I only asked for down time!

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I only asked for down time!

I walked around London. I looked where I saw the Tardis for the first time. It was exactly like that night. And the Tardis was still just sitting there. I smiled and touched the cold wood against my skin. "Just can't resist her can you?" I heard the Doctor's voice from behind me. "You, her. I just can't resist any of this!" I smiled and turned to him. He was dressed up in coat and tails, with a top hat, sonic cane, and of course his signature bow tie. "You going somewhere?" I asked and he smiled, "how does 1912ish sound? With champagne and everything!" He said and I smiled. "Alright then, I hope you have a dress for me, I don't want to be in my running clothes with you." I said laughing, you always want to have some form of running attire on so you don't die. "But of course!" He said, he sounded rather... sexy... tonight. I smiled and went to the wardrobe area and the Tardis gave me a light blue, nearly white dress. It reminded me of a dress Marilyn Monroe might have worn. She left out a pair of white flats for me as well. "Thanks Sexy lady." I said and she purred. I came out and the Doctor smiled, he took his top hat off and stashed his cane away, now just left with the suit and his sonic screwdriver. I watched him as we flew, I had already put on the stabilizers. "Hey... Doctor?" I asked and he looked at to me. "Was there anyone else... beside me?" I asked and he stopped and watched me. "What do you mean, was there anyone else?" He asked, "girls come on to you more often then you realize... I just want to know if you've loved any of them before..." I asked and he gulped down the nervousness. "And if you say spoilers I'll know for sure." I said and he watched me, "well what about you? Anyone you fancied before me?" He asked, "well seeing how I was once a teenager yes, there was. Doctor. I just want to know. It's not like I'll go all ape shit crazy." I said and he sighed, "well... there was Rose... but really, she's been the only one beside you." He said and I nodded. "Sorry I asked, I just felt like I should have asked..." I said and he cut me off mid sentence by kissing me. I felt his hands wander to my straps and began to lightly pull them down. I gasped and he forced his tongue into my mouth. He stopped and kissed my jaw line, my neck, then the nape of my neck before the Tardis came to a full stop. He pulled back and smiled at me. I fixed my sleeves and opened the door. A bit sad that he stopped, but also a bit thankful, because I don't know what I would have done if he pushed even more. There was a party going on in the late room down the corridor. We walked hand in hand to the place with all the lights and things. I began to dance with the Doctor. He was a silly dancer, with arms going all over the place till he stopped and just pulled them around my waist. "This is beautiful." I whispered and he smiled, "only the best for my princess." He then chuckled. "What are you not telling me?" I asked and he zipped his mouth shut. "Come one, tell me." I said and kissed him. He didn't budge. "Come on..." I whispered against his lips and he sighed, "you'll just have to see once you open that watch." He said and I kissed him again, this time more passionately. I took control this time. But that soon ended when the ship began to go down. "Doctor, I sware if we're on the Titanic I'll throttle you." I said and he bit his lip, "alright, so we're on the Titanic... you wouldn't kill me would you?" He asked and I sighed, "and we can't save any of them..." I said and he held my hand securely. "No... you know what would happen if we did. The consequences would be to huge for Earth. People who weren't supposed to be..." he said and I nodded. We walked back to the Tardis when a wave swept us up!

I woke up with the Doctor giving me mouth to mouth resuscitation. I jolted up and looked over to him. He looked so sad, empty even. "Maxine, I thought I lost you..." he said and hugged me tightly.


"Sweetheart, you just need to trust me." I heard a voice say. "Is she ready?" Asked another voice. I couldn't see anything that was going on. "Yes." I heard the woman's voice again. "We just got her back and now it's time for war. What will he think of us?" Asked the man in a shaky manner. "Well, she'll be safe on Earth. And with any luck, forget all of this." The next thing I remember was going through high school.

