Witches, bitches, bring it!

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Witches, bitches, bring it!

We arrived to Bedlam and the man in charge offered to give us a "show", in other words, whip a man! We made it down to the architect and he was huddled on a slab of stone. "Oh, you poor man..." I whispered as I tried to comfort him but Martha held me back. I took my hand away from hers and held onto Peter's hand. "Peter, I'm the Doctor. Go into the past. One year ago. Let your mind go back. Back to when everything was fine and shining. Everything that happened in this year since happened to somebody else. It was just a story. A Winter's Tale. Let go. That's it. That's it, just let go." The Doctor said placing his fingers onto the man's temples. "Witches spoke to Peter. In the night, they whispered. They whispered. Got Peter to build the Globe to their design. Their design! The fourteen walls. Always fourteen. When the work was done they snapped poor Peter's wits." I rubbed small circles in his skin, it seemed to calm him a bit and he wasn't shaking as much. "Where did Peter see the witches? Where in the city? Peter, tell me. You've got to tell me where were they?" The Doctor insisted, my heart was beating faster and faster as this story went on. "All Hallows Street." Wow, cliche. It's just about a word from saying Halloween. "Too many words." Said a woman coming from nowhere. "What the hell?" Martha said and I kept Peter calm, he smiled over to me. "Just one touch of the heart." She said and the Doctor backed up. "No!" He said as she touched his heart and killed him. The Doctor pulled me back and held me behind himself. "Witch! I'm seeing a witch!" Shakespeare said, "yes Will, keep in the present please." I said and she chuckled. "Now, who would be next, hmm? Just one touch. Oh, oh, I'll stop your frantic hearts. Poor, fragile mortals." Said this old bag of bones. "Who says their frantic?" I asked sneering. She glared at me. "Let us out! Let us out!" Martha, though, was clearly scared. "That's not going to work. The whole building's shouting that." He said calmly. "Who will die first, hmm?" She said looking at me and pointed to me. "Well, if you're looking for volunteers." He said and tucked me solidly behind him. "No! Don't!" Martha cried. I clutched onto his back. "Doctor, can you stop her?" Shakespeare asked worried that if he took his eyes off the witch she'd kill us all. "No mortal has power over me." She said in a pouty manner. "Oh, but there's a power in words. If I can find the right one. If I can just know you." The Doctor said and began to think quickly. I was just scared of looking away from him, what if she kills the Doctor?! "None on Earth has knowledge of us." Oh, wait, the Doctor isn't mortal, nor is he of planet earth! "Then it's a good thing I'm here. Now think, think, think. Humanoid female, uses shapes and words to channel energy. Ah! Fourteen! That's it! Fourteen!" He snaked his hand into mine, I felt Martha's eyes bore into my soul. "The fourteen stars of the Rexel planetary configuration! Creature, I name you Carrionite!" He said and she disappeared in a flash of light, screaming in a cackling sort of way. "What did you do?" Martha asked and the Doctor wrapped an arm around me, his hearts were beating quickly but slightly calming down. "I named her. The power of a name. That's old magic." "And you did a wonderful job sweetie." I said patting his chest. "But there's no such thing as magic." Martha said and I giggled, "Well, it's just a different sort of science. You lot, you chose mathematics. Given the right string of numbers, the right equation, you can split the atom. Carrionites use words instead." I said, I was shocked I even knew that. The Doctor looked down at me and winked. "Use them for what?" Will said and the Doctor looked fierce. "The end of the world." The guard came back and didn't even notice that Peter was dead. The Doctor watched me as I was thinking of Peter... He died while I was holding his hand. "Max, there was nothing you could have done, even if we did save him, he'd just have died in that mental asylum." The Doctor said and I just kept walking, "right." My voice sounded hollow but I tugged myself out of it. "Hey, I'll move Sexy back, alright?" I said and already moved her back where she was originally parked. We made it up the steps and into William's room. "The Carrionites disappeared way back at the dawn of the universe. Nobody was sure if they were real or legend." The Doctor explained as we all sat down, Will was standing, I was leaning on the table and Martha was looking dreamily into the Doctor's eyes. "Well, I'm going for real." I chuckled and Martha glared at me. "But what do they want?" She asked, "A new empire on Earth. A world of bones and blood and witchcraft." I said as the Doctor said the exact same thing. "But how?" Martha asked, a bit peeved how we took 'in sync' to another level. "I'm looking at the man with the words." Doctor said looking at Will. "Me? But I've done nothing." I remembered the night before. "Hold on, though. What were you doing last night, when that Carrionite was in the room?" Martha asked, "Finishing the play." Shakespeare said, "With her just standing there, scaring Dolly to death? What happens on the last page?" I asked and Shakespeare didn't even give the question time to settle. "The boys get the girls. They have a bit of a dance. It's all as funny and thought provoking as usual. Except those last few lines. Funny thing is, I don't actually remember writing them." Exactly! "That's it. They used you. They gave you the final words like a spell, like a code. Love's Labours Won. It's a weapon. The right combination of words, spoken at the right place, with the shape of the Globe as an energy converter!" The Doctor said exited he finally found out how they'd carry out their plan. "The play's the thing! And yes, you can have that." I said and Will gave us a map of the city. The Doctor looked at the hopelessly inaccurate map, and pointed to one of the three marked streets, which is actually where Thames Street is in reality. "All Hallows Street. There it is. Martha, Max we'll track them down. Will, you get to the Globe. Whatever you do, stop that play." The Doctor instructed. "I'll do it. All these years I've been the cleverest man around. Next to you, I know nothing." "Oh, don't complain." Martha said, "yeah, it happens each time he opens his big fat mouth." I said and smiled, "Oi!" The Doctor said and grabbed my hand. "I'm not. It's marvellous. Good luck, Doctor." He said, "Good luck, Shakespeare. Once more unto the breach." I chuckled seeing how it was from Henry the fifth. "I like that. Wait a minute, that's one of mine." Shakespeare said in a shocked voice as we left, the Doctor poked his head back into the room. "Oh, just shift!" The Doctor yelled and we began to run to All Hollows Street. "All Hallows Street, but which house?" The Doctor mumbled. "The thing is, though am I missing something here? The world didn't end in 1599. It just didn't. Look at me. I'm living proof." Martha said, being totally stupid. "Oh, how to explain the mechanics of the infinite temporal flux? I know. Back to the Future. It's like Back to the Future." The Doctor said and I smiled, love those movies. "The film?" I rolled my eyes. "No, the novelisation. Yes, the film. Marty McFly goes back and changes history." I said and she glared at me and I raised my eyebrow as if daring her to do anything. "And he starts fading away. Oh my God, am I going to fade?" Martha said and I nodded. "You and the entire future of the human race. It ends right now in 1599 if we don't stop it. But which house?" The Doctor said looking around. A door creaked open and I felt my spine tingle, the air smelt of blood again. "Ah. Make that witch house." The Doctor said and we walked in. "I take it we're expected." The Doctor said as we saw the youngest witch. "Oh, I think Death has been waiting for you a very long time." She said, I stood a bit in front of the Doctor. "Right then, it's my turn. I know how to do this. I name thee Carrionite! What did I do wrong? Was it the finger?" Martha held up a finger, just like how the Doctor did back in the cell. "The power of a name works only once. Observe. I gaze upon this bag of bones and now I name thee Martha Jones." She's a good rhymer, I'll giver her that much. Martha fell back and the Doctor caught her. "What have you done?" The Doctor asked, I was still standing, watching this Carrionite. "Only sleeping, alas. It's curious. The name has less impact. She's somehow out of her time as well as your other companion. And as for you, Sir Doctor. Fascinating. There is no name. Why would a man hide his title in such despair? Oh, but look. There's still one word with the power that aches." She said and looked between him and I. "The naming won't work on me." He said and stood next to me, Martha behind us. "But your heart grows cold. The north wind blows and carries down the distant Rose." And the Doctor snapped. "Oh, big mistake. Because that name keeps me fighting. The Carrionites vanished. Where did you go?" he said, so it turns out that he already had a girlfriend... I felt a stab of jealousy. "The Eternals found the right word to banish us into deep darkness." She said and I smirked. "Good, you and yours deserve it." I said and she glared at me. "Strange, neither you nor he has a name I could see." I smirked again. "And how did you escape?" The Doctor said, taking the attention away from me. "New words. New and glittering, from a mind like no other." "Shakespeare." The Doctor and I said in unison. "His son perished. The grief of a genius. Grief without measure. Madness enough to allow us entrance." They played with his sadness to escape death? "How many of you?" The Doctor said placing a shaky hand into mine, which was surprisingly calm. "Just the three. But the play tonight shall restore the rest. Then the human race will be purged as pestilence. And from this world we will lead the universe back into the old ways of blood and magic." "Hmm. Busy schedule. But first you've got to get past me." He said without bringing me in. "Oh, that should be a pleasure, considering my enemy has such a handsome shape." "Oh bitch please," I growled. "Now, that's one form of magic that's definitely not going to work on me." He said and squeeze my hand reassuringly. "Oh, we'll see." She said and pulled some hair from his head, he pushed me down and away from her. "What did you do?" The Doctor asked making sure his quiff was still up. "Souvenir." She said and I stood up. "Well, give it back." I said and she jumped out the window, hovering there above the first floor. "Well, that's just cheating." The Doctor groaned. My head felt light, I couldn't stand the smell much longer. "Behold, Doctor. Men to Carrionites are nothing but puppets." She said and wrapped his hair around a doll. The last thing I heard was the Doctor screaming in pain.

