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"So I want you to come with me." The tenth Doctor said, he just lost Martha after a year that never was and now Donna's with him. I smiled and watched him. "Come with you? Seriously? Wouldn't that cramp your bachelor life?" I said and he kissed me, "I asked Donna and she wants to see you. I didn't tell her, though, that you regenerated." "I don't know..." I said and he looked at me with great big puppy eyes. "I just can't give you up!" I said and sighed and curled up with him. "Where is Donna?" I asked and he kissed my ear. "She's unpacking." I nodded, "alright." I said and the Doctor kissed me. "Let me just get something, you gave it to me." I said and he pinched my bum. "Good to know I still have good enough tastes for you to like what I give you." He said and I smiled. I grabbed the engagement ring and I came out in a pair of shorts, a tank top, running shoes, and those clothes, and grabbed my psychic paper. "Where did you get that?" He asked and held up his. "I took it from Jack when we first met him." He laughed, "he never noticed then!" I smiled and jumped into the Tardis. "Hello Sexy!" I called and Donna popped out, "who the hell are you then? Doctor when are we going to pick up Maxine? I miss her." I waved. "I got shot between now and the last time I saw you, I've regenerated." I said and she looked at me skeptically. "What did you call Nerys at the reception?" Donna asked. "Blondey McBoobiez." I said and she hugged me. "Who shot you?!" She said, "only if you don't tell him." I whispered and she nodded, "I went on the adventure, two hundred years into his future, give or take, and there were dinosaurs in a space arch. There was a man there, a pirate. He said he'd let the others go for me. I agreed and once I opposed him, he shot my arm. I put off Regeneration and it was pretty bad. I didn't get ginger hair!" I said and she nodded, "why did he want you?" Donna asked, "because she's the Princess of Galifrey." The Doctor said, "Oi! We're you listening in?" I said and he shook his head. He began to take off, I pulled the stabilizers on and put the brakes off. "What's wrong with you old girl? You still mad at me? You've been mad ever since I regenerated." I said and stroked the console. She purred and I smiled, "you still like me eh?" I said and she purred again. "But you won't let me move you." I said and she sounded like she was laughing.

We landed and the Doctor had a quick look out the door and I came out next. "Ancient Rome!" He said happily. I smiled and held his hand, "well not to them, to all intents and purposes, right now this should be brand new Rome." The Doctor said and laced his fingers with mine. "Oh my God... it's so, Roman!" Donna said. "This is fantastic!" She hugged the Doctor and then me. "I'm here in Rome! In Rome, Donna Noble, in Rome!" She couldn't get over the shock of it all. "This is just weird! I mean, everyone here's dead." I smiled and shook my head, "well, don't go telling them that." We said and smiled at one another. "Hold on a minute, that sign over there's in English." Donna said and pointed to a sign saying "Two amporas for the price of one". Business must be going grand for them. "Are you having me on, are we in Epcot?" She asked as I shook my head, "Tardis translation circuits. Just makes it look like English, speech as well." I said and the Doctor kissed the top of my head. "So in all respects, we're talking Latin right now." I said and she smiled, "seriously?" I nodded, "I just said seriously in Latin!" She's loving this. "Well, yeah." The Doctor said, "what if I said something in actual Latin? Like veni, vidi, vici. My dad said that when he came back from football. If I said that, what would it sound like?" Donna asked. "I'm not sure, you think of difficult questions, don't you?" He said, "try it out, it will sound like Celtic but go on and try." She did and the store owner talked slow and loudly to her. "Welsh, you sound Welsh." The Doctor said and I giggled, "there we are, learnt something." After awhile Donna asked again. "Don't our clothes look a bit odd?" I shrugged, "nah, ancient Rome, anything goes." I looked at him. "Even my shorts and tank?" He shrugged, "it's like Soho but bigger." I giggled, "you've been here before?" Donna asked, "mmm, ages ago. Before you ask, that fire had nothing to do with me. Well a little bit, but I never got a chance to look around properly." He said and looked around a bit, still holding me hand. "Colosseum, Pantheon, Circus Maximums." He listed, "you'd expect them to be looking now." I said and looked around, where is everything? "Let's have a look around, maybe we'll find them." I said and I felt something watching us, the feeling crawled up by back, under my skin, through my very hearts, someone was following us. "I'm not an expert, but there are seven hills of Rome, aren't there?" Donna said and I looked up to see a large mountain. "How come they only got one?" The ground shook, "wait a minute, one mountain, smoke, which makes this..." "Pompeii! We're in Pompeii and it's volcano day." The Doctor said, "we forgot to set our alarms." He nudged me and I smiled, "God, I like just had that adventure with Jack. Unfair how things shadow themselves." I said and we began to run back to the Tardis and we found it to be missing! We went over to a shop keeper, "sold it didn't I?" He said and I glared at him, "it wasn't yours to sell!" I said and he looked at me. "It was on my patch, wasn't it? I got 15ses 30 for it. Lovely jubbly!" He said and rubbed his hands together. "Who did you sell it to?" I demanded, "old Caecilius, look if you and your sister want to argue take it up with him, he's on Foss street. Big fellow, can't miss him." "Thanks," the Doctor said and I ran back, "what he buy a big blue wooden box for?!" I said and he shrugged and I caught up with the Doctor. We found Foss street after asking for directions, my idea just placing it out there. And then Donna said that we should warn everyone. "Sinn, we can't mess around, this is a fixed point, if we stay too long, save everyone, we could destroy the world." I said and Donna watched us. "Who are you to decide?" She asked, "Tardis, Time Lords, yeah I think we do give the orders." "Donna, human, no." I pulled them along. "I have something to say to that spaceman!" "Oh, we bet you do!" I yelled and ran.

Forever (book one in the "Forever" series) Doctor Who Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now