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"All right, where are we? What is that noise and hello, ten months?" Amy said to the two of us. "Well, I sense it's orbiting. More like pre-crashing. On a spaceship, don't know," I said and hugged her "and hello, Pond. Ten months. Time flies. Never really understood that phrase. This is Neffy, this is Riddell. They're with me." The Doctor said, "and Maxine you already know seeing how we had all those adventures!" The Doctor said and I smiled and ruffled his hair. "Charmed." Said the Indiana Jones guy. "With you? They're with you? Are they the new us? Is that why we haven't seen you?" Amy asked, Rory was busy explaining where we were to his dad. "No. They're just people. They're not Ponds. I thought we might need a new gang. Not really had a gang before. It's new." He said and I shook my head, "this regeneration you've never had a gang. Last regeneration you had loads of people." I said and he smiled, "yeah, I suppose your right." At the far end of the hiding bay a lift thing came up, red lights flashed around. "It's coming down." I said and everyone started at me. "What is it?" Riddell asked and I shrugged, "No idea." The Doctor said and grabbed my hand, he was a bit scared, something's coming down the lift to us, could be dangerous, I would be scared if I didn't know any better! It arrived with a thump. The doors open to reveal two large armoured creatures backlight by a very bright light. I gasped, "Not possible." Rory's dad, Brian said, "Run!" The Doctor said, we stayed pit, smiling at the DINOSAURS! "Doctor! Max!" Amy yelled and I squealed, "I know. Dinosaurs! On a spaceship!" He said and Amy grabbed our hands and we began to run away from the ankylosaurs. "In here!" Said the Egyptian queen. We his in some alcove, the dinosaurs stop a bit away, clearly annoyed that we were gone. Riddell got out a knife. I could take one of them. Short blow up into the throat." He said "over my dead body." I growled, "Or not. We've just found dinosaurs in space. We need to preserve them." The Doctor said, still holding my hand. "Who's going to preserve us?" Riddell complained. "Shush." Amy said and they past us by. "Okay, so, how and whose ship?" I asked. "Sorry, sorry. Are you saying dinosaurs are flying a spaceship?" Brian asked and I sighed, "Brian, please, that would be ridiculous. They're probably just passengers. Did we mention missiles?" The Doctor and I said at the same time. God were cool. "Missiles?" Brian said, now worried. "Didn't want to worry you. Anyway, six hours is a lifetime. Not literally a lifetime. That's what we're trying to avoid. And we're all really clever. Ooo, let's see what we can find out. Come on." We said, still holding hands. The Doctor removed a cobweb from a blank monitor. "Ew!" I exclaimed and let go and rolled away before he could wipe it on me. I instead went over to Amy, Neffy, and Riddell. "How many dinosaurs do you think are on here?" Amy asked, "Ask the computer darling!" I yelled looking at the gauges on the wall. "I am! What do you think I'm doing over, playing about?" He said, "wouldn't be the first time! Remember the Racnoss empress, you decided to dress up!" I yelled and he chuckled. I heard him talk for a short while before getting teleported away. "What happened?" Neffy asked, I groaned and ran a hand through my hair. "Oh, great." Amy said, I sighed, "playing around! Exactly what I said!" I muttered. "See girls, this is what happens when you let your man play around it's not healthy for them." I said and we began to search around. "So, Amy, when was the last time we went on an adventure?" I asked and she bit her lip. "Well, you were regenerated for some reason--" "oh, spoilers!" I said and she watched me, "but it happened." Amy said, "yeah, but you saw a future version of me. Hasn't happened to me yet. To bad, I like being ginger. I bet you I wasn't ginger." I said and she shook her head. "Damn, I love being ginger, it's easy to make him jealous." I said as I walked off, following the pipes, you always follow the pipes, they lead you places you like, like the control room.