I woke up with someone clutching me as they ran to a location. I pushed away and saw the Doctor. "Oh, my God, are you alright?! Please say your alright?" He said and I nodded, "and you, I heard you shout." I said and he kissed me quickly before grabbing my hand and Martha, him, and I began to run to the glob theatre. "We're going the wrong way!" I yelled, "No, we're not!" The Doctor said before turning completely around. "We're going the wrong way!" We came up and went back stage and the door slammed shut, clipping my leg, making it bleed just a bit. "Stop the play. I think that was it. Yeah, I said, stop the play!" The Doctor said a bit angrily. "I hit my head." He said drunkenly. "Yeah, don't rub it, you'll go bald. I think that's our cue!" I said and we popped up on stage. "Now begins the millennium of blood!" I heard three voices yell. "The Doctor. He lives. Then watch this world become a blasted heath! They come. They come!" She said a bit of Macbeth. The youngest held up a ball into the red light and bat like critters began to fly around. "Come on, Will! History needs you!" The Doctor shouted over the raging wind and the bat screeching. "But what can I do?" I rolled my eyes, "Reverse it!" I yelled, "How am I supposed to do that?" Will winged. "The shape of the Globe gives words power, but you're the wordsmith, the one true genius. The only man clever enough to do it." The Doctor said, we all watched Will. "But what words? I have none ready!" He said, "You're William Shakespeare! make them up!" I said, "But these Carrionite phrases, the need such precision." He said watching the three ladies in the booth. "Trust yourself. When you're locked away in your room, the words just come, don't they, like magic. Words of the right sound, the right shape, the right rhythm. Words that last forever. That's what you do, Will. You choose perfect words. Do it. Improvise."

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