|End of Flashback|

I looked up to the Doctor and kissed him. "Lets just go... alright? If we stay..." I let the tears roll down my face, "I know... I know Sweetheart..." the Doctor said and looked at the shut door. It's what was keeping the water out from getting us. I called the Tardis to me and she came to my side. The Doctor walked me inside and shut the door. "I'm sorry Maxine... I thought..." I shook my head, "it's fine, you were just trying to cheer this old girl up." I said and he kissed me, "your far from old." He said and I laughed, "what would I be if I was Time Lord?" I asked, "near to a thousand." I laughed again, trying to forget about what was on the outside. "Well I'm nearly twelve hundred." He said and I kissed him. "Maybe I shouldn't date such an old man." I teased and he pulled me near as he flew the Tardis somewhere safe. "You won't be able to resist me." He said, "oh, really? I bet I could go a whole half an hour without kissing you." I said and he rubbed my shoulders. "You'll last about five seconds." He said and I sat down. "Time me, Time Lord." I said and he smiled and we just starred into one another's eyes. He leaned in and I place a finger to his lips. "Not so fast there Romeo. I still have a bet going on. It hasn't even been fifteen minutes." I said and he smiled, "oh, well you know. Your the one who's not going to kiss me, never said that I couldn't kiss you." He opened the door to a wide opened field and somehow he was back in his normal clothes. When the hell did that happen? I stepped out and we laid down on the open field. Wild flowers were everywhere. I laid in the tall flowers and I heard the Doctor mucking about. Ever so often I heard him mumble how humans could do this so well back in the sixties. I smiled and watched the sky. It was gorgeous out, white fluffy clouds, a beautiful sun. Nice weather. Must still be on Earth...


I made Maxine a flower crown, I have been deprived of her kisses so I needed something to occupy myself. Never making that bet again with Maxine! I always start getting grumpy near the halfway mark... "Max! Look what I did!" I yelled, holding up a floppy daisy chain that I tried to connect into a crown. "Max?" I asked and looked around, she was right there! "Maxine?!" I shouted. I looked and saw her red hair in the green grass. I jumped over and saw her sleeping, I smiled and cuddled with her. She moved her arms and tangled them in my floppy brown hair, forcing my head to her chest. I closed my eyes when she began to cry. I bolted up and saw tears rolling down her pale cheeks. "Maxine? What's the matter?" I asked and picked her up. "I know of the consequences..." she said, tear fell down from her closed eyes. "Sweetheart, you need to wake up! It's just a bad dream!" I said and her eyes shot open and she clutched my vest, crying into it. "What happened to you Maxine?" I asked and she shook her head, "it must have been my Imagination... nothing. Sware."


Death. Everywhere, that's all there was. I began to cry when I saw I small girl being taken and flown off to a distant star. She looked too young, even though she looked like a teenager. She still was too young to have seen any of this gruesome horror. "Maxine? What's the matter?" I saw twelve different men, three of them I could identify as my Doctor but the other nine, I didn't know who they were. You couldn't have done anything!" They shouted. "I know of my role! I know of the consequences!" I yelled back as I slipped into darkness. "Sweetheart, you need to wake up! It's just a bad dream!" I heard my Doctor's voice yell through the thick mist as it crept over my body, cradling me. I woke up and the harsh sun hit my eyes, I saw the Doctor, his eyes so full of worry. I clutched onto his vest as I cried. Not knowing what else to do. "What happened to you Maxine?" He asked ad I stopped and I shook my head, not wanting to relive that dream. That horrible nightmare. "it must have been my Imagination... nothing. Sware."  He watched me skeptically before kissing my forehead. "It's been half an hour, yeah?" I asked and he nodded. I smiled and pulled on his bow tie, bringing his lips closer to mine. "That was by far the worst bet I have ever made." I whispered just before I kissed him. "I know it was, you made this bet twice before." I smiled and tugged his clip on how tie off. This one is definitely different from his others. "Oi." He said as he blushed, he thought I was undressing him! I smiled, pay back for nearly stripping me! "What?" I asked unbuttoning his shirt and I saw a slim, pale chest. Just like I did back on the beach. "It---" I cut him off by kissing him, pushing him to the ground. "It's what?" I asked and kissed his neck. He moaned and I know I did good. I jumped up and kept his bow tie. "Come on, I'll leave without you!" I sang as I walked into the Tardis. He looked after me and began to run after me, his shirt partially undone.

"Come back with my bow tie!"

So there will just be some fillers like this because I want to also teach people somethings. It's healthy to ask your partner/girlfriend/boyfriend/significant other about their past relationships or sexual activities before you do it with them. Sorry if that's not what you believe but it's good to know.

Forever (book one in the "Forever" series) Doctor Who Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now