"There's clearly more than just two of these creatures." I rolled my eyes, "yeah, no duh, didn't you hear The Doctor and I? Passengers. And if you opened your eyes, you would have seen the carnivorous claw marks in their flesh." I said and he pulled a flask and took a swig. "Hey, put that away. We need you sober." "It's medicinal. And I don't take orders from females." I laughed, "Then learn. Any man who speaks to me that way, I execute." Neffy said glaring at him. "You're very welcome to try." She looked a bit taken aback by the things going on. "Sorry, what was your name again?" Amy asked and I smiled "Lady of the Two Lands, wife of the great King Amenhotep, Queen Nefertiti of Egypt." She said, nonchalantly. I like her. "I'll be damned." Riddell said taking off hit hat. "Oh, my god. Queen Nefertiti? I learned all about you at school. You're awesome. Big fan. High five." She held up her hand and Neffy looked at it. "Yeah, bit behind on that. You're really famous." Amy rattled on. "Shush. Listen." Riddell said, something was breathing heavily nearby. Very nearby. We were standing next to a six foot long carnivore lying on its side with eggs nearby. "Okay. At a guess, T Rex, not yet full size. We're in the middle of a dinosaur nest." Amy said, "very good guess, this guy's a teenager." "I propose a retreat." I sort of wanted to laugh when he said that. But when we turned we saw a shadow on the wall. "Perhaps forwards." I said, "Agreed. Just don't wake the baby." Amy said. Riddell has to step over it to get to us. After we cleared that Amy sighed. "Oh, my god. Who are you, anyway?" She asked, he touched the brim of his hat. "John Riddell, big game hunter on the African plains. I'm sure you've heard of me, too." I shook my head, "No." Amy said, he looked taken aback. "You clearly have some alarming gaps in your education." He said, he was definitely jealous that Amy didn't know him. "Or men who hunt defenceless creatures just don't impact on history. Face it, she's way cooler than you." I said and Amy smiled. And you, Amy, Max, Are you both queens as well?" Neffy asked. "Yes. Yes, I am." I giggled and smiled at everyone. "Yeah, actually, well sort of," I said and Riddell looked at us. "My last adventure with you and Rory was when I nearly died via mad mermaid boy with a crush." I said and Riddell looked at me, "mermaids? There's no such thing!" He said and I laughed, "of course we weren't on Earth, gorgeous planet, golden sand, clear waters. Beautiful mermaids. Went a little wrong on my part." I said and jumped around a corner. "You and the Doctor are too similar." Amy giggled. "Bit of weed killer wouldn't go amiss in here." Amy said looking around the console room. "Whoever was running this vessel left in a hurry." I rolled my eyes, "Maybe a plague came and took them." Neffy said looking about. "No, there'd be corpses and bones." Riddell said, trying to get a one up on her. "Unless the animals ate them." I smiled as I hit a bunch of buttons. "Whoa, Chuckle Brothers. Lighten up, would you?" Amy said as the lights came on and Amy also began to hit buttons. "How'd you know how to do that?" Neffy asked, "Well, I've spent enough time with the Doctor to know whenever you enter somewhere new, press buttons." Amy said still pressing buttons. "I do this by myself. It's a hobby of mine to press buttons. Like the Tardis stabilizers." I said. "What else have you learned from him?" Neffy asked, "Don't stop at button pressing." We said and I handed Amy a disk which she placed into the computer. "One hundred and seventeen years." I giggled as Amy and I chimed, "Data records." "The ship's owners?" Riddell asked. "Could be. Come on. Help us out." I said and began to press more buttons to try and get a good picture. "Mainly cryogenic." The voice was fuzzy. "I will continue to work" it said again. I was pressing buttons left and right, sometimes in the middle. "How about a picture, huh? Come on, for me?" Amy pleaded and I hit the computer. "Look. Oh, it's beautiful." Neffy said and pointed to a green lizard, a Silurian. "I can't tell how far we have come. Far enough to avoid the destructive impact forecast for our planet. Far enough for me to feel a profound sense of loss." He said, "What is that?" Riddell asked, might now believe me about the mermaids. "Silurian." She was basically glaring at the screen.

