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"It's getting pretty late, we should be getting back." Rose said, I was sitting down by Jack. "We're discussing business." Jack said and a took another sip. "This isn't business, this is champagne." I giggled, "never discuss business with that clear of a head, you'd back out. Unless you have a bit of a drink." I said and Rose smiled and helped me up. "Are you traveling alone with Maxine, are you authorized to negotiate?" He asked, "what would we be negotiating?" Rose asked in a flirtatious manner. "I have something for the Time agency, something they'd like to buy, are you empowered to make payment?" Jack asked, "no, we got separated from him via barrage balloon." "Him?" I nodded, "yeah," I scratched my nose with my ring finger and he nodded, "our companion." Rose said, I think she just wanted to say it for a giggle. "do you have the time?" Rose asked and I sighed, she has a watch. And we're right next to big Ben. "Okay, that was a bit flash." Rose said, "that was very much flash." I said he he began to touch Rose, "when you say companion how disappointed should I be?" He asked, "only with me," I said and Rose looked over to me. I shrugged, "your the available one." I said and she shrugged. "Should you really be coming onto me?" Rose asked, "perhaps not." I bit my lip to keep back a smile. "It was just a suggestion." Rose said, "do you like Glenn Miller?" He asked and flicked a switch and began to dance with Rose. I drank more champagne and watched them. "It's 1941. The height of the London Blitz. Height of the German bombing campaign. And something else has fallen on London. A fully equipped Chula warship. The last one in existence, armed to the teeth." I gasped and jumped up. But Chula is a town, Chula Vista near the American Border. "And I know where it is because I parked it. If the agency can name the right price, I can get it for you. But in two hours a German bomb is going to fall on it and destroy it forever. That's the Deadline, that's the deal. Now shall we discuss payment?" Rose said something quietly and Jack had to repeat. "So this companion of yours does he handle the business?" He asked turning to me. "Yes," "how are you going to find him?" Rose asked, "easy, I'll do a scan for alien tech." I smiled, "finally a professional." Rose said, "hey, the Doctor is a professional, just an unorthodox professional." I said and we went down and began to fly off to a hospital. "So what's his name? Your fiancee?" He asked, "it's--" I was going to say John Smith but Rose broke in "Spock." I rolled my eyes, "Doctor Spock." I said and he nodded, "what's he like?" He asked, "oh, well, a bit of sarcastic grump..." I said and Rose smiled, "unless Maxine's there to place him in line, if she does he's like a puppy." She said as we landed. "Hello?" Jack called, "hello?" Rose called, "Sweetie, you in here?" I yelled and the Doctor came charging out of a room and straight for me. "I told you both not to wonder off-" he started and I kissed him to shut him up. "Good evening. Hope we're not intruding." Jack said ad we separated. "Jack Harkness, I've been hearing all about you on the way over." Jack said, "he knows, we had to tell him." Rose said, "about us being Time Agents." I finished. The Doctor nodded, "and it's a real pleasure to meet you, Mr Spock." Jack said and the Doctor looked between Rose and I. "Mr Spock?" The Doctor said after Jack walked past. "I was going to say John Smith." I mumbled. "What were we supposed to say? You don't have a name." Rose pointed out, he hasn't told you his name. A Time Lord is given a name at birth but they then have to find it for themselves later on. Like how my name is Maxine but really and truly my name is Dezimeine. "Don't you ever get tiered of Doctor? Doctor who?" "Nine centuries in, I'm coping. Where've you two been?" He asked, primarily looking at me. "We're in the middle of the London Blitz, it's no time for a stroll." We began to walk off, "who's strolling? We went by barrage balloon. Only way to see an air raid." I said and he followed us. "What?" He asked, "listen what's a Chula warship?" Rose asked, "Chula?" The Doctor said. "This isn't possible, how did this happen?" Jack said scanning people, "what kind of Chula ship landed here?" The Doctor demanded, "what?" Jack was just trying to take in the damage. "He said it was a warship." Rose said, "he stole it and parked it somewhere out there. Somewhere a bomb's going to fall on it. Unless we make him an offer." I said and the Doctor looked at me, then to Rose, then finally to Jack. "What kind of warship?" "Does it matter? It's got nothing to do with this." Jack pointed to the bodies. "This started at the bomb site, it's got everything to do with this." The Doctor said, beginning to get angry. "What kind of warship?" The Doctor got closer and closer to Jack. "An ambulance!" Jack said finally. "Look. That's what you chased through the time vortex. It's space junk, I wanted to kid you it was something valuable. It's empty." He pulled up a hologram photo of it. "I made sure of it, nothing but a shell. I threw it at you. Saw your time travel vehicle, love the retro look by the way, nice panels, threw you the bait--" "bait?" Rose asked. "Flag girl was bad enough but U-boat captain and the hickied fiancee?" "What is happening here sweetie?" I asked, "human DNA is being rewritten. By an idiot." "What do you mean?" Rose asked, "some sort of virus that's converting humans into gas mask zombies." I said and the Doctor nodded in agreement. "But why? What's the point?"

Forever (book one in the "Forever" series) Doctor Who Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now