Get. The. Bug Spray!

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Get. The. Bug Spray!

"And Lance, he's the head of HR! He don't need to bother with me. But he was nice, he was funny." She began to explain, how he was the head of HR and how it was only six months since they met and now they were getting married! "What would you say if I asked you to marry me within six months of knowing me?" The Doctor said trying to get a point across to Donna. "When I first met you or when you first met me?" I asked and he pointed to me. "When you first met me." I bit my lip, "well, seeing how you left me for nearly half that time I'd reserve my opinion till after a few years at most." I said and Donna got back to her story. "What does HC Clements do?" I asked and Donna turned to me. "Oh, security systems. You know, entry codes, ID cards, that sort of thing. If you ask me, it's a posh name for locksmiths." I smiled and so did she. "Keys." The Doctor said, Donna interrupted him. "Anyway, enough of my CV. Come on, it's time to face the consequences. Oh, this is going to be so shaming. You can do the explaining, Martian couple." Donna said getting up. "Yeah. We're not from Mars." The Doctor said, I smiled when he just let the word couple drift in the air. "Oh, I had this great big reception all planned. Everyone's going to be heartbroken." I nodded and the Doctor picked me up bridal style and crossed the Tardis doors and placed me down. When we got there everyone was bopping to Slade, under a big disco ball, and having a great time when entered. "Does he ride a red nosed reindeer, does he turn up on his sleigh? Do the fairies keep him sober for a day? So here it--" it all stopped when they noticed us. "You had the reception without me?" Oh God, she's devastated. "Donna, what happened to you?" I could only guess that he was the groom, but why he was basically humping someone else, I'll never know. "You had the reception without me?" She boomed and I stepped closer to the Doctor, a bit scared of what she'd do. "Hello. I'm the Doctor." He said to everyone. "Hello, I'm Maxine Rodgers." "They had the reception without me." Donna said. "Yes, I gathered." The Doctor said. "Well, it was all paid for. Why not?" Said the blonde Lance was humping. "Thank you blondey McBoobiez." I said and she glared at me. "Be nice." The Doctor whispered. "Well, what were we supposed to do? I got your silly little message in the end. I'm on Earth? Very funny. What the hell happened? How did you do it? I mean, what's the trick, because I'd love to know." They all began to talk at once and it got a bit shouty. "Where were you the whole time?" Said Lance which was the tipping point for Donna and she began to cry. I reached out for her but the Doctor grabbed my hand as Lance hugged her, everyone applauded and Donna winked at us. Everything was happy and the Doctor and I leaned against the wall. And the singer did a cheesy song. The Doctor gestured to a man with a phone and borrowed it, looking up HC Clements. Whose soul proprietor was Torchwood, the institute that tracks alien life, taking it, and using it to their use. The Doctor handed back the phone. He took my hand and danced near Donna. Sure, it was a cheesy song... but with my Doctor it was romantic. "Well, you took me in, you stole my heart, I cannot roam no more. Cos love it stays within you, it doesn't wash up on a shore. Then a fighting man forgets each cut, each knock, each bruise, each fall. But a fighting man cannot forget..." I hugged him closely, I felt his shake just a bit. He was thinking of Rose. I pulled away and ran over to a guy who was filming. "Oh, I taped the whole thing. They've all had a look. They said sell it to You've Been Framed. I said, more like the News. Here we are." I watched as the Doctor came sauntering over with sad, old eyes "Can't be. Play it again?" The Doctor asked only a snippet.

"Clever, mind. Good trick, I'll give her that. I was clapping." I tried not to pay him any mind. "But that looks like Huon Particles." I watched him, I only knew so much. I asked the Doctor once and he said it was my body fitting my brain so I could be a Time Lord. "What's that then?" I don't have to ask the stupid questions with this one around. "That's impossible. That's ancient. Huon energy doesn't exist anymore, not for billions of years. So old that it can't be hidden by a bio-damper!" He yelled ran off, I went to protect Donna. "Donna! Donna, they've found you." I said pulling her away from her Fiance. "But you said I was safe." The Doctor came running back, "The bio-damper doesn't work. We've got to get everyone out." He said and I saw the santas approaching. "My God, it's all my family." Donna said "Out the back door!" I said and saw the robots there. "Maybe not." The Doctor said and I looked all around. I saw that one of the robots have a remote and I turn to the Doctor, "Christmas trees." He said and looked over to where the kids were. "What about them?" Donna asked and I began to pull the kids away. "They kill. Get away from the tree!" The Doctor yelled. "Oh, for God's sakes, the man's an idiot. Why? What harm's a Christmas tree going to. Oh." The bobbles began to float up. It nearly hit me and just barely missed, it exploded and I blacked out.

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