"We're on an Ark. A Silurian Ark." Amy said and I nodded, "Lizard people herding dinosaurs onto a Space Ark? Absolute tommyrot." He said denying. "Only an idiot denies the evidence of their own eyes." Neffy said pointing to the screen. "Egyptian Queen or not, I shall put you across my knee and spank you." He said and I shook my head, "Oh lord." Amy said, "kinky." I muttered so only Amy could hear. "Try, and I'll snap your neck in a heartbeat." She said, standing toe to toe with him. "They certainly bred firecrackers in your time." Now he's flirting! Oh, no, no, please don't start flirting. I will not have flirting companions." I said. "If the Doctor trusts Amy and Maine, so do I. Stop doubting them." Neffy asked and I smiled, still hooking up wires. "If this ship was built by..." Riddell started, "Silurians, yeah." Amy said and I smiled. "Where are they?" My smiled went away. As I tapped on the computer. "That's a surprisingly good question. Display life signs for Homo Reptilia." I said and there wasn't any signs. "But where have they gone?" Amy asked, "Perhaps they found another world, left the ship." I shook my head, "Why are the dinosaurs still on board, and why is the ship coming back to Earth? It doesn't make sense. What's changed between then and now? Wait. Computer, show me the ship at launch with all life signals." There were a bazillion! "Now show me the ship today with all life signals." Amy said, "Thousands less. But why? Show me both images, then and now, side by side." I said and saw the images side by side. "What are you looking for?" Riddell, please just shut it...

"Okay, two images. Spot the difference. What changed? What happened to the Silurians?" Amy asked, "I'm bad at looking for this..." I mumbled under my breath when I saw it. "The centre." I saw and Neffy pointed to the red dot. "Computer, zoom in to the centre. Hold on." I said and gasped. "What is it?" Riddell asked, clearly not seeing it. "Another spacecraft. This ship's been boarded before." Amy said and Amy pulled out her cell. "Where are you." Amy asked and I listened to this one sided conversation. "Rory, this is a Silurian ship." She sighed after a second. "This is an Ark built by the Silurians. They were looking for another planet." She said I then stopped listening. "Now, these are what we need. Dinosaur protection." He pulled guns out of a cupboard. "And as I said, over my dead body!" I yelled and he handed me a box. "Anaesthetic? These are stun guns. You're almost clever." I said and handed it back. I couldn't hold a gun. "Enough to make a dinosaur take a nap. Even the Doctor couldn't object to that." He gave me a gun and I shook my head, "never carry a gun, rule number five I'd like to believe." I said and he kept it. "You and the Doctor, are you his Queen?" Neffy asked Amy. "No, I'm Rory's Queen. Wife. Wife. I am his wife. Please don't tell him I said I was his Queen. I'll never hear the end of it." She said, "And the Doctor, does he have a Queen?" I waved, "hello, I'm his queen!" I said happily. "I thought you had a husband?" Amy asked. "The male equivalent of a sleeping potion." Neffy said, shrugging it off. "You clearly need a man of action and excitement. One with a very large weapon." Riddell said. "So, human sleeping potion or walking innuendo. Take your pick." "The innuendos are my thing. I'm the clever girl, the clever innuendo creating girl!" I said and the screen came on and I saw my Doctor. "That's very bad indeed. Completely unhelpful." I sighed, "Doesn't the ship have any defence systems installed?" Rory asked "Good thinking, Rory." And the Doctor kissed him on the mouth. "I'm going to have a serious talk about that."

"Computer, show us weapons and defence systems." I watched him till another man came into play. You were telling the truth, Doctor. Earth has launched missiles. This vessel is too clumsy to outrun them, but I have my own ship." He said, they began to fight. "Utterly unique. I don't know where you found it, or how you got it here, but I want it." He said, "I don't know what you're talking about." The Doctor said, "ancient Galifrey princess. Her name so mysterious not even my IV unit could tell me."

Forever (book one in the "Forever" series) Doctor Who Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now