, Rose following and called her mum. He told her that Rose could come with us. Just not Mickey. She said she couldn't and we walked back in. We were about to fly off to take me home when we popped back and told her that it also traveled through time. She came running in and smiled, "alright Sweetie. Don't get in too much trouble without me, alright?" I said as I flew the Tardis back to my flat. "What do you mean?" Rose asked looking at me. "It's a one off with this boy. In return I get to also have adventures with his futures selves." I said and he smiled, "be seeing you then Maxine." He said and I smiled, "yeah, don't go falling in love with someone else, alright? I sort of want to keep you around." I said and kissed him once more before hugging Rose. "Keep him in line, alright?" I said and she nodded, "good." I then left after petting the console. "Good bye sexy." I said and she purred. I jumped out and they soon left. It was now night time. It was the ninth when I left, now it's the twelfth. Wow, three days that took. I took a shower and made a cup of tea. Sort of happy that there's no more adventures. I closed my eyes and I heard the Tardis come into place. I smiled and slowly opened my eyes, seeing my bow tie Doctor. "Hello Sweetheart..." I said yawning. He blushed and sat down next to me. "Sorry did I wake you up?" He asked and I shook my head and he kissed me slowly, "yes I did, you were definitely sleeping." He said and I nodded, "yeah... I guess so... sorry... do you mind if we take a bit of a down day? I just learned that I'm a Time Lord. And had three days with no sleep." I said and he chuckled. "Right." He picked me up and laid down with my sleeping on his chest. "So you just met the ninth Doctor, the ninth me?" He asked and I nodded, "yes. You were a bit of a sarcastic grump." I said and he smiled sadly, "the Time War basically just ended for me, I just regenerated." I lifted my head and lightly outlined his lips with my fingers. "I'm sorry..." I said and he sighed, "don't be. There was nothing you could have done to prevent that." He said and kissed me. "So where's Amy and Rory?" I asked and he smiled and cuddled with me. "Doing humany-wumany things. Like cuddling." I giggled just a bit. "Doctor, we're doing the same thing." I said and he smiled at me. "I know."

I really hope you enjoyed this chapter. I couldn't find my subtitle button on my remote so I just had to go off of what I heard. I love writing this and honestly I don't care if you don't like it. Don't read it then. Simple solution. Vote, comment, add to your library. Even if you don't I'm still going to continue it.
Ann-Marie out!!

Forever (book one in the "Forever" series) Doctor Who Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now